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Approved NPC Soraya Sedran

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  • Age: 35
  • Force Sensitivity: Master
  • Species: Chalactan
  • Appearance: Soraya is of average height at 1.62 meters tall, and is on the thinner side weighing at 66 kilograms. She has the tanned skin of her homeworld, with hazel eyes stained partially amber from her use of the dark side. She is generally garbed in thin white clothes with a blue and green tunic when she is not in one of her various disguises.
  • Name: Soraya Sedran, Darth Anotia
  • Loyalties: Taeli Raaf as the Lady of Secrets and head of the Order of Shadows, the Sith Empire by extension
  • Wealth: Soraya is relatively wealthy as she has access to the resources of the Lady of Secrets when they are required
  • Notable Possessions: Her most notable possessions are the crystal masks that she uses to form her various disguises, the masks acting much like Talismans of Transformation as they absorb the spirit of people and creatures she has killed and allowed her to assume their shape. She also owns an elegant dagger treated by Sith alchemy, as she eschews the use of a lightsaber
  • Skills:
    Force Abilities
    Force Illusion - Master
    Doppelganger - Master

[*]Sith Magic - Master
[*]Sith Alchemy - Master
[*]Taint - High Knight
[*]Mind Shard - High Knight
[*]Darkshear - Knight
[*]Telekinesis - Knight
  • Force Rend - Knight

[*]Other Abilities
  • Acting - She is a talented mimic and actress due to her past career choices before joining the Sith.
  • Espionage - She is quite capable of spying activities due to her training from the Lady of Secrets and other instructors from her past.

[*]Personality: Soraya is a very calm and collected individual, but this is mainly a front that hides a deeply manipulative, cruel, and secretive persona. She is very good at reading people and appearing as what they need; whether that be a shoulder to cry on, a friendly advisor, a cruel taskmaster, and so on.
  • Weapon of Choice: Sith alchemy treated dagger and the Force, but she will make use of any weapons on hand if the situation calls for it.
  • Combat Function: While she is able to hold her own in a fight, Soraya prefers to strike from the shadows or ambush, whether they be through illusions or her disguises. In her role as a spy and assassin, Soraya is not above fighting dirty if she has to fight at all, using her dagger and Darkshear in close combat.
  • Soraya is a skilled manipulator, spy, and assassin, utilizing her Masks of Disguise and her acting abilities to blend into any environment the Lady of Secrets dispatches her to.
  • Soraya is a master of the dark side of the Force, with particular talent with illusions and Sith magic and alchemy that assist her in her espionage duties.
  • While Soraya can hold her own in a fight, against duelists that specialize in fighting, she would not be able to last long.
  • If she ever ends up in a ysalamiri bubble or near void stone, her disguises will revert and she will appear in her normal form, albeit wearing a mask of blue crystal.

Born on Chalacta to a mother of an acting troupe, Soraya never knew the identity of her father growing up as her mother claimed he had left on a freighter for the Core Worlds, leaving only a cred coin and a brush. As a child and teenager, Soraya was a member of her mother's performance group, taking a liking to take on different roles and eliciting emotions from a crowd, even on tranquil Chalacta. By the time she was 19, she was her mother's best actress and a favorite of the crowds and it was when her Force Sensitivity began to blossom. Instinctively, Soraya began to using her budding abilities to more effectively control how the audience reacted to her performances, to manipulate her mother and others to see things her way.

It was on a touring performance of Torphceris on Alsakan that Soraya experienced an event that changed the direction of her life. During the middle of the play, while backstage, Soraya witnessed the assassination of her mother by two men in black. She confronted her mother's killers, attacking them with a knife, but was quickly disarmed. She was kidnapped and taken back to the assassins' hideout, where she came face to face with her father.

Her father was the ringleader of an espionage and assassination network operating throughout the Core. It had been a contract that had led him to the Mid Rim world of Chalacta and a night of passion with her mother before he killed his mark and departed. Seeing her before him, the master assassin decided to take his daughter on as a new recruit. Now being trained as a spy and assassin, Soraya quickly rose through the ranks of her father's organization, becoming one of his most effective agents.

While she had excelled in her new occupation, as she could draw upon all her acting abilities to further her covers, she still felt something was missing. That she was neglecting her special gifts, having an inkling that it could enhance her already great skills in espionage. It was a fateful day, not long after the Netherworld crisis, that Soraya was sent to assassinate a turncoat from the One Sith: Taeli Raaf.

Masquerading as someone who wanted to be hired at her company, Soraya attempted to assassinate the public Jedi Master and quickly discovered that the purple-eyed woman before her was still a Sith. But Taeli did not kill the assassin, sensing her Force Sensitivity, and instead offered her the chance to join her secret organization... on one condition.

Soraya returned to her father... and proceeded to murder him at the order of her new Master. With his death, she took command of her father's network, folding them into the Order of Shadows as she began her education in the dark side. She took quickly to illusions and magic, and the Lady of Secrets recognized her value as an intelligence operative, placing her in charge of that aspect of her organization. It was experimenting with her Master that led Soraya to develop her signature masks, the first created by entrapping the spirit of a famed Holonet actress within the crystal and enchanting it like a Talisman of Transformation such as the Nightsisters of Dathomir could create. Now, for every being she kills, she adds a new mask to her collection, utilizing them as various disguises for her work.

It was Soraya who helped position assassins near key Alliance commanders during Operation Eclipse, and following the collapse of the Alliance and revelation of her Master's true alignment, Soraya works from the shadows to further her Master's goals, furnishing her with information and eliminating significant targets on worlds throughout the galaxy by using her growing collection of masks.
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