Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Southern Systems Business Bazaar Expo

Eyebrow raised at [member="Mikhail Shorn"] 's appearance but Judah didn't mention it. Wasn't worth it. The long-ago run ins with Shorn had shown the less one said or did put less fuel to the fire. Judging by the glare, Shorn probably had enough fuel on his own, no need for him to add any onto the pile. Still it remained a mystery why the man had popped up here and now for this little conversation. Trip down memory lane?

"Smart business planning. By the time the Jedi and Sith raze half the galaxy during one of their tantrums, infrastructure will be left lacking. Thats when smarter folks will be looking for the better, cheaper answer. I plan to have it."

Lord Ghoul


Shorn stared at the man who used to call outrunning blockades and saving damsels in distress a day at the office. The same man who'd told Mikhail to kriff off on numerous occasions. A hero in the fight against tyranny... and here he was selling environmental friendly fuel.

Those piercing eyes moved up to the top of Judah's head, inspecting it. Mikhail seemed concerned, confused even. "Where's the tinfoil hat?"

He uncrossed his arms and walked through Dashiell. Turning, he stared at the ex-farmboy's back, presumably searching for he aforementioned hat. "Did you leave it at home with the Mermaid, or are you two not an item anymore?"

[member="Judah Dashiell"]
[member="Mikhail Shorn"]

" Sad to say the mermaid forgot to iron all my tinfoil hats for the Expo. Could have bought a new one for the event but I didn't feel like going through the trouble..."

Keeping his cool as Shorn walked through him (blasted Sith tricks), Judah casually turned as the man disappeared, only to face him once more. Wait until [member="Thessa Kai"] got a earful of this story. It was only going to add fuel to the fire of safety and their son. Especially if one could just walk right through things.

"What can I do for you Shorn? Some of us aren't dead and don't have an unlimited amount of time on their hands."
[member="Catalys Maijora"]

A small window upon the door would suddenly shift to show a holographic screen.

[ Welcome to the Southern Systems Business Expo ]

The blue haired woman smiling cordially would give further instructions.

[ How may I help you? ]

@Galicus Sagious

The VIP turbolift would slow to a halt, the door sliding open to reveal the VIP suite where Danger would spend the most of her time when not onstage. A hand would run through the length of her hair, Aeri walking alongside her and giving her the first series of updates.

"... there have been several inquires for tours within the Arceneau Cultural Archives..." The Zeltron would relay to her, fingers curling around the lower half of the datapad.

"Oh?" Danger would wonder aloud.

"Yes, they were wondering if there were any discounts available for private tours."

At that Danger's mouth twitched. "It is free to the public." she would state, a bit amused. "However, having a private party might be doable with a donation to the local charity."

Lord Ghoul


"Unlimited. That's cute," said Shorn, even as his form flickered again, fading in and out of existence. "Look, I don't have long. Spiritual mumbo-jumbo stuff is happening in the nine hells, or chaos, or whatever you want to call it. Someone's stirring the pot, I won't bore you with the details."

He strode forward with a casual gait until he stood toe to toe with the would-be algae fuel salesman. "Wish I could say I just stopped by to chat," he spat the word out with a teensy amount of venom, "but I need a favor. You run with the Galactic Alliance these days. So does my daughter. Make sure she doesn't take after her dad. Keep an eye on her."

[member="Judah Dashiell"]
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]


Kaile gave a sheepish grin, then a roll of her shoulder. "I tinker here and there," but a Lorrdian thorough and thorough, when she was excitable it was hard to hide it. It sang off the energy she gave out, in the constant hand speak of gestures and hand motions.

"I reach TechSavvy, and I saw a write up on the Arr-Tee-Jays." she would admit, moving down to the box in front of her to pick up a few of the products. She straightened, giving a half turn before she would start to carefully and neatly set them up on display.

"They are great micro jammers." she would compliment Sera. The sleeper agent knew who the pink Twi'lek was, and truth be told was rather giddy to be talking to her.

"I like the Em-Arr-Dees too." she'd add, setting another small case down in the display. "And the Pee-Ee-Eses are really nifty too!"
Sera watched as the woman bounced about the space in a bubbly, cheery way. "Are you involved at all in the field? Or just a hobbyist? I'm starting to wonder if you might know these items better than I do."

She couldn't help but watch and admire the enthusiasm and compliments of each of the items Kaile picked up. The PES was something she was particularly proud of, as it was much more discreet than other standardized energy shields that looked more like a fanny pack than anything else.

Then, turning her attention for a moment to the lizard she decided to ask about it. "Does your friend there have a name?" A curious looking thing. She wasn't entirely sure what it even was.

[member="Kaileann Vera"]
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

Okay, Kaile ease up the throttle there!

She had to remind herself not to show off TOO much. It was hard as a Lorrdian though. None the less, her smile would broaden.

“A little of column auresh… a little of column besh.” was that a mischievous twinkle in her brown eyes? Could very well could be. It was hard to read her, much the less really get a grasp of the woman through the Force were anyone really want to pick up on it. Neutral to be exact -- just… there.

All thanks to the lizard bud she had that was currently clinging to her shoulder. Getting spotted made him suddenly pause mid lick of his arm, and he froze. None the less, he instantly perked up, sticking out his chest and preening so.

Kaile gave a laugh, “Oh, this is Bobo!” she explained.

“My bestest friend ever.” The sunny expression on her face and the amount of cheerfulness radiating from her bore no lie on that.

“He likes to come shopping with me!” she explained, setting the last box down, fixing it so. “I’m looking to get him a new sturdier pack to carry him around. So that should be interesting.”

Oh the shopping expo... these were fun she wasn't going to deny it and this year she wasn't bidding for a group but had a little more to spend mostly there. Pulling it up and seeing they were a lot cheaper without some new model. "One pair of mother of pearl hair sticks please." The small jedi knight barely reached up and could look over the counter but her hairbow multicolored hair curtained around her shoulders down to her ankles as she was looking up with tri-colored eyes that almost moved with the pin wheeling flecks while she was unblinking. Presenting the credits chits as she hopped to get them up there quickly. Curses being short.

"Welcome to Browncoat Arms." the Bith would greet their customer.

"Oh yes, these are very nice." he would present them to her for her inspection. Once they passed, he would place them in a small box and then slip them into a bag. The electronic transfer would take and he would offer her the goods.

"If you are interested there are also other interesting goods at Pharma Tech."
Galicus awaited patiently until he was met with the information he desired. When he turned to Mythos he shot a wicked smile as he was met with exactly what he wanted to hear. "It would seem you are in luck, a private gathering in the cultural archive is achievable with a moderate donation to local charity and the sort, nothing out of reach for either of us even in an severe economical situation" The old muun declared, his enthusiasm on the visit rising steadily as both him and the Sith Lord continued to read about the archive extensively.

Mythos smiled in his throne, a wicked grin that was a staple of his particular kind of power hungry mentality. "Excellent, have credits transferred and reservations made at the soonest convenience. Let us move on to the next, i see now this trip of yours is not a waste of time" The sith lord stated, rising from his throne and walking down the steps to reach the center of the hall.

Galicus nodded and pulled his datapad from his robes, acting upon the words Mythos had spoken and pulling up the details of his private off system bank accounts, the Old muun had the credits transferred and the deed finished before they reached the next booth.

This is why they were a dynamic duo, when Mythos and Galicus decided to act, things got done, deeds were finished, the only thing Galicus now desired is that when they visited the cultural archives he could find a partner for Mythos that hopefully wasn't a danger to his well being... preferably not Chiss.

Next up was the Mara TibX & Fuels booth and once the holographic image of the Sith Lord and the old muun arrived they were both met with a name that they both recognized and said at the same time. "Rhydonium"

The most volatile of fuels, a resource that Warforged Inc. would need desperately when it came to creating explosives. Immediately, both of them rushed to gather information. Mythos by his holonet access in his golden throne and Galicus personally reaching to a familiar face, The [member="Baron Deathmark"]

[member="Danger Arceneau"]
Mara Tibx & Fuels

@Galicus Sagious

The holocom would ring a few times before the familiar scaly, and spiky visage of the fuel Baron Nikto appeared.


His rich baritone would crackle across Galicus Sagious' comm. From the background feed where the Nikto was at, it was clear he was somewhere in the Expo.

[To what do I owe the honor?]
"I see! Well, hello there, Bobo. It's a pleasure to meet you as well." She made a gentle waive towards the unique looking lizard. "He is quite adorable, a good friend to have indeed. I have a friend sort of like him at my home on Phindar."

She picked up her personal data pad from the chair and swiped a few times before passing the picture of her Ysalamir to Kaile. "He likes to hang out on the large branch I have there for him, it extends along an entire wall of my home so he has plenty of space to move around." The Twi'lek had dedicated quite a large space for her own Force neutralizing friend, though he did not travel with her, simply lazed about on the large space provided.

"I don't think mine would be too keen on shopping. You certainly have an inquisitive pal." With all of the items unpacked and setup she reached into her pocket and handed Kaile a credit chip with 5,000 credits on it.

"I'd like you to have this, for taking the time to help me when you had no need or reason to otherwise." She included a personal business card with her information attached with which the girl could contact her if she desired. "And if you decide you'd like a job in the future, or even just a tour of our company, feel free to contact me. I don't want to hold you up all afternoon if you're looking to shop for Bobo."

[member="Kaileann Vera"]
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

Oh she had a buddy too?!

"Do you see that Bobo, it's like a bigger version of you!" Kaile was all wonder and awe, leaning in close to get a better look. "Ain't that so cute!" However, the sheer amount of jubilee would not compare to the wide-eyed gape that came next.

"What?! Really?!!" Her brown eyes practically bulged from the surprise! 'GAH!" she gave a squee. Yes. She gave a really loud squee. "Oh yay! Thank you so much!" If one knew Kaile, they would know what to expect next. She was a rather bubbly thing and her time as a Yum Bunny didn't teach her much on personal bubbles. Were Kurt watching it would be to no surprise that the young strawberry blonde woman would throw herself at the pink Twi'lek with all the gusto her body could give.

Arms went to wrap around in a tight hug. A tight hug that should it impact would bring the pink Twi'lek within the Force neutral bubble of Bobo's creation.

"You are so amazing, oh wow! Thank you!" she would exclaim with glee.

This wasn't even including all the neat stuff she was hoping to get!
[member="Mikhail Shorn"]

"Why are you winking at me like that? Shorn, I'm a married man, you're barking up the wrong tree."

So dead but perhaps not dead Shorn needed a favor. From him. Judah found this curious. There were billions in the 'verse. Shorn must have had at least a few 'friends' out there that could help him out easier, Galactic Alliance or no Galactic Alliance. Eyebrow raised in surprise at the mention of daughter however. Hopefully the poor girl wasn't stupid enough to take her fathers last name. That enough would be a brand for life.

"Why should I help you?I don't owe you a thing.... You seem to be some all powerful spirit can't merely pop in and see your own daughter from time to time? Why me? Yes, I know...Galactic Alliance. This isn't the only reason."
"Good baron!" Galicus said, greeting the hologram of the booth they had approached and extending his arms wide. "This is my associate, Lord Mythos, Mythos, this is the baron"
Galicus introduced the two parties, as always his calm voice and professional demeanor made even this most basic of introductions evolve into a formal business gathering. "A pleasure, good baron. May the blessing of the Emperor be upon you" Mythos said, taking a bow while in the middle of his throne room. His yellow blazing eyes baring down upon the image of an image. He gave the cordial greetings he gave all those who served or allied with the Sith. A glorious blessings of the Emperor... may it be upon all who surround us. Thought Mythos as he stroked his long hair and plastered on his best business smile.

The greeting Mythos gave made Galicus uncomfortable, his nephew still had much to learn in the area of businesses, when Galicus had heard how his nephew behaved in the presence of Miss [member="Danger Arceneau"] it made Galicus wish he could give him the scolding he had not given him in his entire youth... and he had given quite a few. Shaking off the declaration Galicus quickly shot down to business.
"Rhydonium Baron. That is what we seek, not small quantities either. If you are not too busy we can lay down the groundwork for a contract between Mara Tabix and Warfoged right now, you got the two heads of the company before you, what do you say?"

The old muun was a straight talker, down to businesses and right to the point. Mythos watched intently and awaited on a straight answer from the baron as well. Already they had laid down the base for the trip to the cultural archives and possibly a rhydonium contact on the way, this,to the Sith Lord, was amazing progress on a company that was born practically yesterday.

[member="Baron Deathmark"]
@Galicus Sagious

The Nikto gave a stoic nod, rolling his broad shoulders before speaking.

[ That I can do. ]

He made a small motion to an assistant nearby.

[ How often do you want these shipments and where do you want them delivered to? Are you looking for a short term contract or long term?]

Short term could be in months or a one time gig. Long term meant years. The price difference would show a cheaper rate for the long term, while the prices were hiked for the short. How quick they wanted the shipments also would sway the price.

However, with their current business transactions, the Baron could get Sagious a discounted price.
Sera started to laugh as Kaile erupted with exuberant joy and aimed to hug her with all of her precious might. Instinctively she'd open her arms, allowing the girl to embrace her though as the two connected the Twi'lek felt an intense sensation of dizziness and emptiness. As if she'd just lost the ability to smell, or taste, or see. It was not tangible, though it was powerful all the same. She stumbled back a few steps and fell into the chair, having rarely ever experienced the Force negating power of the Ysalamir. It was potent and debilitating to her, almost nauseating.

A low rumble formed in her vocal chords due to the momentary disorientation. "Ughhh. I'm sorry." She said quietly. "Still not quite used to that feeling. The neutralizing effect on the Force, it messes with my head." She forced a smile, trying not to ruin the girl's abundance of joy at the gesture made by the Jedi. Well, if she didn't know you were sensitive before, she certainly does now. Not that it was a giant secret or anything. Hard to keep a secrets of that magnitude when you can't be mistaken for anyone else in the galaxy.

"You're quite welcome, Kaile. It's my pleasure."

[member="Kaileann Vera"]
Danger Arceneau said:
GE-PES Personal energy shield capable of deflecting blaster fire, lightsaber strikes, and explosives. 90 second charge. 1.5m radius. 320 second recharge.
Oh the fun of the expo as she was moving and the jedi padawan kept the ballistic shield on her back with a saber at her side. She was looking at some of the things with a grin on her face before some attention went to the list. Drones and some armor but she had armor that her master Corvus was making as she came across an energy shield and she chimed to meet the twi'lek with a smile hbope to get the business done and enjoyy the expo. Maybe take in the auctions and see what there was there.

[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

Lord Ghoul

Mikhail gave a melodramatic eye roll.

"Look, we both know I'm not going to win any Daddy of the Year awards. I kill people. Enemies. Friends. Family. It doesn't matter. Either I do it personally, or they die because of what I do. Because of who I am. Trust me, she's better off not knowing her father. Ever."

The ghost smirked at [member="Judah Dashiell"] and not out of good cheer.

"As for 'why me', well farm boy, you're a mostly good person, hippy business aside. But the real reason, and this is the kicker, is I know who you love. You said it yourself. All powerful force spirit. If anything happens to my girl," he poked Judah in the chest with an ethereal touch as cold as ice, "that's on you. And your family."

Shudders and distortions ran through Mikhail and his form began to fade.

"I'll be seeing you."

The last to fade was that derisive smile.

And then he was gone.

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