Galicus awaited patiently until he was met with the information he desired. When he turned to Mythos he shot a wicked smile as he was met with exactly what he wanted to hear. "It would seem you are in luck, a private gathering in the cultural archive is achievable with a moderate donation to local charity and the sort, nothing out of reach for either of us even in an severe economical situation" The old muun declared, his enthusiasm on the visit rising steadily as both him and the Sith Lord continued to read about the archive extensively.
Mythos smiled in his throne, a wicked grin that was a staple of his particular kind of power hungry mentality. "Excellent, have credits transferred and reservations made at the soonest convenience. Let us move on to the next, i see now this trip of yours is not a waste of time" The sith lord stated, rising from his throne and walking down the steps to reach the center of the hall.
Galicus nodded and pulled his datapad from his robes, acting upon the words Mythos had spoken and pulling up the details of his private off system bank accounts, the Old muun had the credits transferred and the deed finished before they reached the next booth.
This is why they were a dynamic duo, when Mythos and Galicus decided to act, things got done, deeds were finished, the only thing Galicus now desired is that when they visited the cultural archives he could find a partner for Mythos that hopefully wasn't a danger to his well being... preferably not Chiss.
Next up was the Mara TibX & Fuels booth and once the holographic image of the Sith Lord and the old muun arrived they were both met with a name that they both recognized and said at the same time. "Rhydonium"
The most volatile of fuels, a resource that Warforged Inc. would need desperately when it came to creating explosives. Immediately, both of them rushed to gather information. Mythos by his holonet access in his golden throne and Galicus personally reaching to a familiar face, The [member="Baron Deathmark"]
[member="Danger Arceneau"]