Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Spy Party - TGE Dominion of Schesa

Break stayed close behind @[member="Rexus Drath"] canon at the ready, he blasted a few unlucky figures that appeared before Rex could crush them with his force wall. His canon was tearing through these organics like aluminium. He did feel a little enjoyment out of killing them Rexus's ways were starting to take a toll on his innocent programming and well...he liked it. each one of the assailants fell to the masses of plasma he was dishing out. a yellow stain on any surface behind them and a smell of burning flesh pertruded the air. He gave a light chuckle and watched as they fell.

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
As Rex passed through the halls tumbling enemy assassins and plans residue Rex continued his way so the two could get outside. Rex was more of a mentalist than an offensive force user do this was a bit draining for him. However the men in front of him were a bit too strong willed to be tricked so easily with the force. Men popped up and they were immediately gunned down by Break. He certainly was a strong little lad and he was serving as a fine asset to the empire and anyone else he contracted out to."Okay break! When I cut the wall we are going to try and outflank the enemy insurgents so we can get our squad mobile!" Reaching the end of the hallway came and the last man who came into the now service hatch of death and smoldering bodies was pushed out hitting a nearby building wall on the streets. Rex was honestly trying to make sure his men were safe at this point.

Now they were on the streets, and so Rex had to revert back to being just a guy with a gun. Taking a deep breath Rexus sighed and shouldered his rifle. Outside was a lot more violent than how he last left it. A group of assassins had his squad pinned down at the gates. While they themselves took cover behind a row of armored speeders on the pairs left. Lifting up and aiming Rex walked forward and fired at a few assassins killing them. The time for non lethal measures were over. @[member="Break"]
Break was immediately overwhelmed by the sheer violence of the fight, never had he seen this much carnage on the field of battle. sure he had been in a few skirmishes but the droids usually did the work while he did the planning. Break was an assassin not a warrior and it was starting to show as he hesitated slightly as he readied himself for the fight that was right in front of him. He raised his arm and jumped straight into cover. He usually didnt showcase his HRD strength but this was scary to him. He waited patiently as to possibly let them forget he was there... No such luck the enemy lines had noticed him and mistaken him for some sort of jedi. fire was focused directly at his position and Break was terrified. He wasnt programmed for this... he was programmed to learn and feel, and now he was feeling quite scared. The enemy was gaining ground on him and he had no idea what to do. he couldnt stand up chances of survival dropped to 12% and staying here they would eventually hit him with a grenade or some other heavy weapon. Break had no choice he reached into his own bag and pulled out one of the many grenades. He hurled the bomb as far as he could blindly into the fray and prayed it would give him some cover. Where was @[member="Rexus Drath"]?! How could he get out of this one on his own? at that moment he smelled something burning. He looked at his arm they had knicked it...his skin was torn and his coat sleeve was had he not noticed...

A resounding *BOOM!!* shook the area as the grenade he had just thrown went off. the firing took a small pause. they were scattered, Break's chance to run. He made a mad dash to the soldiers he had come to save the irony of this being they might actually be the ones to save him. Or Rex, whatever gods there were he prayed he wouldnt be fragged this early into the fight

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
The little pipsqueak of a droid just freaked out and chucked a crap ton of grenades at the enemy. It was a rookie move to make if they could outflank them. But it didn't matter now, all that mattered was that Rex got down and in a hurry. "Everyone down!" Rexus jumped and hit the deck along with his men as the explosion completely destroyed the enemy that was around them. Shrapnel and death flew everywhere as fire blew past Rexus' head. "Don't ever do that again!" Rexus said as he stood up to behold the carnage and fire around him. Walking over to his men they rose and cheered a bit as they saw their commander Rexus."Told you I would be back." he said to them.

"Give me an ace report and let's go." looking to his squad the fire team leaders began to speak. "Yellow yellow up." said the first one "Yellow green up." said the second one "Red yellow up." the third one was a bit low on ammo but there were plenty of guns on the floor at this point. Looking to break Rex stared at him behind his helmet. "You ok kid?" asking break if he was ok would hopefully calm the little droids processors. @[member="Break"]
Still obviously shaken from his last show of force he stood with a blank stare Break had his first taste of real battle, he didnt like it. The death he caused would surely haunt him later but that wasnt what was on his mind. before now he never questioned his ability to survive a fight, but...THIS this scared him. The Droid shook himself from his trance as Rexus asked him his condition. Much like his sister used to after each of his checkups. It was calming to him and that was good. Break looked to @[member="Rexus Drath"] and gave a half smile " been better..." the droid chirped in a half scared voice. Break readied his canon and fell in line with Rex's men. He would not slow them down!

His skin slowly starting to heal his body would be fine...his mind...would only be troubled. His morals however, things were coming into question.

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
Loading a fresh clip into his blaster Rexus looked at the small droid, they had a job to do but this child of a droid was clearly not ok. "Boys, set up a perimeter. I need speak with the droid." Break had never truly seen Rex's face, but he was clearly scared and there was a first time for everything. Taking a knee he looked down until he was eye to eye with the child. "Break, it's ok." Taking off his helmet he looked him dead in the eye and gave him a hug. "Listen break, I know you are scared. On my first combat engagement I almost pissed myself." pulling his head back he continued to look at break his messy knotted dreads hanging down. "But we need to be strong and do our best to help people."

The screams rang inside the courtyard innocent people were being hurt and they had to save them. "You are a good kid Break, and I would have no one else helping me out right now. So you can do this." placing his hand on Break's shoulder and smiled. "Alright, can you help me?" the child was scared and Rexus wanted to make sure he would be ok @[member="Break"]
Break found his courage in Rexus. He remembered his reason to fight: "To avenge those wronged by the galaxy!" an he would be fragged if a little blaster fire stopped him. If nobody else would be the hero for him he would be his own. Break wiped his nose and clutched his canon. "LETS SHOW EM WHAT WERE MADE OF! LET THEM SEND THEIR ARMIES, THERE IS NO MAN OR MACHINE THAT WILL STOP ME OR YOU!" Break was ready for anything and was going into hell willfully. He took a quick inventory.
7 grenades, vibrosword: intact, Arm canon shots 28 cannisters left, sonic blaster: armed. He was ready Break raised his hand to his forehead and saluted. looking at his surroundings he saw that he had taken out most of the outer forces of this area. The troops and Rex combined nothing could stand in their way. He stood at the ready and waited for @[member="Rexus Drath"] to lead the way to victory.

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
"Let's do it!!" Grabbing his rifle he shouldered it and ran into the courtyard with his men. "Let's go guys!!" his men cheered all ten of them ran through the gates they were guarding to go secure the main courtyard. They would most likely see the crazy mind freak lady cutting down assassins by the bundle but dammit if they wouldn't try their best to save the world! "Break we go left! Jade! Go right!" The floor was covered in bodies and would be a shocking sight for most people. On the other end lay the a group of twelve assassins firing at them. Taking cover behind a flipped table Rex looked to break. "Toss a flash and move up!" he said to him before popping up to suppress the enemy @[member="Break"]
Break wasnt fazed by the carnage this time. He tossed the flash. Direct hit, landing in the middle of the assassins lines. Break waited for the flash to pop, right afterward he stood and faced them with his arm canon. Blasting anything that wasnt one of his comrades into oblivion. the first shots blasting down 2 assassins right away. The stun wouldnt last but a few seconds so Break was going to take advantage of his opportunity as much as he could. He fired into their lines the blasts taking two seconds to charge. each hitting its mark. 2 deaths confirmed 2 more dead or wounded from his first barrage of plasma. He was in control of the situation. He would try his best to keep the team safe. He ducked again reaching into his bag in case he would need to prep a second flash.

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
Rexus picked himself up and bounded to the next table, this party was awful and tacky anyway and it needed to end now. "Break good work! Throw that second flash and take one alive!" they had to question somebody after all. "Suppressing fire!" Bounding behind another table Rexus lifted his blaster and let loose a hail of automatic fire to keep the groups of assassins pinned down. It would give break enough time to throw his flash. Jade squad on the right however was not doing so hot. Larz had been hit and he was injured. They were pinned again, and so Rex and break needed to kill these guys quickly before they were to assist their fellow troops and brothers in arms. Rex looked over to break and yelled so he could be heard over the blaster fire "You can do this break!" @[member="Break"]
Moira had been at the party as well, using her cover identity as Nalia Alderana, upcoming businesswoman and co-owner of Archangel, a droid manufacturing company. Dressed to the nines in a sleek suit and looking the part of the savvy capitalist, polite conversation had been made with Chiss aristos and merchants. Tedious, to be sure, for many of the titled lords and ladies were so shallow she felt an urge to just forego processing and break them in half, but it had to be done and she was quite proficient in fooling organics.

Then assassins had struck, as was expected, a bomb blast had shattered the windows, chaos reigned. While the Governor, another fool who would be terribly improved by a blaster bolt to the head, was spirited to safety and seemingly all across the building fights were breaking out and salvoes of blaster fire could be heard, attackers seemingly popping up everywhere like mushrooms, Moira had discreetly left the ballroom amidst the chaos. Her sensors picked up on Siobhan Kerrigan, butchering her way through the ranks of assassins after concussively beating the traitorous musicians into bone crunching death.

She did not have to way long before, as she advanced towards the sounds of battle, having picked up on the message from the stormtroopers about being under attack, that she happened on assassins herself. Good. Though few organics would see it in on first sight, such was her intricate design, her true nature was that of an assassin droid; the vermin would stand no chance. Producing a concealed blaster pistol she advanced, immediately raising the gun and riddling an assassin with blaster bolts just as the door to the maintenance room opened slightly, the attacker dropping to the ground like a puppet whose strings had been cut even before he was through. She twitched slightly as some shots struck her, momentarily slowing her down, then stormed forward, fast, very fast, no attack seeming to harm her. Grabbing one man she broke his neck like it was a twig, then gunned down his companions using her blaster and his own gun, having seized his arm, broke it and squeezed the trigger, then tossed him at another assassin coming in from an adjacent corridor.

The path clear she advanced onward, gunning down wounded assassins, no exultation on her face, no remorse.
In the Darkness there is Truth
With such a great turn-out even Naamah Aesham just had to show up as well. After all, almost everyone from the Inquisition seemed to be there. Except the higher-ups, but then they were probably doing important higher-ups things. Making sure no heretic got close to the fan, which as we all know in actuality contains a powerstone.

Naamah had been away from the main hall where the celebrations had taken place, or rather had snuck out before the shooting had begun. Trailing after one specific Chiss lady, intel had indicated some very interesting things about her. For this purpose she was dressed as a maid. An actual maid mind you, not something out of Kerrigan's fantasies. Then the mayhem had started, shooting, violence, windows had been blown apart. Everywhere unbelievers and heretics seemed to be shooting out of the ground like mushrooms, rotten mushrooms.

It was one of the less travelled corridors that led outside that she met her game, having crawled surreptitiously on a beam. One assassin was walking down the hall, not noticing her. Just a moment too long for him and so as he, dressed so obviously as a servant, passed her she dropped down and descended from above, falling on him. His fell out of his hands and before he could she took ahold of her victim between her thighs, squeezing and twisting until his neck snapped, at the same time driving her dagger through his chest. He struggled and gasped at first, trying to throw her off but her skill and faith prevailed and so he died.

As she withdrew the knife, now slick with the blood of the unbeliever she felt a prickling in the Force and rolled fast, narrowly dodging blaster bolts being shot her way, whizzing above her head and blasting into the wall behind her, incidentally blasting a rather expensive looking portrait of what seemed to be a Chiss leader. She rolled on as the salvoes from the blaster rifle came shooting her way, in a fluid motion raising the corpse of the now purified unbeliever with the Force and tossing it at her assailant as he stepped out of the shadows, then suddenly his throat was gripped and she choked him. The unbeliever gasped as he was seized, though to his credit rather than staying passive he reached for a frag grenade but before he could throw it her blaster bolts brought him down.

She rose to her feet as he slumped to expensive carpet. Keen eyes, a sulfuric yellow that showed the corruption of the darkside, the price an Inquisitor had to pay. She muttered a short prayer for the souls of the unbelievers, for in death they were purified of sin and their souls would return to the Wheel, then she moved on.
Break threw another flash bang as @[member="Rexus Drath"] had requested. This time running straight into the fray. With his free hand he held his vibrosword slashing the stunned enemies. Slicing cleanly through three more and letting another fall on his blade releasing the blade he shot another 2 with his plasma canon with a single shot. The group of assassins fell around him. His eyes glowing blue he took the sanguine blade from the corpses chest and cleaned it.

"Threats eliminated..." the droid said coldly. His eyes took back their normal shade of green he seemed a little dizzy but the smile on his face pervaded that quite quickly.

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
Rex looked over and continued to fire until the courtyard was secured. Whoever had the Chiss leader of this section had better hurry and get him to safety because this was not good press at all. There were civilians dead, a few bombs going off here and there. Some blaster fire echoing in nearby areas. But before they would get to that they had to get to Larz. "Larz is hit gunny!" A voice rand out to Rexus as his heart sunk. He was not losing a man at some swanky party with fancy glasses. Moving to his squads location Rex rushed through tables and various corpses on the ground. "Status report!" he yelled kneeling down to his hit man holding his side

"Break get me a med kit! Please!" They didn't have any medical supplies with them, this was just supposed to be a routine party watch not a full blown firefight for the lives of his men. They had to move fast his if they wanted to save the life of the gut shot imperial storm trooper. @[member="Break"]
Break searched each of the assassins bodies carefully. He had luck on his side today. A med kit was unharmed from the plasma barrage he had given. The HRD ran to the wounded soldier to let one of the medics start the first aid. The bullet was deep. And he was losing a significant amount of blood.

@[member="Rexus Drath"]

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
"Okay Larz you're gonna be ok!" Rexus was a medic when he first joined the empire, he knew what he was doing. He knew how to save this young grunt's life. "Alright, let's get this armor off." unhooking the hinge for his armor the breastplate popped off to reveal the man's chest where he had been hit. The slug was in pretty deep but they could help him, reaching into the med kit he began to pull the slug out of him, it had looked like he was using a pair of tweezers from the kit but Rex was reaching out with the force until the slug came out. Now he had to plug the hole up and close the wound. "Break! Call in a med vac, then we push to secure the rest of the facility." Rexus grabbed a clotting agent and poured it on sealing the wound the best he could. He was stable for now @[member="Break"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Schesa was, by all serious strategic accounts, fething crucial. The antidote to getting cut off, the gateway into the unclaimed space between the Mandalorians and the Republic, the jumpoff point for any work against, or with, the Fel.

Assassin-hunters were on the job; Je'gan wasn't especially worried about that. His focus lay elsewhere, outside the premises.

With the backup team. Assassins might have infiltrated everything, but if the Governor escaped or otherwise felt the need to bolt and run, the best route ran right down this particular street, where Je'gan could sense...three snipers. Not remotely enough. There would be traps, too, things he couldn't sense.
@Je'gan Olra'en

Generally assassins did not follow the principle of 'we are legion, for we are many'. Striking swiftly and covertly was the point of it, yet evidently these attackers operated by a different concept and seemed to be staging a full-on assault, though they lacked the potent weaponry, and appeared at every spot of the palace. Presumably Moira, if she were not busy ripping attackers in half, would suggest research into the fascinating field of quantum tunneling. Perhaps one day she would achieve a significant breakthrough, superior processing power and all that.

Regardless by now Siobhan had made a thorough mess of the kitchen. The fridge had smashed some rather unfortunate assassins against the wall, others had been stabbed to death by the knives that had been hurled as improvised projectiles, inded part of the wall had been burst open. Some poor fellows were injured, clutching at their wounds, presumably a friendly squad of stormtroopers would transport them to dimly lit prison cells where they could contemplate the error in their ways. Siobhan had taken a moment to contemplate the carnage she had caused as her lightsabre flew back into her grasp, then left the hall. Everywhere the sounds of battle, screams, shouts and explosions could be heard.

Assuredly the assassin hunters were performing a thorough purge. Brushing some dust of her now pretty ruined dress, some blood dripping down her cheek from where shrapnel had struck, she left the great hall, now evacuated. The Governor had presumably been evacuated, so she was heading outside, hopefully to intercept any attackers that might be lurking there. Needless to say she did not have secret blueprints, but she was certain she could sense the escort, heading down one route. On a less relevant note she felt like she really needed a smoke, perhaps several. Quitting was such a queen, perhaps one of the dead would-be assassins would have a packet.
The medvac was was there shortly,Break used his comm device to call for help. Scanning the area Break noted the area was clear. "Rex...are they always this stupid?" Break asked with a raised eybrow. It was true in large numbers they could form some heavy militias bit in small groups such as these they were making idiot mistakes.

Break wanted to hurry up and get this done, go home and take a nap
This was enough excitement for one day.

@[member="Rexus Drath"]

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
Loading his teammate onto the transport outside the gates Rexus and his team came back inside to the courtyard. This needed to get done now, force user no force user droids or assassins this ass of a politician needed to live long enough for them to claim the system as their own. It would be all too easy to kill these assassins and drive them back out of this place. But for now there were a few things that they had to do. The kitchen was swept and the area clear here. But there were more than likely other people standing by that would endanger the life of the man.

"Let's go guys." Grabbing his rifle Rexus sighed and loaded it a fresh clip into it. Running forward the team headed towards the basement level of the place to sweep for any bombs and stragglers left down there @[member="Break"]

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