
- Intent: A live-in starship pet for Aria.
- Image Source: x
- Canon Link: N/A
- Restricted Missions: N/A
- Primary Source: This pin gave me the idea.
- Manufacturer: A homeware store on Rhelg.
- Model: N/A
- Affiliation: [member="Aria Vale"], [member="Darth Imperia"], whoever else she lets on her starship.
- Modularity: N/A
- Production: Semi-Unique
- Material: Durasteel, roomba components.
- It's a roomba
- With a knife taped on.
- Using motion sensors to navigate the starship (or wherever else Aria puts it), Stabby can hoover up dust and clean floors.
- If one isn't careful, Stabby may run into them with the knife taped onto him.
- Provided he's granted full clearance, Stabby can easily keep a starship's floors spotless.
- He's pretty cute tbh.
- Although he's easily dodged or stepped over, carelessness around Stabby may result in a mild stab wound.
Struck by a whim one day whilst she and Darth Imperia were flying through deep space, Aria found a kitchen knife inside her starship's quarters and taped it to a Roomba she'd bought earlier that day. To begin with, she and Imperia both ended up running into the roomba (soon dubbed Stabby, for obvious reasons), much to each of their irritation, but they both quickly became fond of it. Stabby's almost sociable way of puttering around the starship coupled with the comic relief of such a small machine inciting such colourful language from everyone he ran into rapidly ingratiated him with his shipmates, and within a few weeks both Imperia and Aria treated him as a pet of sorts - and had a long list of anecdotes about his exploits at hand.
Something of a traveler these days, Aria welcomes many on board her ship. Their reactions to Stabby never fail to entertain her.