Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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SSB Mystery item Auction.

Aedan waves his hand raising the bids on Starship 1 and 2 by another million on top of what Arthur had bid. He knew the mans limit and would out bid him easily.
Thump! @[member="Jared Ovmar"]'s head fell against my shoulder and I try my hardest not to cry out and suddenly bid his money on something he won't want. "Aha, yeah… sleep well, Prince of New, New Annaj." I tuck his jacket around him and raise my hand, the other tucked around Jared's waist. What? Although the comedic value of him falling to the floor would be worth its weight in marshmallow fluff, I'd rather keep him at least a little comfy.

"1.6 Million for the Bio-Hazard Suit, 900K for Mystery Ship #4 on behalf of Rip Van Winkel, here."
"403k for the item," Leon said with a mild curse under her breath. She meant to say that amount earlier, but had made a small slip up in voicing it by accidentally restating her previous bid.
  • 1x Mystery Starship #1 500k starting bid 3.1M Arthur
  • 1x Mystery Starship #2 1 mil starting bid 3.9M Arthur
  • 1x Mystery Starship #3 100 million starting bid 100M Jared
  • 1x Mystery Starship #4 100k starting bid 1.1 Million on Mystery Ship #4 @[member="Anders Sivas"]
  • 1x Mystery Article of Clothing 61K Celeste
  • Mystery Armor ( Bio -Hazard advisory) 1.6 Million @Jared Ovmar
  • Mystery Armor #2 1.2m hakan
  • 1x Mystery Weapon 1.1m @[member="Selka Ventus"]
  • 1x Mystery Item = 405k @[member="Celeste Leon"]
  • 1x Mystery Jewelry 128K Ashe
  • 40x Mystery droids! 60kk @[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Remember folks, 1k minimum bid increments; and since these items are pretty pricey to begin with, Danger reserves the right to investigate credit history to see if the bids are good for her clients.

She has the option to refute a bid if it appears there is no way one can bid an enormous amount of credits -- this is to protect the sellers.

Mind you, you don't have to only offer money. Some sellers are happy also getting items of trade of value.

If you are bidding, clearly write the amount you are bidding, what you are bidding for, and if there are batches, how many items you are bidding for. Otherwise, you run the risk of Danger ignoring your bid, and someone else who bid lower and clear, getting it.


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