At this rate, Diogo was gonna need to start taking notes, as each answer was leading to exponentially more questions. Better for a heart-to-heart not turn into an interrogation. He did want to know, though. Really bad, actually. Be that as it may, Eloise shared a lot already. She had a complicated life, a complex web of childhood trauma and heartbreak, and he wasn't gonna disentangle that in a single day.
Eh, maybe with enough caf...
"I'm sorry for askin' so many questions," Diogo said softly. When her finger brushed his knuckle, he slowly turned his hand around, finger tips brushing against hers during the movement, then placed it flat, palm facing upward as an invitation. "We don't have to talk about it anymore if you don't want to."
"But I appreciate you sharing, and also for listening to me. I haven't told anyone this stuff before and I'm scratchin' my head as to why you haven't run away yet." But he was glad for that. Very much so. Hopefully that wouldn't change...
'Cus there it was. Eloise... always getting to the heart of things. He swallowed hard.
"All the time," he teased, before realizing it might not be the best time for a joke. "Sorry. No, and I never will," he asserted, eyes hardening with resolve. "I have... the ability to, and its something I'll have to deal with my whole life. That's why I joined the Jedi, actually, so I could learn to control myself. But ultimately, I would rather die than turn into my father."
After a pause, he had to ask. "Are you not afraid of me?"
Eh, maybe with enough caf...
"I'm sorry for askin' so many questions," Diogo said softly. When her finger brushed his knuckle, he slowly turned his hand around, finger tips brushing against hers during the movement, then placed it flat, palm facing upward as an invitation. "We don't have to talk about it anymore if you don't want to."
"But I appreciate you sharing, and also for listening to me. I haven't told anyone this stuff before and I'm scratchin' my head as to why you haven't run away yet." But he was glad for that. Very much so. Hopefully that wouldn't change...
"Do you eat people's brains?"
'Cus there it was. Eloise... always getting to the heart of things. He swallowed hard.
"All the time," he teased, before realizing it might not be the best time for a joke. "Sorry. No, and I never will," he asserted, eyes hardening with resolve. "I have... the ability to, and its something I'll have to deal with my whole life. That's why I joined the Jedi, actually, so I could learn to control myself. But ultimately, I would rather die than turn into my father."
After a pause, he had to ask. "Are you not afraid of me?"