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Public Spice Up Life [Nar Shaddaa]

So, Tryk hadn't been sought at all. At least, not specifically.

He was interesting to A'ti merely as a friend of Chess, and perhaps additionally as a curiosity.

Well, he couldn't blame her. Chess was definitely more interesting, and Jawas were rare in places like this.

"Tryk Hunter," he said, deciding to sell himself, "best hunter in Hutt space."

He decided not to give his local references. There was at least one Hutt who wasn't happy with him, on account of having become his target. Tryk hadn't been able to take him out... yet. But he'd been an expensive thorn in the side.

Fortunately, there were lots of Hutts, and only one wanted him dead.

"You need hunter, you ask Tryk. Good rates."

Then he nodded to Chess, "She good singer. Worth much credit. Powerful Lady A'ti have lots credits for song."

He wanted to be sure the underworld figure wasn't trying to get a free performance. Plus he might as well put in a good word for Chess. She'd mucked up a job of his, once... but he supposed he'd mucked up hers, too.

If he ever hoped for a dance, he should probably even that score.

A'ti A'ti
Chessashai Umianai Chessashai Umianai
Valery Noble Valery Noble
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Darth Tentaus

TAG: Ulic Indominus Kun

The Dark Lord felt it, a tremor in the Force as one of the angels fell. He had come to Nar Shadda to collect supplies for his questionable science experiments, droids loading his shuttle when he sensed The Newly Fallen One in a cantina in the distance. Throwing his ivory robe over his head, he charted a vessel to the Cantina. There a Transoshan and Wookiee tried to barr his way, making a crescent of his index, minddle, and thimb fingers her pointed at them both, they began to choke and stagger back as he then passed them, releasing them.

Once inside he took in the many lights, and decadent furnishings that placed of this sort used to caress senses as drinks dulled them. It was a den of degeneracy drummed up as finery, which The Sith Scientist hated above all else. He aensed Paladins in place, those most ancient enemy of the Sith and yet paid them no heed, he had come to collect a Son.

There at the bar was The One radiating the dark magentism that only Force Sensitives could fully perceive and that others felt as a chill. Approaching he made introductions,

Greetings Brother in Darkness, I am Lord Tentaus, I felt your transformation in the Force..

Ulic Indominus Kun

TAG: Darth Tentaus

The Reborn Ulic took a sip of his drink when he felt a strong presence, almost suffocating, as if a wet blanket was smothering his mouth, he turned to see a towering Togruta in white mantels, who adressed him as Brother,

Lord Tentaus.. it is an honor. I am Ulic Indominus Kun, of the Line of Exar-Kun. I have at last stopped running from my blood, and have embraced the power of the dark side.

He took another sip, he wondered if The Jedi in this establishment would pay any heed to a meet of two Dark Sons. Jedi tended to observe and calculate, he knew, he had been one. His eyes scanned the room, so many faces unaware of their doom, that Darkness when it gathers will plan the ruin of such frivolities. Maybe it was best they had their denial, their blissful ignorance. Let them enjoy the borrowed time they had.

Is it fate that a Lord of the Sith approaches me so soon after my fall? What are the odds you would be on world when I decided to cross the threshold of shadow? Then again, perhaps He knew and persuaded me now at this time so that we may meet.

Ulic took another sip, the tart drink that turned sweet was delicious, more so now that he allowed himself to enjoy things.
Interactions: Tryk Zhot Tryk Zhot A'ti A'ti
Small vibroblade ⭑ Purse- credits, comlink​

Chessa was rather embarrassed by the entire situation, she kept herself at bay by taking a long sip from the glass in her hand as Tryk talked. He was so straight forward and made the most insane (by her standards) comments, it was absolutely disgraceful for the self conscious singer. Oh bantha piss, please stop blabbering... She thought to herself. At this point there was only one thing she could do, which was roll with it.

"Ah yes, he is quite indeed a fantastic hunter- saved me once," half truths counted in Chessas opinion, now she just hoped that A'ti would not think she was bonkers for praising the obviously questionable abilities of the Jawa. Although Chessa was the type to lie like it was her first language, stuff like this wasn't exactly on her radar. This night was simply one of those nights that needed her to suck it up and do a tad bit of bootlicking.

"There is absolutely no need for payments, being my listener is quite wonderful enough," she said to A'ti. A lie. As much as she loved singing, her love for credits exceeded much more.

Chessa set her glass down on the table and moved a few loose hairs out of her face, "Uhm, here's a verse from a recent song," she said before proceeding to sing,

"Some might call me mad
The worst this town has had
I fell right down the rabbit hole
Legends say I fell so fast I lost my soul"

She did not let the awkwardness of singing in a nightclub blasting synthwave did not get to her, though she did hope that A'ti would enjoy the song in galactic basic.

Valery Noble Valery Noble Ulic Indominus Kun Kostodu Xyston Kostodu Xyston Samuel Exel Samuel Exel Darth Tentaus
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Darth Tentaus

The Sith Lord held his hand to his chin, he was as much a Man of Science as Sorcery, so he felt compelled to give a two fold answer,

The odds were one in hundred thousand you would encounter a Lord of the Sith, though One like me multiply that by infinity, for I am unlike all others in my devotions. The arcane answer is yes, the dark side has drawn us together at this crucial juncture in your Journey.”

The Togruta Sith adjusted the white coverings over his lekku.

You said you are the Blood of Exar Kun.. that is a tantalizing prospect.. Force Genealogies intrigue me, though they can be as much of a handicap as an asset, trying to live up to the legacy of an ancestor can unmake a person. Tapping into the strength of blood while not falling into the shadow of it is the real challenge.

The Master of Science and Sorcery felt curosity at a prospect festering in his mind. To help this Son of Kun rise to his potential could be an adventure, and in process he could study by observation if one could live up to linage and finally break free of its chains would be a worthy scientific case study.

“I can show you how to find that balance, to channel the power Exar once held and yet make a name for yourself. Though know I and the New Sith Order stand apart, we follow different philsophies, I am Banenite who follows The Rule of Two. With me you shall never grace Korriban in its present occupation, nor will you have peers to sneer at weaker vessels with. No, I offer a path that will require absolute devotion and little affirmation. I will not stoke your ego as their instructors would, nor play mind games that waist your talent in uncertainties. With me you will rise to a caliber that is almost lost in this galaxy, and when you are strong enough.. you will shed me and send me to the other dark lords that came before me, and take your own apprentice.

The Togruta Sith was making his offer and only once. If this Seed of Kun hesitated, he would move on and head to his next project alone.

TAG: Ulic Indominus Kun

Ulic Indominus Kun

Ulic put down his drink and paid careful attention to the words of the Dark Lord. He was offering him a place as an apprentice, to walk upon the path his Ancestor had, to join the line of Two and be part of an unbroken tradition since Lord Bane. More than this, The Sith Lord was honest that he had no association with The New Sith he had encountered. More than this he offered to help Ulic become more than an echo of Exar, to become a unique link in the pantheon of Sith Lords.

To this The Dark Jedi bowed his head low,

I wish to learn the ways of the dark side of the Force and become like my ancestor before me. Show me the true nature of the Force.. teach me to rise, and I shall be your devoted pupil.

There was redundance in his words, but the new Acolyte wanted to be clear that he accepted The Offer of this powerful Lord. He did not want to leave anything to nuance or subtlety. Before this Fallen One was the opportunity of a lifetime ans he would not waste it. He made it clear that he wished to submit to this Master.

TAG: Darth Tentaus


Nar Shaddaa
Outfit: Evening Gown
Tag: A'ti A'ti Tryk Zhot Tryk Zhot Chessashai Umianai Chessashai Umianai Open

With her eyes shifting around, Valery picked up on various interesting interactions, but none that really made her overly suspicious. She wasn't going to risk exposing herself over some small-scale illegal activities — she'd be busy forever on Nar Shaddaa if she were to try — but she was hoping to find something a little more worthy of her attention.

Which is when she caught A'ti A'ti looking over.

The woman carried herself with the confidence and aura of a crime lord, and others had likely gathered around her for a reason. If there was anything worth pursuing here tonight, it'd likely be there. So, with just a polite smile touching her lips, Valery walked over and dipped her head to the group on arrival.

"Good evening," she said, only after Chessashai Umianai Chessashai Umianai had finished singing.


I just really like this song version
Near Tags: Tryk Zhot Tryk Zhot Chessashai Umianai Chessashai Umianai Valery Noble Valery Noble
Crew: 4 bodyguards

A'ti considered the Jawa thoughtfully when he offered her his services as bounty hunter. She would have to vet the claims later through her own network but it didn't come as a surprise that a famous singer ran in the same circles as other more ambitious types "<I will consider it Tryk.>" she replied though her expression became a bit tense as it seemed she was taking offense to the Jawa's amicable worry about A'ti getting a free show. She seemed ready to reply to the veiled objection when Chessashai obliged claiming no payment was needed. Just what A'ti wanted to hear of course.

"<Bravo.>" A'ti nodded towards Chessashai at her performance "<You are every bit as talented as I have heard. Perhaps I will have words with your manager.>" whatever that meant. It was then that newest addition to the table came over and A'ti turned her atttention to Valery Noble Valery Noble . She quietly looked her up and down and spoke in Huttese "<Do you speak Huttese?>" something about this woman had drawn A'ti 's interest. At first it was the potential for her to be a wealthy client but now there was something else. She couldn't quite put her finger on it.

In any case A'ti motioned towards an empty seat for the woman to take her place while an attendant hurried over and supplied Valery with a drink.

Darth Tentaus

TAG: Ulic Indominus Kun

The Dark Lord was pleased at this response.

Then you shall become my apprentice. Come.. I have a ship about to depart. Together we shall explore your potential among the stars.

With that The Togruta Sith turned on his heel, and heades past all the tables of revelry to the front gate where the Trando and Wookiee upon seeing him fled into the shadows for fear he would use his power once more. There at the edge of the city scape the Sith Lord watched as his ship, The Diviner, approached and the ramp extended to him. Enterimg in he was greeted by his IG unit who chimed,

“Mazter.. all systemz green. Cargo loaded and ready.”

The Sith Scientist took a seat and bud the Droid go outside and ushering His New Apprentice inside the ship once he arrived.

Lord Tentaus was eager to leave Nar Shadda, too many Jedi about and the villiany was not as weak minded as Mois Eispley. They were not amenable to his sorcery or his mad science. Besides the cargo he had loaded wasn’t legal, and he had no intent of having a run in with GA police and having to fill more coffins.

Ulic Indominus Kun

Ulic was pleased to hear the word “apprentice.” That he was now part of something once more. His New Master bid him to leave with all due haste, turning on his heel he left, and Ulic finished the last sip of his drink before rising from his stool. He took a passing glance at Valery Noble Valery Noble and felt the other Jedi who were hiding in sea of faces.

It was fitting he shed his Light in such a place, where people came to become entranced by strobing lights as they drank colorful drinks. Ulic was a Jedi no more, consumed by Kun and his destiny to be His Heir. He would not discover by the grace of his Master’s instruction how to become a master of the dark side. He made his way down the hall and outside where he saw a shuttle and IG droid that bid him board. Inside he found Darth Tentaus who was plotting a course on the star map. The ramp rose and the ship began to ascend into sky of traffic as it made its way out of the city which glowed with its neon yellows, blues, and pinks. Ulic felt in that moment as he spoke,

No turning back, no turning back.

The ship left the system and once from of the atmosphere made the jump to lightspeed.
Tryk sighed inwardly when Chess decided to give a free performance.

It was an act antithetical to Jawa culture, and it made him feel uncomfortable right down to the marrow of his little Jawa bones.

Well... you couldn't expect all species to be equally cultured. It wasn't her fault that she'd been raised under some strange notions.

The singing was good, of course. Tryk knew that about Chess already. Her voice made his heart beat a little bit faster.

The Jawa mercenary turned his attention to the new arrival.

To Tryk's mind, the woman moved like a dancer.

Maybe A'ti was trying to get a whole act together for a new club. Singer, dancer, and...

Hmm. Bouncer?

He still wasn't clear on his role. But if he waited, he'd find out.

If you stared at a dune long enough, it eventually moved.

A'ti A'ti
Chessashai Umianai Chessashai Umianai
Valery Noble Valery Noble
Chessashai was quite joyous with the response A'ti provided, she felt quite accomplished to gain a possible new customer that was powerful. As the new figure approached them, Chessa got the attention of a passing server. It was a swift movement, she gracefully caressed the servers hand and the exchange was done. The corrupt server disappeared into the crowd happy with his newly made credits, and Chessa popped open the tiny capsule between her fingers to inhale its contents as she turned back to face the group. She inconspicuously took another sip from her glass, it certainly wasn't the riskiest thing she had ever done. Once, she inhaled spice during an interview, not her proudest moment but she wasn't caught so there was that...

It was amusing how the little furry fellow was suddenly surrounded by beauties, Chessa tried to stifle her giggle with her hand. She looked up at the lady in the green dress, "Ooh, in the name of the Light! Your dress is so exquisite-" another giggle escaped from her mouth. The singer was trying to give a genuine compliment but one might think differently with her childish giggles. The blasting music seemed to get a bit louder, she felt light, and the most random things in her peripheral vision just seemed a bit funny.

She took a deep breath in, she felt much too giddy than she should be. Was it the alcohol? The giggledust? The mix? No no no no... it must be something else... Chessa became lost in thought, not particularly looking at anything, she didn't even realize she was leaning towards Tryks seat.

Kostodu Xyston Kostodu Xyston Samuel Exel Samuel Exel

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