Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Willow Ike"]
Matsu was looking at her with a raised eyebrow as she finished hooking in the holoopad to the power supply to remain active and into the databanks to access the information. The small hologram of Quiet appearing as the jedi master looked over it ad was going through the information. Setting up a secure and encrypted channel to the mapping link ups that would let them access it as more and more information was added. THe old link ups it had to the temple and to Coruscant, Cularin were there with a small grin.
Matsu was looking at her with a raised eyebrow as she finished hooking in the holoopad to the power supply to remain active and into the databanks to access the information. The small hologram of Quiet appearing as the jedi master looked over it ad was going through the information. Setting up a secure and encrypted channel to the mapping link ups that would let them access it as more and more information was added. THe old link ups it had to the temple and to Coruscant, Cularin were there with a small grin.