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Approved Tech Sorenn-Syrush Industries Hadur class Light Armor

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..:: Out of Character Information ::..

Intent: The creation of a Light Armor to be mass produced by Sorenn-Syrush Industries; to be used by members as desired or for specific NPC Unit / Individual creation.

Image Source: N/a
Canon Link: N/a
Restricted Missions: N/a
Primary Source: N/a

..:: Production Information ::..



  • Open-Market
  • Free Worlds Coalition
  • House Syrush
  • Sorenn-Syrush Industries

  • Limited
    ​Colors, Insignia, or other markings to denote unit are the only parts of the armor that is changeable.

  • Mass-Produced


..:: Technical Specifications ::..

  • Multipurpose

  • 3.6 kg

  • 3

..:: Special Features ::..
  • No Special Features of Note

  • Due to its light weight and limited coverage, the armor permits an individual their full range of movement as well as easy maneuverability.

  • Cheap and easy to produce in large quantities permitting the equipping of mass groups of individuals with a sturdy and useful armor.

  • The production of the armor is done in such a way that it uses measurements for the average adult of a species, with the armor being produced for a variety of species. The most common being Human, Twi'lek, Rodian, Wookiee, Zeltron, and other predominately Humanoid species.

  • Much like a standard suit of Stormtrooper armor, the Hadur class is capable of standing up to glancing blows of blaster bolts; however a direct hit can easily tear through the armor.

  • While the armor was designed for the primary purpose of keeping the vitals of an individual protected, this has left much of an individual exposed (mainly the thighs, upper arms, shoulders and neck).

  • Because the armor is produced using average molds of various species, it is not produced with the more exotic and strange species the galaxy has to offer, in mind. This means that certain species must undergo a special fitting to produce armor specifically for them; thus causing the item to be a more unique variant as the company would not keep the alterations on file.

..:: Description ::..

The Hadur class Light Armor is designed to permit an individual their full range of motion while ensuring that maneuverability was not restricted by heavy or bulky armor plates. The armor itself is a series of armor plates and a helmet that are mass produced using average measurements of various species. This ensures that the armor can be rapidly produced and provided to various species of the galaxy.

As mentioned, the armor is a series of plates designed to rest on top of a flight suit, bodysuit, or regular clothing. Each order comes with a matching helmet that has a clear Plastex visor; the visor itself is specifically designed to aid in protecting the individual's eyes from flying debris and other battlefield hazards. For the most part the armor protects an individual's vitals, mainly due to the armored chest piece. Additional pieces of the armor are a set of shin guards with knee pads, and forearm guards. This means that much of an individual's body is exposed.

In terms of combat capabilities, the light armor was designed and often provided to those units that operate in more densely packed fields of operation (i.e. Urban Zones, Cities, etc etc). This is because the armor is capable of dealing with glancing blows, while the chest piece can stop small calibur slug throwers. Direct hits from blaster bolts tear through the armor with ease. Those units that are equipped with the Light Armor and being deployed in urban zones are also trained in using cover and fire tactics to get the most out of their light armor.
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