[member="Danger Arceneau"]
Requesting a large booth for the expo and the following items will be on sale, either at discounted price or going on sale to the public for the first time
Aurora Industries - Marketplace page
Harbinger War Droid – A behemoth of droid in terms of power and armor. The armor plating of the droid is developed with phrik, eschewing the original laminanium of the YVH series of droids, while the skeleton of the droid is made of a turadium alloy to give it maximum durability against most conventional weapons. The weapon systems are where the droid truly shines though, sporting a heavy blaster cannon mounted on the right arm, a Verpine style shatter rifle mounted on the left, a scatter gun in a compartment concealed on its left hip, a .5 meter vibrosword embedded within the droid’s right hand for close quarters combat, an electroray discharger within its left hand, a concealed grenade launcher in the left elbow with a two grenade magazine, and a baradium charge within its torso in case it needs to activate its self-destruct protocol. The droid also comes equipped with advanced servos within its joints to give it additional strength, photoreceptors that contain various vision modes. It also comes with a preloaded vocoder package with various taunts for use against enemies to gain a psychological edge over them.
Original Price: 600,000 credits per droid. Discount Price: 450,000 credits per droid.
Herald Heavy War Droid - 1,200,000 credits (single unit) - a next-generation goliath of sheer power and durability. Using phrik once again as the armoring plating, the plates were made heavier than those that covered the Harbinger and were also designed to cover more of the droid to prevent gaps from being exploited. The skeletal structure of the Herald was once again made of turadium to give it just that added durability. A heavy repeating blaster cannon is mounted on the right arm (with the power pack to keep it going mounted on the droid's back), six rocket tubes are mounted on the shoulders with three on each side (kept underneath the shoulder plating when not needed), a deployable grenade launcher with four thermal detonators is kept in the left arm of the droid, and two .7 meter vibroblades are deployable from the left wrist. The droid is also designed with advanced servos that can give it the strength to rip punch through a bulkhead if necessary, magnetic pads are embedded in the foot and can be activated to allow the droid to stick to metallic surfaces. Advanced friend/foe programs are kept up at all times and the photoreceptors are similar to those found on the Harbinger. Original Price: 1,200,000 credits per droid. Discount Price: 900,000 credits per droid.
Reaver Specialist Droid - 1,200,000 credits (single unit) - a fast and deadly force as compared to the brute style of the Harbinger and Herald, designed to combat Force Users. Designed with enhanced titanium underplates and skeleton, the droid is much lighter than others in its family, but that is only part of its appeal. Pure refined cortosis plates were melded on top of the titanium, essentially creating another layer of armor to give the droid some more durability and the ability to shut off lightsabers if it receives an attack from one. The droid is also equipped with two cortosis-durasteel alloy swords so it can fight a Force User in close quarters fighting, a concealed scatter gun in the left wrist, and electro-stun pads are embedded in the droid’s hands if it needs to jolt its opponent into unconsciousness. Combined with advanced targeting computers and advanced servos to give the droid the ability to keep up with a Force User in combat, the droid’s programming has also been given information on all the major forms of lightsaber combat and how best to counteract them. Original Price: 1,200,000 credits per droid. Discount Price: 900,000 credits per droid
AI-005 Lunar-class Starfighter - 120,000 credits - Taking example from the old Miy'til starfighter of the Hapan Consortium and the ARC-170 of the Clone War era, the AI-005 Lunar starfighter is designed to fill the role of a primary starfighter among a fleet. Equipped with two laser cannons on the wing tips, two torpedo launchers on the bottom of the cockpit (each with a four torpedo magazine), and a rear gunner turret that has two side mounted heavy laser cannons, the AI-005 can hit fairly hard. The AI-005 is also equipped with a chaff deployer that is controlled by the rear gunner to stop enemy missile locks during combat. The AI-005 has advanced deflector shields that cover the majority of the starfighter, but engineers had to compensate for this by placing the barest shielding on the rear of the fighter, figuring that the rear gunner could provide adequate protection. The AI-005 is also slower than other starfighters due to having standard armor and heavier weaponry, a difference from previous Aurora models that focused on speed. Galactic Reveal at the ATC Expo
AI-005b Proteus-class Bomber - 140,000 credits -
Developed alongside the AI-005, the AI-005b Proteus Bomber is designed to fill the role of heavy bomber against capital ships and enemy bases. The AI-005b is heavily armored and shielded to allow it to survive attack runs on capital ships, but it is not designed to face smaller ships such as corvettes and fighters make mince-meat of it without escorts due to its speed and maneuverability are rather low. However, the Proteus Bomber is also heavily armed to fill the role it was developed for. Its true strengths lie in the three ion cannons on either side of the cockpit and on the nose, the proton bomb launcher in the belly (capable of holding eight bombs), and the two torpedo launchers (each being able to hold six torpedoes). The weapons can be controlled by either the pilot or the co-pilot. Galactic Reveal at the ATC Expo
More to possibly come