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Approved Starship Special Project PK-2: "Avatar of War"

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  • Flying Fortress: "Avatar of War" is capable of weathering all but the mightiest of assaults. This is due to both it's extensive armor plating and shielding.
  • Superlaser: It's main focus is it's capability to destroy a planet through the sheer firepower it wields.
  • Path Engine: The main source of hyperspace travel for the Brotherhood used by nearly all of their vessels, the path engine allows them to swiftly access unorthodox and inaccessible routes via paths. This makes the 'Avatar of War' appear in generally unpredictable locations quickly, often catching the enemy by surprise with little to no warning.
  • Beast of Burden: Very slow, no maneuverability. It is a lumbering beast, speed is not in it's nature.
  • Stick Out Like A Sore Thumb: Large profile, high visibility and an easy target for fleet engagements. Chances are you'll target it just fine.
  • Weapon Charge: Extremely inefficient and slow methods of charging the weapon lead to lengthy wait times between shots that can lead to peril if left in a fleet engagement.
  • Enzymes: The biots that make up the vessel’s nervous system require special feeding enzymes as food to keep the organic functions living. These enzymes must be kept up daily to ensure the weapon is maintained or else the nervous system that keeps it functioning will begin to breakdown and render the massive vessel inept. Destruction of the reservoir tank for the enzymes of poisoning of therefore mentioned tank would result in a similar effect, crippling the superweapon’s nervous system and capacity to do battle.


During the Cold War between the First Order and the New Republic, the First Order cored out the center of the planet Najra-Va as a test for the construction of Starkiller Base. The project caused the disappearance of the system's sun, with it gone and the nearby planetoid of Najra-Va cored out, the local moon flush with sentient native life was rendered lifeless and uninhabitable.

Nearly a millennia later, the Brotherhood of the Maw arrived over the desolate world. With the resources of the Final Dawn openly aiding in construction of a new weapon, all factions of the Brotherhood banded together to surpass ‘Mercy’ with a weapon of terror for the ages. The return of Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren and his Knights alongside the mighty Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha bore fruit with designs from an ancient First Order facility in a nearby system. Designs of STARKILLER Base and it’s initial designs to the final product, Epoch Engineering Corporation engineers were spirited away from the Deep Core and set to work under the supervision of Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen and Derix Tirall Derix Tirall . Initial setbacks threatened to undo the project, the work was stalled and efforts were made to recoup from the losses of the intense work performed. There were too many variables, too many flaws in the overall design, something had to give and so they went back to the drawing board. They were forced to resign the planned work into a massive forgeworld..

Then they found it..

The remains of a worldship, crafted in secret by the One Sith Empire and their Yuuzhan Vong shapers. A weapon unfinished, untested and left bare. Biots left in suspended animation, barely clinging to life as the nervous system of the giant warship stilled. It's location was discovered in abandoned records from the height of the One Sith's dominion over the Core Worlds by One Sith sympathizers from the Deep Core world of Prakith, members of the secretive Church of the Dark Side and loyal subjects to the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis . These faithful loyalists contacted the Final Dawn, and in turn the Brotherhood of the Maw who found the remains of the abandoned project in a uncharted system nearby that had been littered with gravity wells.

After a lengthy odyssey into the Unknown Regions it came upon the newly minted forgeworld of Najra-Va, at last the work could continue. A sinister mix between organic and mechanical technology, the minds of Epoch's greatest engineers and the dark minds within the Final Dawn brought forth a weapon of terrible power, a weapon that would shake the galaxy, a weapon worthy of worship.

After three long years and countless resources imported from Ilum and other regions of space, the work was done. The Avatar of War was born..

The result was a ten thousand meter by ten thousand meter stationary/ military station and superweapon. A worthy successor to the PK-1 "Mercy".

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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis

Here we go again! Again a very nice submission. But this time I miss something. This use biot/vong technology. which the submission needs a feeding enzyme or similar weakness, because the biots and vong tech requires a special food source that keeps them alive. Please add this to your weaknesses.
Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis | MANIAC MANIAC

This is a good looking submission, but there are a few things that we need to go through before we can move on to approval.

1) The Path Engine

This is a cool and capable piece of technology, however according to the wookie "Path engines were a type of specialized hyperdrive that provided incredibly fast hyperspace travel through use of the unorthodox and otherwise inaccessible Paths." In this submission you have marked them as a class 4 hyperdrive equivalent, which is not that fast. Why is this particular path engine so slow in comparison to path engines in general?

The path engines should also be listed as a strength due to their ability to use "unorthodox and otherwise inaccessible paths" to move around, which would allow the Avatar of War to appear in places where people might not expect it.

2) Weaknesses

Your first three weaknesses, quoted below, are effectively the same thing. They both point out how vulnerable the ship is in a fleet engagement. However, given the incredible defences available to the vessel and the offensive weapons it is equipped with it doesn't appear to be a liability at all. Could you consolidate the weaknesses and explain in more detail why it's a liability?

  • Beast of Burden: Very slow, no maneuverability. Chances are you'll hit the planet killer.
  • Stick Out Like A Sore Thumb: Large profile, high visibility and an easy target for fleet engagements.
  • Weapon Charge: Extremely inefficient and slow methods of charging the weapon lead to lengthy wait times between shots that can lead to peril if left in a fleet engagement.

I'm also afraid your last weakness isn't very clear.

Enzymes: The biots that make up the vessel’s nervous system require special feeding enzymes as food to keep the organic functions living.

Why is this a weakness? It appears to just be an explanation of how the ship works and as such doesn't warrant a position as a weakness here.

Please look through my notes and tag me back when you've made hte necessary changes.
John Locke John Locke

Much appreciated!

Changes have been made, the Path Engine utilization was simply just how it had been submitted for all of the MAW factory submissions since the Crucifix I class. As 'Mercy' had a Path Engine equivalent to a Class 4, I bumped it up to a 3 to make it appear that it is faster and listed the reasoning why in the strength (i.e. accessible paths in lue of traditional routes). I will ensure it is set up properly this way for now on with the rest of the submissions in the future, big hattip. I also rephrased the other two strengths and added more to the enzyme weakness.

Ready for further judging.
Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis

The Path Engine

The factory doesn't work on precedent, although it might have been used in previous submissions that doesn't hold for future submissions. I do see that you've changed the class rating, but a class 3 hyperdrive is still slow in comparison to the average hyperdrive available. Why is the Path Egine used on the Avatar so slow?


I notice you didn't do anything with the first 3 weaknesses of the submission. Thank you for expanding the Enzyme weakness, however I fail to see how this is an actual weakness that can be used against the ship? It's unlikely that a fleet engagement will last long enough for a disruption of the Enzymes to work out and render the ship inoperable. Unless I'm missing something?
Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis

The Path Engine

The factory doesn't work on precedent, although it might have been used in previous submissions that doesn't hold for future submissions. I do see that you've changed the class rating, but a class 3 hyperdrive is still slow in comparison to the average hyperdrive available. Why is the Path Egine used on the Avatar so slow?


I notice you didn't do anything with the first 3 weaknesses of the submission. Thank you for expanding the Enzyme weakness, however I fail to see how this is an actual weakness that can be used against the ship? It's unlikely that a fleet engagement will last long enough for a disruption of the Enzymes to work out and render the ship inoperable. Unless I'm missing something?

I changed the first two to reflect size and speed being discerning factors. Large profile, easy target. The other weakness was clarified to be a speed issue. The enzyme is a weakness for the upkeep of the vessel, as well as a tactical disadvantage to Vongcrafted vessels and as it is a living ship it can die without it. There are a variety of exploits from poison to damaging the very biot’s system for disabling if not crippling it or killing it. Poisons can work fast, it all depends on the delivery system and that in itself is like having the equivalent of the thermal exhaust port of the Death Star for the purpose of story.

As for weapon charge can you elaborate on how it is similar to the first two weaknesses? My apologies, I must of saw what you put as a typo or was confused, I’m absolutely willing to change anything to make it fit your vision of what needs to be done but just if possible would like clarity on what needs changed on the superlaser charging or how it is similar to its size or speed.

As for the Path Engine speed, it is already faster than many SSDs and outranks our precious superweapon Mercy. I tried to account for the size of the vessel and internal workings, mass and density when considering how fast would be realistically sound. I’d be more than happy to bump it up again if that’s alright by you

John Locke John Locke
Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis

Apologies for taking so long on this. I'll try to clear everything up quickly for you.

Thank you for the adjustments. To better explain myself on weakness 3,

Both of your first two weaknesses refer to how vulnerable the ship if left alone in a fleet engagement due to its size and its slow speed. The third weakness refers to how vulnerable it is due to the slow charging and firing of its main weapon. Since there is no requirement for a minimal number of weaknesses these all seem redundant, a way to say that regardless of its very capable defences it's a target that can easily be identified and hit by its enemies. It's a small point in the grand scheme and I'm honestly just raising it to prevent redundancy.

Regarding the path engine, your description does make it seem like the engine is a fast one, which would disagree with the rating used. Most ships on the board, including SSDs have a speed rating of one. Again, this is a minor inconsistency.

The only major issue is the enzymes since I still don't understand how they would work as a weakness for the vessel. If you could clarify that to me I would be happy to approve the submission.
Apologies myself, I added a tad bit more to the weakness to help explain. Essentially if this enzyme isn’t administered to the biots working the nervous system of this organic vessel than the operation of said superweapon is moot. Corruption or severing of the delivery of said enzyme will kill the organic features of the vessel rendering it’s central nervous system dead to rights. A major weakness when exploited during an Annihilation. I hope that helps a bit more, looking back on this submission I can see how it appeared vague.

John Locke John Locke
Apologies myself, I added a tad bit more to the weakness to help explain. Essentially if this enzyme isn’t administered to the biots working the nervous system of this organic vessel than the operation of said superweapon is moot. Corruption or severing of the delivery of said enzyme will kill the organic features of the vessel rendering it’s central nervous system dead to rights. A major weakness when exploited during an Annihilation. I hope that helps a bit more, looking back on this submission I can see how it appeared vague.

John Locke John Locke

Just to confirm.

In the middle of a thread, if a boarding party managed to destroy the tank containing the ENzyme would that render the weapon inoperable during the remained of that thread? Assuming that an annihilation thread were to progress over the course of say 2 hours of time.
Just to confirm.

In the middle of a thread, if a boarding party managed to destroy the tank containing the ENzyme would that render the weapon inoperable during the remained of that thread? Assuming that an annihilation thread were to progress over the course of say 2 hours of time.
Yes it would, the superweapon’s nervous system would begin to break down rapidly until it ceased to function. Effectively becoming a prop for the rest of the Annihilation.
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