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Stamping out the Coals : Invasion of Mytus VII OOC Discussion


Well-Known Member
I am one sith, who trying to get mandalorians to see if us different light
Up hill struggle to say the least. [member="Azrael"]
Well since you are not Mandalorian, I have no say in the matter as to what you do in this invasion. You're choosing to ally with the Mandos, you can act like the Rebels are and pick a side to fight against. It is up to you.
[member="Anastasia Rade"] Undoubtedly. We would welcome a new sister.

[member="Regor Laxvan"] Could you give me a little more information on that group? I'm not familiar with it. And the avatar looks familiar, were you originally named RC?
Alright. Just checking. He had used the same Avatar at one point in time, and was one of the main leaders of the Death Watch that had once bombed Manda'lor. You can see why I would be cautious. But yes, you can certainly come and help out. We already have the rebellion helping out, and the rule states that we cannot have more then ten members allying with the Mandos in the thread. So we have seven remaining slots. Two from the Rebel Alliance and one from the One Sith.
I am going to go on record and state that I have tried for a solid two weeks to get the New Order up and running again. But it is difficult to keep a faction running when nobody wants to write for it. Good concept, ruined by it's member base and the fact that the predominant Sith roleplayers on this site didn't want to participate in the concept because there was a certain member that wanted too. Pathetic.

This concludes my business as a faction owner in the near future. I have tried to lead two factions on two different characters and in one case tried to assist another owner as one of his Lieutenants. People know how to get in touch to RP with me in the future.

Thank you. I am available to write as Alicia Drey (soon to be changed) at any time. She will still be the same woman, who is a Sith Lord impersonating herself as a businesswoman from Chandrila.
For anyone who has not seen the change, here's what we found. Unfortunately the reach from the faction border to MytusVII to passed the approved limit for an invasion force. So, it was decided to move this "invasion" to a "faction" thread. There is no change in posting, please continue to do so. The only difference now is that the Mandalorians will not be gaining MytusVII as a planet.
Daichi's technobeasts...
[member="Daichi"] Can't the sith just have an army of barbies or something? Something that dosen't try to kill us. >_>

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