Console Cowgirl
Hacks strode towards the bar, hands in four pockets. She looked to Daiya and raised her brows in quiet greeting. As the teen moved past she bumped her shoulder into the slicer. Hacks had been to enough pubs and gigs to know an intentional shouldering from an accidental, and this place wasn't busy enough to be accidentally bumping into one another. Hacks turned towards Daiya and placed three hands on her hips, the last hand held inside her jacket pocket, gripping something, "You got a karkin' problem?" she asked with a light bark. She breathed out, losing her steam.
It wasn't exactly her forte to ark up at a teen, but there was a distinct difference between the normal rebellious but innocent youth and this lethal Shadowrunner. Someone else came up to Daiya and Hacks lost her attention to it. "Whatever," she muttered and returned all four hands back into their pockets and slid up alongside the bar.
It wasn't exactly her forte to ark up at a teen, but there was a distinct difference between the normal rebellious but innocent youth and this lethal Shadowrunner. Someone else came up to Daiya and Hacks lost her attention to it. "Whatever," she muttered and returned all four hands back into their pockets and slid up alongside the bar.