Darius Scar
Owner of SCAR Industries
The ST1's primary speciality is to be small, cheap and fast. The tank uses basic mechanics, with a basic weapons system. There is nothing really "special" about it, other than it's incredible lightness. Something to note is it's power source. It is powered by a large, yet chargeable battery.
The ST1 is a 2-man light infantry tank, with two weapons. One smaller, repeating weapon, and a larger ballistic cannon (although still pretty small, in the scheme of things...) It's aluminium armor covers the entire tank, with some steel plating being used to cover the more vital areas. It is completely electric-powered, running from re-chargeable batteries. It is a track-based vehicle, very good for off-road travel. It has a rotating barrel, giving it full sight of the area. The driver will have access to a window, and a live-camera feed to navigate the local terrain. They are definitely not going to be able to stand up to larger vehicles, probably requiring 5-10 shots to destroy most other tanks.

- Intent: To create a dirt-cheap anti-infantry tank.
- Image Source: X (In the thumbnail of the video)
- Canon Link: N/A
- Primary Source: N/A
- Manufacturer: Scar Industries
- Affiliation: Open-Market
- Model: ST1
- Modularity: Larger weapons can replace it's current weaponry, although the current weapon is built in to the tank, making it difficult to do so without making a whole new model.
Production: Mass-Produced
- Material: Aluminium, cast steel (very small amounts) and rubber. Mechanical parts.
- Classification:: Infantry/Light Tank
- Role: Anti-infantry, Anti-armor.
- Size: Small
- Weight: Very Light
- Minimum Crew: 2 (Gunner and driver)
- Optimal Crew: 2
- Propulsion: Tracks
- Speed: Very Fast
- Maneuverability: Average
- Armaments: Average Using a 37mm, semi-automatic cannon. It also has a repeating blaster to the side of this primary gun.
- Defenses: Low, Using basic steel plates. It has moderate protection against projectile based weapons, energy weapons having a higher effect.
- Passenger Capacity: 2
- Cargo Capacity: Very very very very Small, Holding the personal equipment for 2 individuals.
The ST1's primary speciality is to be small, cheap and fast. The tank uses basic mechanics, with a basic weapons system. There is nothing really "special" about it, other than it's incredible lightness. Something to note is it's power source. It is powered by a large, yet chargeable battery.
- Like a feather in the wind: The ST1 is extremely light, giving it a high speed and maneuverability. It relies on avoiding enemy gunfire instead of taking it.
- We're surrounded!: The tank has a 360 degree rotating barrel, giving it the option to defend itself from all angles.
- Again and again and again: The tank has a very effective automatic reloading system. This means it can fire even it's heavy weapon in a very small amount of time.
- Dirt Cheap: The ST1, although weaker in comparison to other tanks on the Galactic Stage, is extremely cheap. If the tank has 1/100 chance in defeating another tank, why not just send 100?
- Fool Proof: Although the mechanics would be put to shame by the average tank, they are extremely reliable. It is almost impossible for this tank to break down without actual damage.
- The Knife in a Gunfight: Although the ST1 is great at taking out infantry, or light vehicles, it's weak and crude gun is almost useless at taking out even average-armored vehicles.
- Tent on wheels: The tank has some weak armor. Although it can survive hits from most hand-held blasters, most if not all anti-vehicle weapons will be able to punch the tank's armor. It can however survive some heavy hits from heavier ballistic weapons.
- Fragile: The ST1 is a track based, mechanical vehicle. Although reliable, any anti-vehicle shots that do not instantly take out the tank will simply ruin it beyond repair, especially if they hit the engine or tracks.
The ST1 is a 2-man light infantry tank, with two weapons. One smaller, repeating weapon, and a larger ballistic cannon (although still pretty small, in the scheme of things...) It's aluminium armor covers the entire tank, with some steel plating being used to cover the more vital areas. It is completely electric-powered, running from re-chargeable batteries. It is a track-based vehicle, very good for off-road travel. It has a rotating barrel, giving it full sight of the area. The driver will have access to a window, and a live-camera feed to navigate the local terrain. They are definitely not going to be able to stand up to larger vehicles, probably requiring 5-10 shots to destroy most other tanks.