Chi Chuchi
Seeking Something
Welcome to the latest South Systems Auction! Here you may bid either in person or remotely for various items on offer from our partners in the CIG and other participants. Please observe the rules and maintain reasonable bid amounts.
- An auction's end time must be set when the auction begins.
- Bids must increase by reasonable increments. Large jumps may be subject to refusal.
- Minimum bid accepted for items up to 999,000 credits is 100.
- Minimum bid accepted for items over 1,000,000 credits is 1,000.
- Bids of goods, services, favors, etc. will be taken as legitimate bids and may receive preference over monetary bids, per the seller's prerogative.
- No outrageous bids.
- Like a merchant in the Marketplace, an auctioneer is responsible for verifying that bidders can afford their bids. Auctioneers can ignore bids at their discretion if they feel a bidder cannot afford to pay dubious bids.
- Bidders who feel their bid was unfairly ignored can appeal to RPJs and/or Company Factory Judges for help.
- Bidders who spam, attack other bidders, or generally make themselves a nuisance to the bidding in general will be asked to leave. Continued behavior after a polite warning will be reported to SWRP: Chaos RPJs.
- Standard SWRP: Chaos Rules are in effect at all times. Failure to comply with these rules will warrant RPJ and/or Admin action upon the individual(s) responsible.

Chi looked out over the assembled bidders in the Exchange’s auction hall. Some people were seated in the rows of chairs, others chose to remain standing. Still more sat in the private boxes lining the walls, anonymous behind the reflective glass. Waiting a moment for the chatter to taper down, she shuffled some papers as if they held her speech to give everyone a moment. “Ladies and Genteel Beings! Welcome to the South Systems Bazaar and Expo Auction! I am Chi Chuchi, your host for this round of bidding. Myself and others have put up some lovely items for your pleasure tonight. So stick around, help yourself to the drinks, and remember! It’s what you don’t win that you regret the most.” Giving a dazzling smile, Chi thumbed the button that activated the massive wall displays behind her that began cycling through glamour shots of the items and services on offer, while each bidder’s data slate blinked on to begin accepting bids. "Now let us begin!"
Bidding will end Friday the 22nd
For my convenience, please sum up your bids at the end of your post.
Ex: Lot M: 50,000 credits
Lot Q: Item/service offer
For my convenience, please sum up your bids at the end of your post.
Ex: Lot M: 50,000 credits
Lot Q: Item/service offer

- Lot A: Custom Ship Design
- Link to Item: N/A
- Reserve Price: Yes
- Credits, UC, Barter, No Preference: Credits
- (Will design starship for you)
- Lot B: Licensing Provision - Victorian Properity Systems
- Link to Item: N/A
- Reserve Price: Yes
- Credits, UC, Barter, No Preference: Credits
- (Will IC/OOC give you ability to use one of Primo Victorian's systems)

- Lot C: Energy Package
- Link : Ocean Energy Combine, GT-42 Geothermal Energy Unit, Veles Hydropower Station
- Reserve Price : N
- Credits, UC, Barter : Barter
- Lot D: Lothal Mines - 15% Stake
- Link : Aina Holdings Lothal Operations
- Reserve Price : N
- Credits, IC, Barter : Barter
- Lot E: Jundland FireGem Mine - 10% Stake
- Link : Aina Hildings Jundland Mine
- Reserve Price : N
- Credits, IC, Barter : Barter

- Lot F: Eagle Flight Armor
- Link to Item : Eagle Flight Armor
- Reserve Price : N
- Credits, UC, Barter, No Preference : No Preference
- Lot G: Tamra Maew Slicer Armor
- Link to Item : Tamra Maew Slicer Armor
- Reserve Price : N
- Credits, UC, Barter, No Preference : No Preference
- Lot H: Ruhlmann-24 Starfighter
- Link to Item : Ruhlmann-24 Starfighter
- Reserve Price : Y
- Credits, UC, Barter, No Preference : No Preference
- Lot I: Sun Chaser Yacht
- Link to Item : Sun Chaser Yacht
- Reserve Price : Y
- Credits, UC, Barter, No Preference : No Preference
- Lot J: Have Chi design a unique outfit or item for your character
- Link to Item : N/A
- Reserve Price : N
- Credits, UC, Barter, No Preference : No Preference
- Lot K: A custom ship in the <50 meters range.
- Link to Item : N/A
- Reserve Price : N
- Credits, UC, Barter, No Preference : No Preference

- Lot L: Crafty Collector Crab: Deep-Space Mining and Salvage Vessel
- Link to Item: Crafty Collector Crab
- Reserve Price: [Y]
- Accepted Payment Methods: [No Preference]
- Lot M: Fugu Frigate 'Puffin Tuff' Freighter
- Link to Item: Fugu Frigate 'Puffin Tuff' Freighter
- Reserve Price: [Y]
- Accepted Payment Methods: [No Preference]
- Lot N: Vixen's Vault
- Link to Item: Vixen's Vault
- Reserve Price: [Y]
- Accepted Payment Methods: [No Preference]
- Lot O: TSS Survival Kit
- Link to Item: TSS Survival Kit
- Reserve Price: [Y]
- Accepted Payment Methods: [No Preference]
- Lot P: Amplification Kyber Crystal
- Link to Item: Amplification Kyber Crystal
- Reserve Price: [Y]
- Accepted Payment Methods: [No Preference]
- Lot Q: Deluxe W.A.R.T.O.R.T.L.E
- Link to Item: Deluxe W.A.R.T.O.R.T.L.E
- Reserve Price: [Y]
- Accepted Payment Methods: [No Preference]
- Lot R: Mindshatter Kyber Crystal
- Link to Item: Mindshatter Kyber Crystal
- Reserve Price: [Y]
- Accepted Payment Methods: [No Preference]
- Lot S: The Night Saber (Force Nexus Attuned Weapon and Force Artifact)
- Link to Item: The Night Saber
- Reserve Price: [Y]
- Accepted Payment Methods: [No Preference]
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