Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Speak your Mind, Mates

So, Ardgal has passed 600 posts, a whole lot further than I thought this guy would ever get. I don't want atta-boy's (but those are nice), I don't want "Congratulations brother" or other things like that if you don't mean it (but, again, is nice).

I wanted to know if I could write not only someone who is non-force user, but who was Force dead. For me, that meant soulless. I wanted to make not someone who was immoral, like James but someone who is amoral. I wanted to make someone who would be removed from the good/evil Jedi/sith thing. Ardgal is like a hammer, he is neither good nor bad, chaos nor order. He is a tool that can build or smash skulls in.

But Like James went from civil to--well what he is now (those of you around for the train know this) I want Ardgal to be the opposite, animal to man.

So, with that said I want to know:

How is my writing style? Good? Bad? Middle?

How is Ardgal progressing? Well? Horrible? None visible?

Is he consistent? Is he believable-ish?

Don't spare my feelings, be honest. If you just wanna troll though, go PM me on Discord and we can go at it another time please.


A few threads:
Hunting for Business
A Cluster In Turmoil
Hypori Hit and Run
The Next Generation
[member="Ardgal Raxis"]

I don't know a great deal about Mandalorian I must admit though what I have noticed is their love for all things violence. While I'm aware their culture has been built up around pride and honor in battle, I have also noticed both by your posts and our personal discussions your love of enacting such. Your Character's very colorful not only in the code that you use to emphasis speech but his general demeanor; at times he is a character that I as a person and writer can relate too while other times he is a mystery to me, it could be argued that this is a product of a lack of experience in our two characters interactions but I do think you write him well and I'm looking forward to having more to do with the man.

Perhaps he and Veiere can share a discussion around Ardgal's culture over a stiff drink on Commenor.

I'm sure you've already got the bar picked out and everything...

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