Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Specters of the Past | RTL Dominion of Andelm IV


Location: Andelm IV, Forest
Equipment: Danger Jacket, Outfit, Mix and Match Harness, Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Left Ear, Long Handled Double Lightsaber, Concealed Sling Bag
Tags: Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural Mishel Mishel Kurayami Bloodborn Kurayami Bloodborn Mira Quinn Mira Quinn OPEN

Listening over the comms while her stomach settled, there was a long pause as she blinked at the words. Paired with the reassurance of doing fine, she could only imagine what not doing fine was like among this crowd.

Thankfully her metabolism was already doing the heavy lifting. Nodding at the signal to follow.

Steps easier now as her humor started to settle in.

"Maybe mechanical eyes would have been a better idea." Hands coming up to her eyes to hold them open and peer around. "Keep an eye out for real."

A hushed chuckle from her as she kept close to the woman keeping an eye on her. A question did however seem to give the zeltron some pause.

"So. What's the uh. Official order of business I guess. The uh. The guy on comms sounds pretty. Intense." Her eyes skimming the area around them as she deftly avoided a stick sneaking up on her boot.




Location: Andelm IV
Objective: infiltrate Eclipse
Tags: Mira Quinn Mira Quinn Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Mishel Mishel Kurayami Bloodborn Kurayami Bloodborn

Rhiza quietly observed Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus taking her nerve pills, whatever you needed to get you through the eaely days she guessed, hopefully as the woman trained and got closer to the force she would need less of her anxiety treatment, but who was Rhiza to judge.

"Artifical eyes? But Zeltron eyes are so pretty, it would be hard to get a good match." she smiled, trying to make a joke to relax the clearly nervous padawan.

Places like these usually have a drainage system on the cliff face.”

Rhiza scanned the area too, trying to pick out anything that might look suspicious then she pointed as an unassuming gap in the scrub on the cliff. "There, that gap, just big enough to get a delivery shuttle in against the cliff don't you think?" There was barely anything to look at, and would easily go unnoticed as a natural clearing, but to Rhiza's eyes it looked to neatly cleared, and she suspected if they got closer, they would find other marks of ships that had gotten close. She was familiar with the habits of slavers and this seemed perfect. "If we we drinking back on Cantonica, I'd stick a few credits on their being a camouflaged docking port there. How about it? Fancy a climb?" she cracked her back and stretched her arms, Zygerria was a rocky world and climbing together was one of the only hobbies she remembered enjoying with her late husband.

The master Spectre had a thought and spoke to Kurayami Bloodborn Kurayami Bloodborn "Maybe a firefight isnt a bad idea? If you cause a scene at the front, then we can slip unseen into the back, we all have our parts to play." she gave a wicked grin at the thought, then added "If they surrender, let them, but keep a close eye on them, their information could be very useful." she also believed that anyone could be turned away from their bad ways, she was proof, but now wasn't the time to be issuing tired platitudes.

Rhiza walked to the base of the cliff and readied for the climb, it didn't take her long to plot a route in her head, and the bracken attached to the cliffs made the climb look like it would be easy. This was the double edge of the sword of having a secret hidden base, to keep it hidden, you had to keep it natural, climbing holds and all. "Watch out for traps on the way up, ill try and lead us up a safe route." The lithe muscular woman began the climb ahead of the other two Jedi.


ST-70 Luck's Revenge
| Orbit of Andelm IV

A little friction in the upper atmosphere was to be expected, so when the ship bucked the droid didn't think twice about it.

A vibration then began spreading through the ship. A second, more violent, shudder rocked the chassis as an alarm began blaring.

Pulling his legs up into the seat, the afro-headed boy stood in the pilot's chair so that he could reach the overhead panel. The port side ion engine was off-line and he had a fire alarm going off in the lower hold.

Dropping back into the seat, the chore bot killed the sublight drive and instead transferred the power to the shields.

Once he was into the troposphere, he could engage the repulsorlift. Until then, he was basically flying a durasteel brick that was in freefall as it started re-entry.

A tell-tale red glow started to illuminate the underside of the canopy.

Things were about to get hot.

...was that smoke filling the cockpit?

Things may have already gotten hot.

One hand reached to a console to his left, tapping in the command to open the aft cargo door. Of course, he was still in vacuum, so the safeties kicked in. Overriding that, there was an explosive sound as the air in the ship was violently vented into space with the opening of the aft door.

Ice began to form along the interior windows, as the droid had one eye on the angle that the ship was fell further to the planet, and the other eye watching the fire alarm.

When the light on the panel indicating the fire finally switched off, the boy keyed the rear hatch to shut.

Then he gave a sigh of relief.

Maybe now he had some breathing room.

"Luck's Revenge, this is Lieutenant Commander Vera Tillian of the RRS Endurance- we are moving into a parallel trajectory with you- aiming to intersect at thirty thousand meters above the surface and guide you into the designated landing zone. Please relay your ship's status."

...or not.

"Oh, great," the boy uttered flatly. "The nine most terrifying words in Galactic Basic: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

Of course, he not only flies into a dirty bomb, but there's government bureaucrats everywhere.

Probably looking for someone to blame.

And someone else to actually clean the chit up.

Neither of which were tasks that appealed to him. He'd already been someone's stooge. It could be someone else's turn now.

Keying the comm unit, the chore bot answered, "Endurance, I need a wide berth if you're closing on my position," the droid warned, his hands holding tight as he tried to hold the nose up with just the emergency thrusters. "I've got a catastrophic failure of the flight computer. And more systems starting to red line. I'm on full manual control, but I just lost my sublight drive. I'm transferring power to angle the deflectors for an uncontrolled re-entry. I'm going to try an S-curve manuever to bleed off some speed. Then kick in the repulsorlift once I'm in atmo, and pray it sticks."

Just who was he supposed to praying to anyway?

Droids already said thank the Maker. As if they didn't know humans and other organics were that maker.

And if anyone thought humanity was going to save the day, they hadn't been paying attention to galactic history at all.





Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural | Mira Quinn Mira Quinn | Kurayami Bloodborn Kurayami Bloodborn | Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus | Open to Interaction
"Can't kill'em all, gonna have to keep a few alive to chit chat," Mishel pointed out, "at least, alive long enough to tell us more information than what we're already here for." It wasn't her first rodeo, but boy did she wish folk wouldn't treat it like it was. She ran her tongue over the front of her teeth thinking about it. There was the suggestion from the others that there be some sort of distraction. "I really hate the idea of being bait," lamented the Jedi Master as it only seemed to remind her of her days as an Acolyte of Ren playing the bait while the others actually went about the objective.

Before Mishel could actually object the woman had already scampered off. "Bloody sithshit, guess we just got voluntold, alright, looks like we're going through the front door."

The Jedi Master kept her profile low as she headed for the front of the base, and flattened herself against one of the walls. She looked over at Kurayami and gave him a nod whilst forming a fireball in the palm of her hand. "Three, two, one - go!" Mishel turned and launched a fireball at the nearest target. Guards definitely took note as they started to fire, her lightsaber came to life and deflected the bolts. The Tygaran dispatched the guard quickly by rebounding his own bolts back toward him.


"Never said I'd kill all of the right away. I've gathered intel enough in my time to know you gotta leave a few alive. If only because makin' an example of what happens when you don't talk with one makes the others want to talk more. It ain't pretty though that's for sure. Always tried to avoid that when I could." If he had talked down to Mishel, or made her feel like he was, it had been entirely unintentional. When he got overly focused on the mission the filter of what not to say and how to phrase things was greatly loosened, it was admittedly not one of his greatest qualities and had cost him a fair share of acquaintances over the years. The suggestion of a distraction made the Corellian perk up at the thought, his trademark smirk returning. Granted Mishel hated the idea of being bait, but this was where he felt most comfortable. This was his wheelhouse all things told. "I know, given's not your favorite place to be, but we'll make it work. Why don't we both go full frontal?"

She could almost hear the smile in the terrible joke he had just made as the woman on the other end verified that was going to be their job. Guess that sealed it then. "Sounds like it. Could have at least said please or taken us out to dinner before screwing us this hard..." The Corellian followed his fellow master close behind and took up position right next to her as she began forming the fireball. Her nod told him that the countdown was imminent and his muscles tensed as time seemed to slow around him while the effects of Force speed overtook his body. Once the ball of flame impacted the first guard he swung around the corner, still hugging the wall, the matte black armor contrasted by the sheen of the mirrored gold visor in the helm. He kept the bursts short and controlled as he fired, just enough to knock down the target. Instead of reloading when the sixty rounds were up, he decided to attach it via magclamp to the side of the backpack and withdrew his lightsaber from a pouch on his utility belt, dashing forward and plunging it through the chest of a slaver in front of him as the viridian blade ignited fully. Tearing it out to the left he deflected a blaster shot back at its source, silencing another slaver, he was careful to give MIshel space but this would provide a truly terrifying sight for the unlucky group ahead of them.

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BB-4001X BB-4001X

"Luck's Revenge is in critical condition," Vera muttered, crossing her arms behind her back and looking up through the viewport. "Do we have sensor lock yet?"

"Almost," the reply came. "We've traced the comms signal back and picked up what we're fairly certain is the ship."

Vera nodded and moved back into her seat, strapping herself in. "Redirect all weapons power to the FeatherTouch tractor beams- give us a full burn to move to intercept. The S-maneuver may give us enough time to lock on with tractor beams."

She couldn't imagine what might happen if a ship crashed into an active radiological disaster. The combination of the dirty bomb with starship fuel, reactors, and so forth? Even with her technical training, the consequences were beyond what she could easily imagine.

"Luck's Revenge-" Vera replied, speaking deliberately as she worked through the variables. "We will accelerate to your position to get into tractor-beam range. Pull your S-curve maneuver, and we should be able to catch your vessel to slow down enough to activate repulsors."




Mira smirked as the suggestion to send a group through the front door was tossed out, nearly opting to be the bait were it not for the kid. She wasn’t sure Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus was ready for that kind of heat yet, and Mira wasn’t in the business of traumatizing Padawans. Not intentionally, at least.

“Toss in a line of spice, and I’ll be there,” she jested over the comms as Mishel Mishel and Kurayami Bloodborn Kurayami Bloodborn took to the main entrance.

She turned her eyes to the cliff face, made sure her fingerless gloves were tight on her hands, and started on the path Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural was taking along the wall.

“Not much- of a climber- myself-” Mira grunted as she trailed the Zygerrian.

“You uh- do this often?”

Her eyes cut to Lossa, a playful smile shining through the exertion of climbing up the wall. But the friendly face quickly turned into a much more serious one as the sound of blaster fire echoed through the hillside.

“That was fast,” Mira said, a chuckle rolling out behind her words.

Now this was the kind of Jedi mission she enjoyed. Perhaps the Coalition wasn’t as boring as she thought it’d be.


ST-70 Luck's Revenge
| Orbit of Andelm IV

He really didn't have time to ponder the Endurance.

Which was saying something. He effectively had two droid brains. A central processor unit that was a sort of conductor leading the chaos of his two subprocessor that otherwise conflicted against one another.

Instead, his second-degree processor was running the numbers, crunching the variables on the re-entry to try and calculate the optimal angle of attack that would allow the ship to stay together. The correct angle for the deflector. The amount of gravimetric sheer he could apply to any part of the hull before the ship would break apart.

His fourth-degree processor was occupied with the task of actually flying the damn thing.

"Luck's Revenge - We will accelerate to your position to get into tractor-beam range. Pull your S-curve maneuver, and we should be able to catch your vessel to slow down enough to activate repulsors."

If he'd had a hand free to unmute the comm unit, he'd have answered back.

Unfortunately, both hands were occupied. So the droid was just talking to himself as he blurt out, "And what? Hope you don't snap me in fething half?"

The droid was a flurry of motion, a hand flying off the flight control stick in a blur of motion and speed as he quickly adjusted the angle of the deflector, before gripping both sticks and proceeding to try and roll the ship sideways as he sought to slip into the atmosphere.

The sideways attack put a Hutt ton of pressure on the frame. Inside, the ship was creaking like an old wood cabin. But, the friction also buffeted the approach, providing resistance that would arrest his forward momentum.

He was running a countdown in his head, having already calculated the rate of descent into the atmosphere. Another forty-five seconds, he'd be low enough to engage the repulsorlift.

...if his friends in the Endurance didn't kark the chit up royally.

Knowing the government, or most governments, the droid was going to expect the worse and be happily surprised if it didn't blow up in his face.

And he wasn't betting on being surprised.





Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural | Mira Quinn Mira Quinn | Kurayami Bloodborn Kurayami Bloodborn | Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus | Open to Interaction
This wasn't Kirdo and that was bad for the people inside the base if she was going to be the distraction. Then by the Goddess it was going to be glorious. Mishel's yellow lightsaber cut through armor, sparks flew as it dug into the side of a wall, and again, and again as it thrashed into the men who dared to surround her. The screams and shouts of men burning alive in their armor could be heard, then silenced moments later when the fire's heat grew in intensity.

A peripheral glance told her Kurayami's own lightsaber had been activated. Alarms sounded throughout the base as more men rushed to take care of the intruders. Turning to her more telekinetic abilities, the Tygaran threw a few guards into one another and used fire as a defensive mechanism so she could change trajectory. Her only regret was that her sister Alessandra Creed Alessandra Creed was not here, Ale would actually enjoy this sort of thing. Mishel thought to herself as she deflected a few more blaster bolts.

The Jedi Master turned to Djem So momentarily to cut her way through the base's security. "Kurayami, towers!" Mishel shouted as she deflected an otherwise well-placed blaster bolt. The sound of an advanced battle droid could be heard stomping its way toward the duo. Mishel let her lightsaber fly toward him and made use of her pyrokinesis in the meanwhile. Lightsaber back in hand, she caught sight of another droid and the unmistakable sound of turrets. "TURRETS!"



Location: Andelm IV, Forest
Equipment: Danger Jacket, Outfit, Mix and Match Harness, Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Left Ear, Long Handled Double Lightsaber, Concealed Sling Bag
Tags: Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural Mishel Mishel Kurayami Bloodborn Kurayami Bloodborn Mira Quinn Mira Quinn OPEN

The mention of Zeltron eyes being pretty wasn't lost on the padawan. The usually pink colored eyes shifting to their deep rosy red as pride filtered through the emotional filter.

"We do have pretty eyes." Hands dropping from her eyes as she watched the duo begin climbing.

A sigh coming from her before the blaster fire echoed through the canyon.

Eyes opening wide at the speed with which the situation had shifted. Would there be anyone left by the time they arrived? Probably for the better as she got settled into the spot Mira had started her own climb.

"Much more - controlled - environments." She replied with a healthy dose of humor in her tone.

The hand holds trying to make her nerves worse as the tab kept her cool.

The force aiding her in the short jump she had to make. It was already a chore keeping up with the more athletic duo ahead of her. She didn't need to literally fall off the cliff face as she focused the force through her arms down to her fingers.

A task made easier by her practice with similar force use in ballet practice.

The sounds of blaster fire and the tell tale hiss of lightsabers causing her to lob a question up at the two ahead of her in a flat monotone.

"Do you think they know someone's here?" Efforts doubled to not laugh at her rather inane question while free climbing the cliff.

As the men rushed the duo, so too were they being cut down the two of them working in surprising unison. Shifting the saber into his right hand from deflecting a stray shot into the floor, as a few other rounds found purchase on the armor, doing little more than scoring the surface. More guards poured into the hall where they were and quickly learned why this was a bad idea. With a flurry of what seemed no more than flourishes around his body while he was stationary, he left those closest to him either dead or missing limbs and momentarily in shock before they joined their associates on the ground.

For a time things were going quite nicely for the two masters, their sabers cutting swathes through any who stood against them. Then came the call. First something about towers, and secondly turrets. The turrets could wait for a moment, as he took a few seconds to channel the darkside into an incredibly destructive blast of Force destruction. It was aimed at the first tower he saw and sheared the right side of the top clear off, leaving little but a ruin. The strain was clear as his motions faltered while he recovered from the exertion of the move. That was not the best plan but it removed one tower from the equation. Reaching for a stimpack with his free hand he injected it quickly knowing that he couldn't afford downtime right now. The instant rush got him back into the thick of things as he moved more fluidly to engage the turrets using chunks of debris and bodies of the fallen as a way to close the distance. Once he was closer he threw his saber in a wide arc aiming for the power supply on the nearest turret, hoping that the pull back would sever the turret in half making it useless from there on out.




Location: Andelm IV
Objective: infiltrate Eclipse
Tags: Mira Quinn Mira Quinn Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Mishel Mishel Kurayami Bloodborn Kurayami Bloodborn

“You uh- do this often?”

"When I was married it was something of a hobby, its an excellent work out, until you fall." she laughed as she grunted and made it to the lip above them, she could hear gunfire in the distance that signalled the other team engaging. Someone was using the force offensively, a sensation that to the Zygerrian was not unplesant, nor was the expression of pride in the Zeltron accompanying them. She smiled tensed her body before launching herself over the edge and drawing her light saber in a single move. The pyre white blade hummed into life and cast shadows around her. A guard was present, but the suprise entrance from the Jedi was enough to catch him off guard and with a couple of flicks of her blade he was dispatched.

There was one door up here, sightly ajar from the guard's movements, that was a good sign, it meant they had not buttoned everything up and the Jedi team should be able to move freely. Rhiza would only move so far as to secure the door from being closed before Mira Quinn Mira Quinn and Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus arrived on the platform with her. For good measure, she severed the hydraulics ram on the door to ensure it wouldnt be automatically closed on the.

"This looks like it, may the force be with us." she added as the entered the unknown. There was undoubtedly going to be more guards or hired goons in the tunnels, or worse, slavers were not beyond using heavier creatures to do their bidding, but she had every faith in their abilities. The inside of the corridor was dimly lit, but there was sounds of shouting as people reacted to the frontal assault. It plunged into the cliff Wall and descended. Well worn iron loops on the walls showed where slaves would have been chained awaiting collection. Rhiza ran her fingers along the pitted metal and thought back to her own past and there was just the slightest flicker of guilt in her light.





Mira stifled a cackle, pausing for a moment to avoid falling off the cliff.

“Survey says …” she trailed off, whimsically waving a finger in the air while the screams of immolating guards filled the air.

“… yes! Yes, they’re acutely aware of us.”

She chuckled softly to herself as she resumed her climb. Ahead by a meter or so, Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural made a final vertical leap over the edge of the wall, her lightsaber glowing bright against the darkness. Mira followed suit, landing beside the Zygerrian with her own pink blade burning fiercely.

Seeing that Rhiza had both the guard and the door taken care of, Mira disengaged her weapon and knelt down to offer Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus a hand.

“I gotcha, kid,” she said as she extended her arm.

Once they were regrouped on the platform, Mira nodded to the door.

“Wanna take point?” she asked the Master Spectre. Mira would do so otherwise, but figured that Rhiza would prefer to take the lead.


Jun Chiyo



Location: Andelm IV | Objective II | Soundtrack: Agents


The Padawan walked carefully at first, but the sound of Mandalorian boots marching from the rear pushed her to match their pace as they drew closer. She turned to face who she assumed was the team leader.

“I’m Jun,” she said curtly, “thank you for coming.”

She opted to keep conversation between them brief; It was no secret that Mandalorians weren’t fond of the Jedi. Their presence here spoke volumes though, and Jun hoped it meant good things for the League.

Having been born and mostly raised on Atrisia, Jun had never seen war. True war. Nothing like what she saw before her, and this was just a one-off bombing.

Not just a bombing, but…. nothing on the scale of galaxy-spanning, centuries-long conflict like what the Mandalorians were used to. She couldn’t imagine being a part of such terrible cycles of strife. Suddenly, the woes of Atrisian court and the abuse her father put her through seemed almost paltry.

The steady ticking of her sensors didn’t help much, either, a constant reminder of the irradiated debris surrounding them. It only grew stronger the deeper into ground zero they went, and soon, she began to grow nervous about her vacsuit’s capabilities.

The Padawan looked to Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol , a bit intimidated by his armored visage. She stopped in her stead, swallowed hard, and spoke through the comlink.

“I don’t think my suit can handle getting much closer,” Jun said with misty eyes.

She tried so hard to keep her cool, stay out of her own head, but the thought of a young child out here, all alone… it reminded her all too much of her younger brother, Aiko, stuck on Atrisia.

“I’m a healer,” the girl said with determination.

“Bring him back to me, I can help.”



Location: Andelm IV, Slaver Bunker
Equipment: Danger Jacket, Outfit, Mix and Match Harness, Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Left Ear, Long Handled Double Lightsaber, Concealed Sling Bag
Tags: Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural Mishel Mishel Kurayami Bloodborn Kurayami Bloodborn Mira Quinn Mira Quinn OPEN

Rhiza reached the top first, the telltale sound a lightsaber igniting making her snort at Mira's words.

"And those that don't, will." She huffed with a chuckle. Her fingertips were going numb even with the addition of the force flowing through them.

The offered hand taken quickly, scampering up the last bit of the cliff with as much grace as she could manage.

She brushed herself off, taking a second to pull on the joint of each finger while they figured out who was taking the lead.

Rhiza led the way inside, Lossa bringing up the tail as she felt the satisfying pop of her last digit. Shaking them out, she produced her own saber, gripping halfway and near the bottom emitter for the time without igniting the blade.

Her eyes adjusting to the interior as the wall seemed to attract Rhiza's attention. The pang of guilt possibly directed at the loops on the wall given the woman's attention to them. A lack of understanding drawing a frown across a previously serious face.

She kept her wonder silent, instead intently listening as they walked.

The sound of shouting and harried movement filling the air as surprise, anger, and fear danced in a strange way to her senses.

The fear becoming its own entity from the other emotions as they traveled along. And her understanding of emotional currents causing her to whisper sharply to Mira.

"I think. The slaves are fairly close. But, I can't-" Her head swiveling to locate the direction which the fear felt the strongest.

The corridor didn't offer her much chance to narrow it down as she leaned against the wall. Hand brushing a loop as she leaned and focused. A sharp hiss of air through clenched teeth as a deep sense of despair came with the touch.

Her hand snapped back to her side like she'd been burned. Staring at the wall with a bit more understanding. Crimson eyes sliding to Rhiza before going back to the wall.

"Feth." Her only descriptor as she followed behind them once more.




Location: Andelm IV
Objective: infiltrate Eclipse
Tags: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Mira Quinn Mira Quinn Mishel Mishel Kurayami Bloodborn Kurayami Bloodborn

Rhiza continued further down, looking back at her allies.

Her hand snapped back to her side like she'd been burned. Staring at the wall with a bit more understanding. Crimson eyes sliding to Rhiza before going back to the wall.

"There is a lot of pain in places like this, haunts the place and those who occupy it. Be mindful not to let it take hold." she looked at Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus with a eye of mutual understanding before sighing andnrecentering herself. She wondered if this might be a conversation that would come up in future. It was known to the masters in the council that she was once a Sith, but almost nobody was aware of her slaver history, she was made into a sith by her husband, but she chose to be a slaver, it was a big distinction that she still worried others would not accept.

The area was swimming with different presences and emotions, it was hard to see clearly through it and as the group went further in and found their first junction, it took focus and tapping deep into the force to glean which direction to turn next. Rhiza felt that the leadership would be unlikely to fight for themselves, so she had a choice, the sensation of battle, or the sensation of fear of loss. She bared here teeth and decided to track those who stood to lose the most here. "I think their leaders are this way, the fight is that way, what are you two in the mood for then?" she laughed having made her decision and pulled out her pistol.

It must have been the force that told her to draw her pistol as at that moment a heavily armed burst through the door at the other end of the corridor and opened fire, she blocked with her lightsaber and sent two plasma edged shurikens whistling down the corridor slicing clean through the man's armour and into his chest cavity, dropping him in a bleeding heap on the floor. She didn't say anything but headed straight for the door that was now trying to close on the man's immobile leg. At least he had helped them in avoiding the need to slice the door to the leaders.

BB-4001X BB-4001X

"We're at full acceleration," one of the helmsman said, and Vera nodded. "Far surpassed terminal velocity achievable by gravitic forces alone."

"Very good,' Vera replied, tightening the safety buckles on her harness. The ship jolted and shuddered under the impact of the atmosphere, heat shields flaring red under the friction. "Bring us in under the falling ship, paralleling the trajectory."

The idea was developing further in her mind, shapes shifting and reforming as she watched a dark speck appeared in the distance. It was the ship, coming in from above and at a steep angle.

"Preparing to match trajectory," the helm officer said, sounding somewhat dubious. Vera couldn't blame her. It was not a trajectory particularly friendly to large vessels. But that was the benefit of using small, maneuverable vessels.

"Adjust velocity," Vera replied after a moment, "Let the falling ship catch up to us. We want to engage tractor beams at equivalent velocities and begin gradual deceleration."




Mira kept moving, not allowing her eyes to linger on the instruments of torture longer than they had to.

“This is why we’re here,” she said aloud, though her tone suggested she was talking more to herself than the group.

Her voice was resolute and firm.

“This is why we’re Jedi.”

Mira was glad for @Rhiza Dural’s leadership on this one; The shackles, the labyrinthine corridors, the pain resonating in the Force… it was almost too much for the young Corellian to handle. She’d keep herself straight for Lossa’s sake, but a mission like this would call for more than a few bumps of spice when it was all said and done.

"I think their leaders are this way, the fight is that way, what are you two in the mood for then?"

“Kill the queen, or kick the nest…” Mira mused, but the decision was made for them when a heavy trooper burst into the hall sending blaster fire straight at them.

Mira’s saber sparked to life, casting a hot-pink burst of light around her as she followed Rhiza for the door. The Zygerrian’s shurikens pierced the slaver’s armor, dropping him dead, but more were sure to come after that wild barrage of blasterfire.

She hopped over the body, never breaking her pace, steadily advancing deeper into the facility. Her mind reached out into the Force, trying to get a sense of where the higher-ups were hiding. Sifting through the memories that tainted the facility was more than difficult, though. For her, it was like reliving a nightmare. She slowed her pace, eventually coming to a stop a short distance ahead of the others.

Beads of sweat rested on her brow, and she drew in sharp breaths.

“They’re just ahead,” Mira panted.

“I’m right behind you. Go.”



Location: Andelm IV, Slaver Bunker
Equipment: Danger Jacket, Outfit, Mix and Match Harness, Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Left Ear, Long Handled Double Lightsaber, Concealed Sling Bag
Tags: Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural Mishel Mishel Kurayami Bloodborn Kurayami Bloodborn Mira Quinn Mira Quinn OPEN

She wasn't going to demand an explanation for the guilty feeling. Or one for the sensations that belonged to this place. At least not when they were in the midst of a slaver base.

But the way she looked at the woman promised the questions in her mind would be posed at some point.

Given that they had more pressing issues, she let it go. Especially when someone came barreling into the passage to attack them. Blaster shots erupted as her purple blade ignited, defensive stance taken as Rhiza solved the problem before much could happen.

They passed over the body, Lossa's hands dancing across his gear and slipping a small blaster out and pocketing it without losing much ground behind the duo.

Mira paused, directing their attention forward as Lossa made sure to clear the way for Rhiza having stepped around Mira to avoid colliding in the passage.

She'd already made a mess of their sneaking outside, she didn't want to snag them up with their target so close.

"I'll bring up the rear. Sure someone is gonna come looking with the noise." She kept her lightsaber clear of their path ahead, eyeing the passage as she took a steadying breath.

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Location: Andelm IV
Objective: infiltrate Eclipse
Tags: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Mira Quinn Mira Quinn Mishel Mishel Kurayami Bloodborn Kurayami Bloodborn

“Kill the queen, or kick the nest…”

"That's the spirit" the zygerrian woman grinned at Mira Quinn Mira Quinn , showing her sharp teeth. She walked forward and felt through the force, trying to pull out the fear of the armed defenders from the fear of the previous inhabitants of this location. The corridor was dark, save for the lights of the Jedi's sabers and a little red dot that danced and appeared on Rhiza's chest. What happened happened in a heartbeat, but the Spectre gave a smirk and raised an eyebrow to the shooter unseen shooter, just as he squeezed the trigger. The muzzle flare had not even dissipated when the large caliber blaster round flashed against her white light saber and returned along its incoming path. With a grunt and a clatter, the sniper went down but this caused his other allied to open fire down the corridor.

The flashes from their guns illuminated the corridor and right behind them was a heavy looking door which they appeared to be defending there was ateast three shooters, all firing heavy blasters. Rhiza ducked in to a side corridor to avoid the heavy barrage and spoke to the other Jedi. "My money is on our prey being behind that door, we take out these guards, we arrest the leaders and we have what we need." the noise from another burst of fire down the main corridor drowned her out and she paused speaking for a second.

Rhiza glanced at a nearby ground level air vent and then at the other girls. "Either of you feeling small today?" the implications should have been obvious, get in the vents, get then either get behind the shooters into the office itself, or simply behind their defensive position and spare the other two charging down a narrow corridor into a trio of blaster armed guards. The vent was small, but looked crawlable.


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