Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sparda Vi Providence (AKA: 13)

Dead Character. Recreated and Redesigned​
"The ends justify the was not me who was wrong...IT WAS THE WORLD!" -Sparda
"See as i see...feel as i feel. It is only then, you will truly understand me." -Sparda

Name - Sparda Vi Providence
Alias: 13
Rank - Dark Jedi Knight
Species -
Echani felacatian Shistavanen Genetic Hybrid
Age - 19
Gender - Male
Height - 5ft9
Weight - 139lbs
Eyes - Turquoise Blue
Hair - Silverish white
Body Build - Lightweight
Force Sensitive - Yes
"If you truly wish to escape the everyday, you must constantly be evolving" -Sparda

"Despair is a fugitive feature for every individual. Even for a man that has many masks to hide behind for his true nature. Sparda, a figure unlike others. A man that wishes to see the world turn, but not for the sake of any great goal... but for his own entertainment. It's something I've learned to respect him for, but it's also his most loathsome trait. Narcissist, anarchist, a clever boy indeed. " -Maka on Sparda's Personality

Foremost, Sparda has numerous faces and even then not all have been revealed by the man himself, as he suffers of a multiple personality disorder. It is diagnosed to have started as an alter ego since he was a child, which had not been recognized as an issue at the start. Although it is casual that the person that suffers of DID does not remember what happened in the time that they went to the “other” person, Sparda has complete control over his actions and memories, but only after he had accepted the fact that he was unstable physically and mentally. Given his past as a slave and the realization of 'what' he was his personality went from detached and animalistic into...something else entirely.

Another possibility of his alter egos is the colossal pressure and power of his race that is one of the highest forms of power – his uniqueness – that might have caused to trigger the insanity within him. Starting out as a subject for science and later on becoming a slave not to mention he is a life-long patient that suffers of a severe anemia that may cause him to be incapable of functioning properly for days. This had started after the fifth year in the Jedi Order, whereas Sparda went unconscious when something had triggered the alternations in his body, which had been locked and “sealed” away to prevent it from awakening. It is assumed that this was a continuation of his illness that had fainted away when he was a child. Sadly, the similar illness has returned to haunt him for days.

His most famous mask is the charming, sarcastic and perverted Sparda. It is most known man that hailed from his father and there seen to have a slacking attitude. He couldn’t bear to do anything useful to please the elders. It wasn’t that anyone actually corrected his attitude back then. Neither did anyone notice that it was actually the fakest of all his masks. But a darker version of this same Sparda is a more deviously one that easily thrills for danger and seeing others in misery.

Another two-sided mask of his is a less sarcastic and perverted Sparda, while remaining to have his charming features which is more serious. It is a mask that represents him as the public leader. It is the boy that had the political power over strength. And it is also the Sparda with the fluent words that easily manipulates the mind of people, though this is a passive trait of Sparda overall. But in actuality this “mask” has a very dark side when one denies his demand or when one crosses his line. It would lead him to act even mightier than usual and rightfully show the individual their place which is a frightening scene. Overall this individual of Sparda is admired and respected by most. Although, they are slightly aware that he is capable to show a much more fearful attitude, which they also, for some reason, respect deeply.

The third known mask of him is truly different than the aforementioned ones. It might be the most alluring but terrifying of all his alter egos. Why, you might ask. It is because this individual is a split-personality of a childish man with a dark hideous character. This usually appears whenever Sparda is truly excited and delighted in an object (humans, combat, etc.) or when he has found something entirely new and interesting that has caught his entire interest, for an example, the forest. He would behave as a child that has gotten a new toy or gift and treasure it deeply. But with that… a dark and sinister side hides behind this mask. Someone that is cruel and despicable. He is someone that would perform such a sickening act to torture his victims, with just a gentle and kind smile, while a usual torturer would have a maniacal expression. This person can express himself in such deeds without a horrifying smile.

Additionally Sparda has several other masks than the aforementioned ones whom are the derived ones of the "Original Individuals". Thus as it variants from the “basic individual” it is not possible to entirely describe the multiple personality disorder that Sparda suffers. But considering that his alter egos personality is split between yin-yang, Sparda could be entitled with two different names, to separate the “good” and “dark” from each other.

"Acting all divine and illimitable as he wants; the boy has a face behind all his masks."- Ashin

Sparda, as mentioned before, is diagnosed with multiple personality disorder (DID). But even then, he has his own persona, which is rarely seen by anyone. It is the “Original Mask” as it is referred to by the other alter egos. And then, in this persona, Sparda is nothing alike than his masks, his alter egos. It is a “lifeless” shell that is afraid to open himself towards the world and to show his true nature. Although, it is the question if it should be revealed under his circumstances, one that has destroyed and ruined dozen of homes and families, for his own selfishness.

Comparing the “Original Mask’s” traits with that of DID, Sparda is overall a confident child that keeps true to his words. He has only shown obvious interest in a few things: Chaos, humans, chess ect. All alter egos remain loyal to his original goals and views, which is the absolute for Sparda. But above all of those, none of the alter egos reveal the darkness of the “Original Mask”, thus sharing a deep contrast with each other. Neither is it sure if Sparda hears “voices” as that is possible with DID.

Since he was a child this persona began to blossom in something fragile. He was extremely ill and bedridden, sometimes even in such a horrifying pain, in which he wished he wasn’t “born”. But his Auntie, Aunt would always tell him to be strong and that one day, he would overcome it. His illness is later to be revealed to be a curse given by his father, Suffering of an illness that tragically barely any survived. With this heaving on his sore shoulders, Sparda has carved and memorized the pain in his mind and body, of the days he lived in.

But occasionally it stormed heavily as he lived in the haven. This for him, Sparda, was a spectacle to watch through his window mill from his bed. And it was also his willpower to fight and survive. Therefore, Sparda fought himself, pushed himself, to crawl out of bed in pain, to head outside and “train”. He would usually do this in secret when his Auntie left the house to work or do other chores. In those moments, Sparda would force his weak and sore limbs to move, to become tougher and stronger, and in the hope to bring himself forth, without relying on wooden stocks to walk. Sadly enough, his Auntie had found him collapsed on the ground, and shocked to have found out this way. He had strained his body to the point that it had to heal; even so, his illness had gotten the best of him.

Second of that, Sparda had pursued his Auntie to get him books and such on engineering, acting, dressing up, and even combat. His words fluently spoken that charmed her, a woman of own great will, had been under his spell. Thus, with his persuasive mannerism, Sparda had obtained the Intel to learn about the knowledge about several things. Sparda had absorbed all the knowledge to even retell it in his own words within three days, while he was only seventeen he had mastered the art of disguise and a year after that became skilled in acrobatics and hand to hand combat. Capable of moving fluidly to avoid attacks.

In the end, all the scenarios, events and tragedies he witnessed became too much for Sparda. But as the multiple personality disorder already explained, Sparda is emotionally, mentally and physically unstable. Thus, rarely, as it does happen, the man can breakdown in madness. In that moment, the true Sparda is revealed; a pathetic, lonely, and scared child. Therefore, he is a 'madman'… a madman with the power to consume the universe in chaos.


"They tell you to be yourself...then the judge you."
Sometimes the thought crosses ones mind...Would it be fair to blame the children’s ancestors for their mistakes? Apparently it is as the family of traitors has been cursed to be doomed with a painful death and loss at young age. Thus, the family is very small and fragile survivors, whom are scattered in smaller colonies in the world. One of those survivors being Sparda's mother. And there in the outer reaches of the universe, His mother and father had grounded their homes, in the hope to be free from the bounty hunters, mercenaries, and other suspicious groups. These hunters that hunted them even more after the several wars. But sadly, they had gotten to them and took them to a rouge genetic science organization known as Providence.

Thus in the hope that this untainted child would become the change of their corporation, they decided they would give their newest subject the name “13”, but his mother had given him the name 'Providence'. to be the guardian of humanity, which the name was suppose to mean. But as they tested on his poor mother, unknowing of their curse. When their prodigy was born the illness struck him the worst that she had ever seen or heard of, as Sparda could barely “live” with the pain he suffered, and immobile as his limbs were too weak. Nonetheless, his mother never loss hope in him, as she saw the determination in his eyes grow, slowly but sure, whenever the darkness the lands. Therefore, her willpower to surpass her own weakness to “heal” her son for the world increased immensely that eventually led to her own attachment.

Even as a young infant, Sparda’s dull and lifeless eyes often watched her with concern, she noticed that his true interest lied in what she had to offer him. These same eyes that only “lived” during the thunderous days and nights, while absorbing the information with a mere glance at her. He could constitute items, things and others in one read and memorized “everything” she would ask him to do, as she taught him the basic teachings of living and educations. Hereby, she consulted that Sparda was one of those rare geniuses even in her family line and the world. But then again, his true interest lingered for the for the force.

But alas, their relationship did not last long. Science called and when the child was old enough to live without his mother, she was cast aside and banished to a far away planet. Where she would be incapable of finding them again. And thus the test commenced. As the boy grew they gradually noticed that his abilities to manipulate the telekinetic aspects of the force was beyond what any child could do. Sparda's mass intelligence allowed him to grasp it more easily, and manipulate things on a higher level. He was a prodigy, and he was the jewel of their corporation. But as Sparda grew smarter, more observant, and more skilled. The scientist feared he would eventually surpass their abilities to maintain and control him. It was at this moment they decided to take away his will. Breaking him down to rebuild him in their own sick twisted image. Suppressing his mind using a series of genetic enhancements they virtually turned him into a dog. Made and built to obey and order issues to him. Making him an animal...but in their attempts to control him. They only made him more dangerous. Eventually, his abilities grew to the point of being uncontrollable, and he managed to escape the facility in a bloody massacrer.

After these events, he was found by the Huts on that dust ball of a planet. And once they noticed his unusual gifts, they enslaved him and made him into their attack dog. Often placing him in fight rings to earn cash or just using him for labor when business was slow. They had no qualms with using a child for such things...but one day. When he was placed into a fight ring. He was saved in the middle of the fight by a Jedi named Canis. The man took Sparda to the jedi temple, where he viewed by the council. Approved to be a Jedi Padawan under the supervision of Canis. Sparda grew to become a skilled Jedi. But when Canis suddenly went MIA, something...clicked. He became colder and more detached then he ever was growing up. Inside be felt betrayed and soon after that, left the jedi order. Joining up with a Fleet but eventually leaving them as well. After a while, Sparda himself went off the grid. Until a year later, where he returned. Unlocking the lock of a dog and becoming his true self...with a few mental issues.

  • Violin or any orchestrated music
  • Pets/Belly rubs (Oh yus <3)
  • Eating. Has a very large appetite
  • Humanity
  • Helping the jedi despite leaving the order
  • Animals
  • Loving people (Though he may not show it)
  • Hunting
  • Observing
  • Planning
  • Outsmarting Others
  • Chess and other mind games
  • ​Strategy
  • Mind Games
  • The Force
  • Oppression
  • Governments
  • Slavery
  • Meaningless violence
  • Those in power
  • Collars
  • Bullies
  • Loud Noises
  • Childish Beliefs
  • Having his time wasted
  • Tyrants

"Live life free from oppression. Or die a slave to order" -Sparda
Lightsaber Combat/Forms
Form V: Shien / Djem So (Padawan)
Form VI: Niman (Knight)
Form VII: Juyo (Advanced Knight)
13 specializes in Juyo, Shien and Niman. His application of Juyo is highly focused and aggressive, his style being randomized and unpredictable, laced with sudden Force-based attacks in the midst of complex lightsaber sequences. His focus and concentration allowed him to bring down opponents through sheer tenacity, though it also led him to ignore his surroundings and left him open to attacks from other directions. When on the defensive he retreats to Niman style, often using more force based attacks to out due his opponents. 13 however deeply favors the Shien reverse grip, favoring the unorthodox style. He is often seen with two lightsabers, one is regularly held and the other in reverse. 13's fighting style is based on multiple acrobatic feats and pure evasion. Being extremely quick and having massive amounts of endurance he is flexible and able to outmaneuver several obstacles. Able to preform midair tricks with the held of his tail to keep him balanced. This mixed his his martial arts training makes him a hard to hit target.

  • Force Disarm-Novice
  • Force Burst-Advanced
  • Force Lift-Superior
  • Force Pull- Superior
  • Force Push- Superior
  • Force Choke- Superior
  • Force Slam- Superior
  • Force Throw- Superior
  • Force Wave- Advanced
  • Force Crush- Superior
  • Levitate- Advanced
  • Pummel- Superior
  • Shock Wave- Superior
  • Ballistakinisesis- Superior
  • Force Repulse- Superior

Rank - Dark Jedi Knight

Age - 17
Xander Carrick said:
Sup man. @Xander Carrick

Doc said:
  • Force Disarm-Novice
  • Force Burst-Advanced
  • Force Lift-Superior
  • Force Pull- Superior
  • Force Push- Superior
  • Force Choke- Superior
  • Force Slam- Superior
  • Force Throw- Superior
  • Force Wave- Advanced
  • Force Crush- Superior
  • Levitate- Advanced
  • Pummel- Superior
  • Shock Wave- Superior
  • Ballistakinisesis- Superior
  • Force Repulse- Superior

Rank - Dark Jedi Knight

Age - 17
Clearly, you where not around during the origin of his creation.
Doc said:

I don't have anything to really convey my....I don't have a word to convey what I'm feeling about this. All of this.
Then don't say anything. Turn a blind eye. Besides, this is a remake of an old character i had, a character that has been approved by Staff already.
[member="Doc"] For some who excel in lightsaber combat, like myself, have learned alot of the forms. For someone else who excels in force powers, they can learn quickly of other forms and moves by transitioning from one to another. Push and repulse, are about the same thing, only repulse is magnified by being pushed from all areas of the body in all directions instead of one direction.
Subject 13 said:
Sup man. @Xander Carrick

Clearly, you where not around during the origin of his creation.
I don't think you're not aware of how some of these powers work and how insanely difficult it is to learn and master them, as a Master. And you're not only claiming to know them as a Knight, but you're claiming to have Advanced or Superior ability with them? I know Masters that have been written for years that have less than half as big of a list as that for Advanced abilities.
No please do. Only we should talk in a PM. If I am wrong, I want people to challenge my thoughts. If I am wrong, I will accept it and change accordingly. [member="Doc"]

EDIT: I know that they might not be as advanced and other such, but having that many shouldn't be out of the question. It just means that he has a lot of training threads, or he has many cases where he has learned how to use it. SOME OF THEM. I am not saying all of them.
Ven'Rain Sekairo said:
13 grew up
Yes, yes he did xD

Ayden Cater said:
I don't think you're not aware of how some of these powers work and how insanely difficult it is to learn and master them, as a Master. And you're not only claiming to know them as a Knight, but you're claiming to have Advanced or Superior ability with them? I know Masters that have been written for years that have less than half as big of a list as that for Advanced abilities.
This is a remake of the same character, a lot of the things he has mastered have been looked at a while ago by a few other staffers. And all of this has been discussed and solved when the character was made in the first place, so must we go through the cycle once more?

why would you think this was okay
it looks like you copy and pasted half the wookie pages on force powers and slapped master/superior/advanced on them

things that not even most sith and jedi know or need to know 17
Doc said:

why would you think this was okay
it looks like you copy and pasted half the wookie pages on force powers and slapped master/superior/advanced on them

things that not even most sith and jedi know or need to know 17
Seriously, drop it. It has nothing to do with you and to be honest. Your complaining about a character that has ALREADY BEEN APPROVED. Go complain about some other crap.

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