Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Darth Venefica"]

Perhaps it would spur even greater interest in dominions. I mean, it's a great way to get some posts in, develop your skills IC and OOC, meet some people. All good stuff

Already? Damn, speedy dom is speedy.

Yep.......I'm thinking about making my upcoming DOM a speed one then follow it up with another one. Plus [member="Vrag"] is such a sweetheart for making cute little tags for those that participate.
[member="Darth Venefica"]

Considering that's all about slaughter and capture for the sake of resources, I see how that can be a very nice speedy one. I sort of want people to have a bit of extra fun on Mindabaal. Especially as I'm setting up a sort of Red Wedding scenario, which is sort of different from run of the mill objectives.

I admit, [member="Vrag"]'s tags is one of the main reasons why I contribute. It's straight out of the Skinner Box: Post and be rewarded with bling. I should learn to make some myself.
[member="Darth Venefica"]

This is my first intended speedy one, but I'm enjoying it a lot. Oh, I need to get into dev threads. There are ideas somewhere in the sawdust that occupies my head. Some cruel, some cool.

Also thank you! That means a lot to hear :D

I'm so totally in, to claim one one [member="Vrag"]'s cute little tags for one of my own! Totally a motivation booster!

I'm on route!

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god

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