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Dominion Specters of the Past | RTL Dominion of Andelm IV




'I feel small everyday' was her first reaction, but the words 'Fine, I'll go first' are what came out to the Spectre and Padawan beside her. With a few cuts from her lightsaber, the duct vent was cast aside, and Mira was lowering to her knees to enter the crawlspace.

"Probably a bad time to mention that I fething hate small spaces, isn't it?" she called back, her voice echoing through the ductwork. Mira shimmied deeper into the vents, until her entire body was inside. It was spacious enough to navigate, but she still felt trapped, restrained by the walls around her.

The scurried through the duct as fast as she could without attracting attention, until she finally saw glimmers of light shining through the slits of the exit vent.

"I think- I think that's our mark," she said with a sigh of relief. The blasterfire outside was starting to dwindle, and their window of opportunity would be closing if they didn't get through to the other side quick enough.

When she finally made it to the end of the vent, she took her saber and held the hilt against the metal grate. She plied it away with the hot plasma, then shoved it back with a Force Push that sent it flying off the hinges into the room outside. In a flash, Mira was on her feet, catching blaster bolts with her blade to keep the exit clear.

"Come on!" she shouted to her allies. "The party's already started!"


Location: Andelm IV, Slaver Bunker
Equipment: Danger Jacket, Outfit, Mix and Match Harness, Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Left Ear, Long Handled Double Lightsaber, Concealed Sling Bag
Tags: Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural Mishel Mishel Kurayami Bloodborn Kurayami Bloodborn Mira Quinn Mira Quinn

While the sentiment of small spaces was shared, Lossa kept quiet about the matter. At least verbally.

The purple saber shut off, a frown thrown to their options.

It was better to say she didn't enjoy them, compared to someone that got a bit more anxious about the idea of small, enclosed spaces. Watching the vent open, Lossa shut off her blade and cast a glance toward the hallway with blaster fire filling it.

Following Mira inside the ductwork with a hurried pace.

"Being afraid keeps you on your toes. Or at least makes you aware of them." She offered back to Mira.

The other woman was quicker by far. While she had done her fair bit of sneaking in the past, Mira made it look so commonplace that it might have been a warmup.

Or just the worry of small spaces that gave her speed.

Mira called for them as the cover ahead exploded outward, Lossa pushing through the now open exit. Blaster bolts being deflected caught her attention as she tumbled from the duct and into the open.

The saber ignited once more, her body curled into a roll to get out from Mira's feet as both blades began to twirl and scatter blaster shots.

She would have been on edge if it hadn't been for the tab earlier, instead finding the opportunity to end one source of blaster fire with a timed push forward. The final swipe of her saber to block a shot at her face as she spun on her toes with an extended arm.

The blade hissed briefly, a pained shriek forming briefly as she set her sights elsewhere.




Location: Andelm IV
Objective: infiltrate Eclipse
Tags: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Mira Quinn Mira Quinn Mishel Mishel Kurayami Bloodborn Kurayami Bloodborn

"Probably a bad time to mention that I fething hate small spaces, isn't it?"

Rhiza laughed, "You're a Jedi, every space is as large as the reach of the force, or something like that.". Truth be told, she hadnt expected both women to disappear inside the ducts, but she listened carefully and also observed the guards on the door. As soon as the other two Jedi engaged inside the room, the guards, just as expected responded, sliding open the door and firing into the interior, trying to take down the interlopers. It was all the invite that the Spectre needed, moving silently behind the men she was very easily able to dispatch them leaving nothing between her and the room. She walked in, saber still humming as the last of the fire stopped, the head of the slaver encampment base was now in front of them. He had a blaster pistol that he would sporadically fire from behind his desk, but the bolts were hardly even aimed and of no consequence to the three Jedi.

"Nice work" she said to Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus and Mira Quinn Mira Quinn with a smile "You've lost, put down the gun and come with us so we can have a talk, we aren't here to kill you." The Rim wanted the information, and between the body language of the and in the feeling of fear in him, she felt he was more likely to surrender than sacrifice his life for some invisible paymasters.

"Kava Do Jee kno Uba wonda Killee Je if Jee giv Tonka

"Uba donda, butt Do chuncu ay muucha wos if Uba Jeeska shutung" The Jedi replied in Huttese to the man.

The man paused for a few moments without firing before sliding the gun out towards the three Jedi as a gesture of surrender. Rhiza flipped her fingers and it skimmed further out of reach. "Thank you." she cautiously approached the man in case of any tricks and was rewarded with the sight of the man cowering as if waiting for his death.





Mira cut her eyes to Rhiza, but said nothing. She didn’t like to make assumptions, but it was difficult not to draw conclusions about a Zygerrian Spectre who spoke fluent Huttese. She let it go for now. Bigger fish to fry, like the slaver bastard standing before them.

She stepped towards him, scowling harshly as she got within inches of his cowering frame. He looked up slowly, and just when he began to lower his hands, Mira delivered a powerful backhanded strike to his temple. He fell to his knees, begging once again in slug-speak for his life.

Mira knelt beside him, clenching a handful of hair on the back of his head and snatching it back so he had no choice but to face her. She knew this wasn’t the time or place, that it was unbecoming of a Jedi Knight and Spectre-in-training, but she couldn’t stop herself now. Between the echoes of pain that filled this place and the physical discomfort of spice withdrawals, Mira had enough.

“What’s wrong?” she mocked, venom in her tone.

“I bet you didn’t hesitate to maim and murder your slaves when they were begging for their lives. You’re lucky-” she snatched his head back harder, “-lucky- that I’m a Jedi.”

She let go and stepped away, unwilling to face her spymaster or the Padawan who deserved a much better role model than Mira ever could be. They could handle the rest from here. She needed a minute.


Location: Andelm IV, Slaver Bunker
Equipment: Danger Jacket, Outfit, Mix and Match Harness, Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Left Ear, Long Handled Double Lightsaber, Concealed Sling Bag
Tags: Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural Mira Quinn Mira Quinn

The trek through the ducting was quick, as was the following engagement. The last person alive directing aimless blaster shots over their cover as Lossa sighed and whipped the blade in a slight whirl.

The motion finding the blade shut off as Rhiza spoke in Huttese to the final being.

They threw the gun away, and Mira stepped forward to deal with the man. Her brow rising as violence was used, and then excused herself as the experience drew out emotions that Lossa recoiled from.

Her eyes darting between Rhiza and Mira before taking a deep breath and steadying herself. Pushing the emotions away for the moment while she clipped the saber to her hip.

She was a student, but felt the need to approach Mira. The violent display gave her pause, hands picking at the hem of her belt as she mulled on what to do.

Ultimately stepping away to let Rhiza deal with the man as she reached out to Mira.

"Do you want to go sit on the cliff face? The air was pretty cool out there." The only thought she could manage in the moment.




Location: Andelm IV
Objective: infiltrate Eclipse
Tags: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Mira Quinn Mira Quinn Mishel Mishel Kurayami Bloodborn Kurayami Bloodborn

The Zygerrian exchanged a look of understanding with Mira Quinn Mira Quinn Following her brief outburst, it did not need to be said, and in truth, Rhiza was not really the person to say it. She had a temper of her own that had spent years or soul searching to keep control of, and slavery was an incredibly emotive subject.

As her and Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus withdrew to get some fresh air, Rhiza briefly spoke into the comm to let the others know that their objective had been completed. She was impressed with Lossa's awareness of her master's state of mind and her willingness to pull her aside to assist in recovering herself. Even teachers could learn from their students.

Rhiza knelt down next to the frightened prisoner and began to bind him. "Payqa allintam nin, suerteyuqmi kanki, hukkunam wañuchisunkiman huchaykikunamanta. Ichaqa kaypim kachkaniku huk akllakuyta qunaykupaq. Kunanmanta pacha tukuy ima ruwasqaykiqa llapanmi qanmanta kanqa, ichapas defiendekuyta munanki hinaspa carcelpi tukunki, manam imananpaschu. Bit ichapas pantasqaykita chaskinki, yanapawayku hinaspa aswan allin kawsayta kawsanki?"

"Entregakuchkani ama wañuchiwanaykipaq, ichaqa manam haykapipas yanapasqaykichu, jedi scum" the prisoner spat back his words with venom at Rhiza

"Pity." She shook her head and said no more as she led him back out to the ledge where the other two Jedi were waiting and where there shuttle could now approach to pick them up.




"Do you want to go sit on the cliff face? The air was pretty cool out there."

Mira nodded as she strode forward, her boots thudding hard against the floor as the moved with ferocity. She was pissed, and that was putting it kindly. The Knight stepped effortlessly past the bodies that littered the hall, unphased by the massive loss of life. Most Jedi would be troubled by so much death, even that of the enemy - Mira was glad they were gone. Snuffed out, uprooted, dashed against the rocks.


Slaver scum deserved nothing less.

She leaned over the same railing they scaled before on their way inside, looking over to the cliffs below. Her shoulders slumped, and she dropped her head low as she took a few deep breaths. Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural stayed inside to deal with the slavemaster, which was infinitely better than the alternative. Mira was sure she'd have killed the man right there had she not made herself step away. She looked to the side, her eyes meeting Lossa's.

"I'm sorry, kid," was all the Knight could muster. Her voice was heavy with regret, mostly for putting on such a chitty show. She was better than that. Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus deserved better, too.

"I don't... I dunno what that was back there. I should have controlled myself, or just walked away, but feth... I hate his type." She shook her head. Those were just excuses, really. Mira found there wasn't much that she could say that would be tangible. She pushed herself back from the railing as Rhiza emerged from the base, slavemaster in hand.

Mira kept her cool this time, offering only another apology for her actions when they passed by and boarded the shuttle. She'd let a moment pass before turning to join them. She could do better.

She would do better.


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