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Approved Tech SPAD-MKII

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Intent: An updated version of the SPAD-MKI

Image Source: [HERE]

Canon Link: N/a
Primary Source:



Production: Mass-Produced
Affiliation: Closed-Market

    Self Propelled Artillery Droid Mark II

  • Limited
    ​Primary Weapon System is capable of being altered between various systems as described in armaments.



Classification: Fourth Degree

Weight: 175kg
Height: 2.9m

Movement: Bipedal

  • Medium Turbolaser Cannon

[*]Dual Heavy Blaster Cannon
  • ​or

[*]​Medium Ion Cannon
  • ​or

[*]Concussion Missile Launcher w/ 8 Missiles
  • ​or

[*]Proton Torpedo Launcher w/ 10 Torpedoes

Misc. Equipment:
  • Optical Range Finder
  • Reinforced Hydrolic Lift System
  • Night-Vision Photoreceptor
  • Infrared Photorecptor
  • Fire-Link Operating System
  • Foot-Pad Clamps


  • Optical Range Finder - The upper photoreceptor of the droid is a powerful range finder which sends out an infrared beam of light to mark targets. Multiple droids can utilize their range finders to coordinate their fire, ensuring that droid hits the intended target or within a meter of the intended target.

  • Reinforced Hydrolic Lift System - An improvement over the systems equipped on the Mark Is, the Reinforced System on the Mark IIs still operate in a similar manner. They are utilized to aid in raising and lowering the droid as needed. This often comes in use to lift the primary weapon system over obstructions on the battlefield; likewise it can also lower the droid to hide it or allow it to take cover from enemy fire.

  • Fire Link Operating System - Each Droid possesses a unique fire link system which permits multiple droids to share information gathered by their optical range finders. This in turns ensures that the droids are capable of firing a concentrated volley in unison against a single target.


  • All Terrain - The Mark IIs retain their capability of functioning on various terrains due in part to its hydrolic system coupled with the wide though slender foot pads. However; much like the Mark Is, the Mark IIs still have trouble traversing over Sandy or Muddy Terrains.

  • Optical Range Finder - The primary strength of the Mark IIs which increasing the accuracy of a single unit when engaged against an enemy target. However; its full strength is brought to bear when multiple Mark IIs utilize their range finders to share information on a target, unleashing a hellish volley of fire upon the target.

  • Foot-Pad Clamps - A feature unique to the Mark IIs, these clamps can be deployed by the unit to lock it into position. These are often seen in use when the units have been deployed in space, permitting the units to remain locked into a location such as an asteroid or the hull of a vessel. It also ensures that the units are capable of limited albeit slow movement in space; while also ensuring a stable firing platform on terrestrial ground.


  • Reinforced Hydrolic Lift System - While this system is a marked improvement over the system equipped on the Mark Is, it is still vulnerable to enemy fire; albeit requiring heavier fire power. It still remains a problem in the simple fact that sufficient concentrated fire can damage the system, can cause various problems - i.e. The droid may lose its footing, rise or lower without control or become stuck in a risen position.

  • Optical Range Finder - While a strength to the droid it still remains a primary target in hindering the droids operations. When not being utilized, a thick Alusteel plate rest over the sensor and is only opened when the unit utilizes the system. This is when it becomes vulnerable, as a lucky shot could damage or destroy the system, greatly reducing the effectiveness and accuracy of the unit.


The Self Propelled Artillery Droid Mark II - shortened to the SPAD MKII - is a mobile artillery platform and the successor of the SPAD MKI. Its primary role is as a mobile artillery unit to supplement the combat capabilities of the DX-HRD; however it is more than capable of operating independently, in packs or as attached with other CIS units. The primary function of the Mark II is to provide fire support, with multiple units linking their range finders and fire link systems together to ensure increased accuracy and higher volume of volley fire on an enemy target.

Unlike its predecessor which boasted a Light Turbolaser; the Mark IIs - due in part to their increased size - are capable of boasting a Medium Turbolaser Cannon. Likewise, they retain their capability of being customized as their primary weapon system can be switched out for a variety of other weapons - i.e. Ion Cannons, Concussion Missile Launchers, etc. This customization means that a military unit could field multiple Mark IIs in a combat zone with a variety of capabilities and loadouts, thus providing for more robust fire support options.

Very much like their predecessors, the Mark IIs still have their own flaws - some of which are a direct carry over from the Mark I design. Though the Mark IIs have a reinforced Hydrolic Lift System, they are still vulnerable to concentrated fire; which can disable the system and leave the unit vulnerable. Likewise, the Optical Range Finders are still a primary target on the unit, and as such are often kept hidden behind a thick alusteel plate which protects the system from enemy fire and the elements when not in use.

Where it stands out is its capability to be deployed into space - a feature that the previous Mark Is had a problem accomplishing. This is due in part to the Mark IIs being equipped with special clamps that extend from the foot pads, locking them into place to provide a more stable firing position - when on terrestrial terrain - as well as preventing the unit from drifting off into space.

Additional uses for these units are often assigned or discovered by those CIS formations that utilize the droid - this can include carrying additional supplies or carrying wounded individuals.
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