Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: The Spawn
SPECIES: Sith Spawn
AGE: 7
SEX: Transgendered
HEIGHT: 12'2
EYES: Black Slits
SKIN: Cracked in many places, pale, covered in grotesque burns and open sores.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Strengths: 1. Extreme Strength. 2. Durable Skin. 3. Natural Pyrokinesis. 4. Manipulates the minds of the weak willed.

Weaknesses: 1. It must eat sentients in short periods of time, or it will suffer migraines eventually resulting in death. 2. Very slow. 3. Cannot use sophisticated weapons. 4. The skin around its legs is brittle and burned. A strong strike would sever them.

APPEARANCE: The Spawn is massive. It stands 4 meters tall, and weighs half a ton. Its body is covered in open sores, burns, and scarrings. The bones it had as a Twi'lek have been morphed into grotesque natural armor, holding the monsters organs together. Without it, the beast's inner working would spill out. Its mouth is lined with razor sharp teeth, and it smells of burning flesh at all times.

BIOGRAPHY: The Spawn was, at a time, a happy young Twi'lek child. Its parents led comfortable lives, that is, before the Graug assault on Coruscant. The child's family was fed to the Graug war beasts, while it and its friends were deemed captured for experimentation. After many failed attempts on human subjects, the Graug turned to near humans in a mission to create powerful Sith Spawn.

The monster known as Spawn was a complete success. It body was cut open vertically, and its remains manipulated by the darkside. The final product was the Spawn and its two lessers, created personally by Darth Vulcanus and released upon the galaxy to test the capability of this new breed of Sith Spawn. Only time will tell the consequences of these heinous sins.

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[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"] I am quite famished, though plans must be set into motion before allegiances can be formed. My brothers and I must serve our purpose.

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