Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Spiraling


Talking to Yuri Maji Yuri Maji

The answer was, for all intents and purposes, appearing as clear, honest and brutally open. Sympathetic eyes looked to the Shistavanen from behind the device. A deep nod was offered in gratitude when he understood that Yuri had completed the explanation and was ready to ask a question of his own. "Thank you, Yuri. Go ahead"

As the question was explained and asked, Vince gestured for his mate to move with him as he exited the cantina. Regardless of where the Shistavanen's ship might be, the young Royal moved north, towards the Royal Palace which towered above most buildings in the distance. The walk was kept at a leisurely pace as the Prince listened to the question that was being posed.

An answer would not come immediately. Instead, he kept his hands clasped behind his back whilst leaning his head from side to side "We are not entirely sure" he offered at first, throwing a glance to his new companion. "In a way, this seems like a good way to treat everyone - but then, our perspective might be different from that of our subjects. Growing up, most of our contacts have been vetted in some way. Not always officially but our time is carefully managed. Perhaps it has allowed for some increased freedom to show trust, faith and friendship. During these retreats of ours, and during our time with the armed forces, it has not backfired so far."

He continued to move with comfortable steps and shrugged "Or perhaps it is just how we are as a person. Regardless, Yuri, we have not spoken to you with any other angle than with the hope to get to know you." With a bit of a delay, a smirk grew on his lips, likely as he thought of something. "And to me, it would seem as if you are a rather interesting person to get to know. Now, what is this suspicion of yours about getting arrested based on? Has the law treated you that poorly in the past?"
Vince was disturbingly chill about having a blaster drawn on him, but if what he said about soldiering was true, it wasn't that much of a surprise. Yuri never could understand soldiers. What bothered Yuri, however, was the direction Vince was taking him. The palace. His mane began to stand on end as he paid careful attention at their surroundings.

When Vince finally finished with his admittedly heart-warming explanation, he asked Yuri why he was so paranoid. "My guy! This! Exactly this is what I'm talkin' about." He spoke up with outstretched hands and wide eyes. "You just keep goin' on and on, making it really hard to be mad at ya, and you're just casually walkin' to your palace without any concern with an allegedly convicted criminal behind ya. And yeah, you ever been to jail? It sucks, especially the ones on Kestri. On top of that, I don't know what your angle is! I dunno if you've been recordin' me all this time or something." He let out a long sigh and rested his hands on his hips as he shook his head.

He stared at Vince for a long moment. "I don't trust strangers. Especially people with access to enough guards to fight a war at the press of a button. Not after everythin' I said back there." He admitted. This whole situation was eating away at him. Why the hell did he go and spill his guts at someone who could have him shot or imprisoned with literally just one word? What the hell was it about this dude that had Yuri all over the place like this. He wasn't exactly good looking, so it definitely wasn't that.

Was he starved for attention? It couldn't be that, he didn't give a damn about what people thought of him. And he had plenty of friends... as far as he knew. He had plenty of friends...

"Nah... kark this. I don't trust you. See ya 'round, prince. Hopefully not at the end of a blaster." He gave a casual salute and turned on his heel to start walking away. And yet, there was still an insufferable desire in the back of his mind to turn around and keep following him like some street dog.

Vince Vince

Talking to Yuri Maji Yuri Maji

Clearly, the Prince had seen the pointy end of the stick in the past. Still, a clenched jaw loosened up and tense shoulders fell slightly when the blaster was put away. An interested but somewhat subtle brow rose upon hearing of a jail on Kestri.

Defeated eyes fell upon hearing Yuri's declaration that he did not trust strangers. Of course, they were still hidden behind the device, thus, all the Shistavanen would be able to see was a downwards tilt of the head. "You ought to start somewhere. Even if it is not with us, you might need to let people in. For your own sake."

The comforting smile which was offered quickly ceded ground to a thinner line upon hearing what the other give up the idea of going for a second round. Vince instinctively offered a sharp semi-bow of the head upon receiving the salute and then turned to watch the other move away. An arm started to raise and his mouth opened to call for the man but both actions quickly seemed to falter as a frustrated sigh escaped him. With a shake of the head and a sigh, he went ahead and did it anyways. With a somewhat reserved wave of the hand, he called out "Yuri, hold on."

He walked up to the Shistavanen, or marched at a brisk pace if he did not stop. He then handed over comms details "Call us sometime, or write. We would also like to meet again at some point." he offered a nod and turned to walk away. Midway through the turn, however, he stopped himself and uttered a final "And Yuri; don't lose yourself."
Yuri came to a halt and turned when he heard Vince call behind him. He watched with a raised brow as the prince caught up with him, though he relaxed when he was given the comms details. A faint smile formed as he accepted the offer and sent a message to the number for Vince to save him.

His eyes shifted up to the prince's and he gave a nod. "I'll keep in touch, don't you worry." He remarked as he tucked his datapad away. The smile persisted even as he turned to continue walking towards his ship. His heart felt lighter in a way. The dude was being genuine, it seemed like. After a few steps he halted and turned back. "Hey, Vinny!" He called out to the man. "Try not to fall in love." He quipped with a wink.

The rest of the evening played out as well as Yuri could expect. He tried to stay at his ship and not do anything stupid, but a few drinks later he was out and about with all of the things he was trying to avoid...

Yuri awoke to the sound of some sort of commotion. Heavy eyelids fluttered open, setting off a crushing headache as the rising sun met his gaze. A long groan erupted as he tried to figure out where the hell he ended up. From the look of things, it was fancy. Beautiful decor, some paintings and a luxurious chaise lounge he was splayed out on. He seemed to have made himself at home, with his shirt and shoes tossed aside. No stains, thankfully. He managed to dodge that bullet from the look of things.

It looked like a study. Books against the walls, a game board of some kind with his personal effects replacing the gorgeously carved pieces.

The commotion drew his attention to the door. Banging and shouting along with the sound of... blasters being primed? Before he could even attempt to gather his things and formulate a plan of escape, the door slid open and a host of guards poured into the room to take him into custody. They shouted something at him, most likely asking who he was and how he got there, but all it did was worsen the headache.

With another groan he attempted to look up at the guards. "Could you... ah, there it is." His eyes went wide and he pointed his maw to a side as his stomach started to turn.

Vince Vince

Talking to Yuri Maji Yuri Maji

Captain Maroud was a disciplined woman. Her uniform was ironed to a fault. She carried the matte blue uniform and the white shawl that followed with the pride expected of a guard of the Royal Library. The locales had once been the Crown's summer palace right outside of Iziz, but the capital had since expanded and a spaceport had been built nearby. Now, it served as profoundly fancy Library.

The woman holstered her blaster upon seeing the shirtless visitor but did not beacon for the other guards to remove their guns. The Officer's heels clicked against the floor as she approached and instructed him to rise. Her tone was curt and commanding, as one might expect, but her eyes told of someone under great pressure. Staring down at the intruder, she nodded to one of her colleagues whom approached quickly whilst producing cuffs to put onto the groggy Shistavanen. Resistance would be met with more guards to restrain him.

This did not seem to be a time of patience. Where one might have expected rights to be read in the democratic core worlds, the Onderonian Guard of the Royal Library did not seem to have the same protocol. Instead, she offered a stern hand as she talked to her colleagues about taking their visitor to the dungeon. A cellar area with stone walls and small windows with iron bars. The breach security was far from reliable, however. For the wooden doors were no longer properly reinforced and the hinges were rusty enough to barely hold the weight of the door itself. While it might have been an adequate holding facility in the past, it was no longer the case now.

It was where Yuri would eventually end up, lest he offered some fierce resistance and managed to escape beforehand. There was no sound isolation to speak of and the conversations from outside the cells were clear for him to hear: Someone was coming. Someone important. At first, they seemed to believe that the Queen was on her way - surprised tones could be heard throughout - she was supposed to hold the opening speech of the celebration. New information then came, the Royal shuttle had arrived and it was not the Queen, instead, it was her son, the Prince.

Footsteps, heavier than many of the guards, could soon be heard coming down the stairs followed by a few of them, including Captain Maroud, offering bows and 'Your Highness'. A nod was offered in response "Thank you, Captain. We are afraid that we are in a hurry, the celebration requires our attendance." he spoke with a somewhat stressed tone.

The guard acknowledged his words and apologised before explaining that she would not make the same mistake again. It was clear that allowing an intruder to get in and make himself comfortable was a rare and embarrassing mistake.

"Very well. Let us pass judgement and done with it. Where is he?" No verbal response was offered, instead she pointed to the Shistavanen's cell. Vince approached and a hatch in the door opened. Causing him to let out a borderline involuntary "Yuri?!"

He looked away to speak to the Captain "Keys. We will need some space. Move upstairs."

Once the order had been acknowledged and the Guards started to move out, Vince unlocked the door and left it open as he moved in. His features would be easy to recognise from the previous night and the same sympathetic eyes that had met the Shistavanen then met him now too. But instead of wearing a loosely fitting disguise, the Prince now wore a form-fitting parade uniform. It was fancily decorated with a few medals and service signs on the chest, highlighting his role in the military.

"Let me get those off of you" he spoke with a concerned tone whilst producing the key to remove the cuffs. "How did you end up here, in the royal library?" The question was not judgemental and accusatory - but it was not a simple curiosity asked friend-to-friend either.
It seemed evident that the guards didn't have much patience for Yuri's antics or physical state as they dragged the sickly Shistavanen off to whatever they had for a jail or holding cell. He didn't mind all that much, however, in his battered state. He figured that thry had good reason for what thry were doing and he could figure out a plan later.

Eventually he was tossed into a dark and dingy cell which suited him just fine. In a few minutes, the half naked Shiatavanen was splayed out across the cool stone floor with snores cracking through the air. Some much needed rest for the mutt, along with a quiet, dark and secluded space for him to rest his mind and eyes. All in all, not a bad cell as far as his experiences went.

It was only when some commotion echoed down into his cell that Yuri stirred awake with a messy mane and heavy eyes. He tried to roll over and continue to sleep, but the noise merely grew in intensity which flared up his headache all over again. Eventually he sat up against the wall with a grumble, staring at the door as he waited for whoever was approaching. When the other person recognized him, his heart sank. Who the hell on this planet would...

"Oh! Hey Vinny." He greeted with a raspy voice, still waking up. "Funny story, really. If I had to guess, drunk me got curious or something. I dunno, though. You should ask me in a few hours once I figure out as well." He explained with a nervous smile. Vince released his cuffs and stood in front of him, which earned an impressed whistle as he looked up at the finely dressed man.

"... Yeah... um... why are you here?" He managed to gather his thoughts and figure out what he wanted to say. "Please don't tell me I got nominated to join you somewhere or something. I didn't exactly pack my fancy duds." He continued with a snicker. He hoped he wasn't in trouble.

Vince Vince

Talking to Yuri Maji Yuri Maji

A small smirk quickly formed upon hearing the Shistavanen call for him. It faded just as fast - still, the Prince's expression rested at a friendly smile. A fair bit of amusement clad his features as the friend he made the previous night was coming to his senses.

"We are here because you are here. Somehow you managed to get into the Royal Library and then, you even managed to find a place to sleep. Most impressive, truly. Since the crime was committed against the Crown, a member of the Royal family is to pass judgement. So, here we are." the explanation was brief but clear and was quickly followed up by a raised finger "But first: You can no longer call us 'Vinny'. We are Crown Prince Vince Ivro Kalmorak. You may use any of those names preceded by our title or simply address us as 'your highness' or 'your majesty'"

Amused eyes lingered on those of the Shistavanen "We are quite aware of your distaste for these procedures, just as how we were well aware of your nature last night. Still, just as it was inevitable for you to end up in the must unexpected of places, it is also unavoidable for us to insist that protocol is followed. Any sort of 'Vinny-ing' will likely cut the meeting short."

A smile formed as he pushed on "Now, as for repercussions: You came up with a decent idea yourself. Serving the crown for a day, perhaps attending the opening later. It might keep you entertained. But let us not get ahead of ourselves. How did you end up here, really? You do not remember anything at all?"
Yuri's smile immediately vanished once Vince explained the situation. Safe to say, the smuggler was in very big trouble. He didn't know that royal libraries even existed, though in hindsight it made sense. They probably had a royal version of everything, because it would be a severe crime if any of the pompous little-

"But first: You can no longer call us 'Vinny'. We are Crown Prince Vince Ivro Kalmorak. You may use any of those names preceded by our title or simply address us as 'your highness' or 'your majesty'"

Oh yeah, he couldn't be rude to them anymore. He apparently had a friend now who was a literal prince. Yuri idly rubbed his wrists as he listened to Vince, though that attention had a bit of an inappropriate undertone as he looked up at the authoritative figure looming over him. However those thoughts flew out the window at the mention of working for the royals as a repercussion for his actions, as well as the question of what happened. A frown and a groan set in as Yuri took a moment to process it all.

"For real, I got no clue..." He had to fight hard to not make a remark at the prince's position. "... I'll probably be able to tell you in few hours, but right now it's either a blur or a blank. So I'll give a full confession once I also figured out what the hell I did. As for this crown-servin' idea... I'd rather stay down here for a while. I ain't breakin' my ceremonial kit out for nothing. I did that enough as it is." He leaned back with a groan. A visible essence of distaste sat along his features as he looked away. Unless ol' "Prince Vinny" straight up condemned him to it, Yuri would rather go through twelve rounds with an imperial interrogation probe than wear his ceremonial kit. And even under condemnation, he would be protesting all the way.

He attended enough high profile meetings on Kestri with his mother to last a lifetime.

Vince Vince

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