Kyra kicked off her shoes and padded through, the space quiet and eerily empty. At least to her. Echos of memories rebounded off the halls she brought them down- places where children had once occupied enmasse, laughing, fighting, running ...
Now there was just the two at her back, their breath in her ear as she opened up doors and led them inside. It had been someone's room, once upon a time. Male. Kept as it was for the rare occasion said room owner might come visit again. Kyra yanked open the dresser draws and pulled out sets of left behind clothing.
It'd fit them well enough, Dagon was average in size.
"Jedi don't, but my mom retired from the cause eons ago," she informed him, patting down two clothing piles. She frowned. "Dunno why. But uh. She runs clubs now. You know, everywhere," she gestured vaguely to the large window overlooking the dark city. "I'm just visiting. But she won't be home, not till morning, I don't think. Or maybe the next day..." The frowned deepened into her brow line. She looked up, forcing it away with a smile.
"You guys can shower if you want. I'll order food. Burgers okay?" She asked, despite walking out already. "I'll be in the living room. Come out when you're ready! We can talk."
And there she would be found, tablet in hand as she placed an excessively large food order to the house. Three steaming hot cocos were on the table waiting, and under an abundantly fluffy sweater sat Jaeson's and her own saber at her hips. She looked up, literally buzzing with questions.