A new mask, face-plate a blank, nondescript black, the padawan seemed almost... artificial in appearance, as he entered into the expo. He'd been practicing the art of suppressing his presence, and was not quite here to bid. No, he was more here for educational purposes. And mild curiosity. He'd take a seat, preferably out of the way, and away from any direct light sources.
After shooing away one of the serving droids bringing refreshments to the guests, the padawans face-plate angled towards the datapad in hand. Scrolling through the various items and bids, he did a double, then a triple, and even a quadruple-take. No....
Yes, the sneaky bastard did it. The padawan stared in horror that his name was apparently up for auction. "A.... date.....!?" He'd hiss to himself, staring at the pad. The prospect boggled his mind. Then, relief washed over the padawan as he realized, those entertaining themselves with the auction found the weapons, ships, and other such things far more enticing and entertaining. He'd contemplated bidding on the date himself, in hopes to deter another from 'buying' him for an evening.... But.... what if such an action drew attention.... No... the padawan would watch, and wait.... if need be, he'd try to swoop the bid at the last minute, so long as anyone who did try to purchase him didn't bid too far outside his budget....
Thus, the anxiety inducing waiting game began.... Damn you [member=James Justice]!