Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Speed Dominion of Sev Tok will be up soon!

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
If someone would be willing to act as a bodyguard to the Baroness (due to her having very limited combat capabilities and only being an acolyte) I wouldn't mind throwing her into the fray to look at a potential expansion of Magrath Industries.

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
Will do [member="Darth Praelior"], after all, there's only so much one Nexu NPC can do to protect its mistress.

Payment will be in the form of appeasing a member of nobility whom is willing to allow shipments of her company's products to go "missing" and find their way into the hands of the One Sith.



The Second Seal, broken.
[member="Baroness Magrath"]

If the Baroness doesn't land on the other side of the beach, Vrag would be quite amenable.
And who doesn't want a mountain of armor between them and blaster shots? :p

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