Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Stamping out the Coals : Invasion of Mytus VII OOC Discussion

The New Order
Mytus VII
This is the OOC discussion forum for the invasion of Mytus VII. The Mandalorians will be invading the home world of the New Order on the very edge of the Galaxy. The New Order is in a panic of Civil war after the events on Telos. The new head of the Order has called treason on those that still hold to the ways of the Sith, as he renounces the Order, and seeks to disband it. Civil War has broken out on Mytus VII, and the Mandalorians are riding in to put out the last remnants of the fire that once burned through these Sith.

This invasion will be controlled by two more more GM's who have been appointed to narrate the storyline of this thread. The thread will focus on two distinct places on Mytus VII that will be the focus of the confrontation.

  • Sith Temple - Where Daichi and his loyal allies are attempting to hold strong against the efforts of the remnant attempting to overthrow him and take back the New Order.

  • Graug Prison - Near the Star's End penal facility, the Graug have constructed an underground prison for their captives, and rule it with tyranny. Troops have been dispatched to break their stronghold and release their victims.

As the story progresses, there may be some activity at the Capital City, but that is not solidified yet. There are three distinct sides to this invasion, and you'll need to figure out which side to ally with.

  • Daichi loyalists

  • New Order Remnant

  • Mandalorians

Please post any and all OOC questions and comments in this thread. Let's keep this clean, keep it fun, and keep it going.

Thread Link
Requesting to join as an anti-New Order player. Depending on how the story develops, I will either side with the Daichi Loyalists or the Mandos, representing the Rebel Alliance.

[member="Azrael"] [member="Mrrew"]
[member="Maria Natalja"]
Eh. With most of the members jumping ship soon as Vulcanus announces his leaving, can you be surprised? Now go take your gloating elsewhere unless you plan to join in the story <3 This thread is for the RP and discussing.
[member="Daichi"] Well said

[member="Maria Natalja"] your comments are unnecessary and immature. Just trying to have some fun, kick butt and create a good story, the One Sith are no where near the strenght the New Order Possesed at its peak, great writers and awesome characters all around. I respect each that I've RPed with.


@Nolan Detta

Forgive me, but this was a joke which referred to an older day when the Sith started becoming major again, it was never meant to be a serious post. Daichi already ended this discussion and I would have not even come back to this thread if you wouldn't have commented my joke. Starting this discussion again was quite unnecessary if you don't have a sense of humour.

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