Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Standardization of Skyhooks, Space Stations, and the Factory / Codex conundrum

Well this has been a subject of concern for some time, an honestly, i want to hash this out so that no one is confused.

Here are the following questions.

We all know the factory and codex is optional, but i want this down for when people want to actually sub them.

  • Are all space station/ skyhook/ orbiting spacial construct supposed to be subbed in the Factory?

  • At what point are they submitted to the codex? Will the codex require factory subbed defenses if they have defenses?

  • What is the difference if a orbiting construct is sub to the factory instead of the codex? Vice versa? Are their limits?
    I've seen locations used in roleplays and stolen by others, same with subbed factory items. So where does that leave it on who owns it?

  • If so, what are the templates for this? ( I know we have templates, but I want to point out we only have a space station template. Do we use that as a base for all skyhooks / orbiting spacial constructs or what)

I'm sure there are more questions but I wanted this hashed out.

@Spencer Jacobs


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
The way it was explained over in Codex land is that a space station or whatnot is a location. However, it also needs to be submitted to the Factory if it deviates from canon or is heavily armed.

Functionally, a space station, or skyhook for that matter, is a location. It's fixed in one particular place and doesn't tend to move around much. People RP them as locations as well. They may change ownership or be destroyed or what have you, but the same could be said for any location. Therefore, they should initially be submitted as locations. The Codex judge looking over the thing can then determine whether or not it warrants an additional sub for the Factory based on whether or not it A: is intended for use in combat or is armed more than a bare minimum needed for defense or B: deviates strongly from canon precedent. Because of some karkery sometime in the distant past, they can't make the passage of the submission dependent on whether or not it's been approved by the Factory, but they can tell them they need to do a sub for it.


ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
I feel if it has weapons other than defensive weapons it should be factory. Big starbases and massive shipyards "over 4km" generally do not have their own weapons and depend on other orbital defense platforms and starships for defense
I don't see any reason not to extend the factory starship template for a large civilian station. Take off the Armaments, add something about docking space and category.
[member="Raziel"] Yet wouldn't that be something that falls into Codex because its a location? I'd really like to have [member="Valiens Nantaris"] chime in because I would like not to step on their toes.

[member="Cira"] as for the questions above - I think it needs to be an all or nothing. Space stations have already been thought of to go with factory since they are a building concept, but their location has to go through codex to be listed.

I think this process actually works out for the Skyhooks etc. Because there is technology that belongs to each submission, but the location idea needs to be focused through locations since we don't know what their standards are pertaining to them.
Cheers for the notification, [member="Spencer Varanin"].

In my opinion stations serve two primary focuses. One is to be military installations with lots of weapons, the other is to be dwelling places.

The Codex should handle the latter, since those are fixed locations which do not feature any significant military defences.

The Factory should handle military stations because their weaponry needs to be accounted for and judged under the factory rules.

If for the purpose of simplicity we want everything to be judged under one banner for stations – which is not what I am personally advocating – it should be done as a Factory submission. Under this line of reasoning, the Factory template for stations can cover all stations, and people can put N/A for defences, but the Codex template cannot cover military stations as easily.

However, I feel making a differentiation between civilian and military stations and sending them to Codex and Factory respectively is a superior option. If a civilian station has a few guns or if a military station has some living quarters that can be accounted for at the time of judging.

TL;DR – Civilian stations to the codex, military to the factory.
Another thing I'd like to do is perhaps put in a template for shipyards.

We have a lot of people making shipyards, and if they want to sub them, nothing is standardized.

The only thing we have that has been answered in Factory Q and A is that 300 posts can get you Kuat style shipyards.
Agreed, [member="Cira"]

I think if you do the template in company tiers, as in you need to be a tier 5 company to construct or help you construct a tier 5 shipyard.

The tiers could relate to size of ships and maximum production.

So say Tier 1 can make up to 300m ships, tier 2 up to 600m or whatever you choose to do.
Tier 1 might need 50 posts, tier 2 100.

[member="Spencer Varanin"]
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Currently this is in factory rules.

1. Mass producing any starship will require substantial proof of income by way of development thread, higher tier company, or Minor/Major Faction involvement.

2. To produce a ship over 1,000 meters in length, a company must be Tier 3 or higher.

We can do it in tiers, but companies need to at least be 3 to do 1 k ships.

Would this standardization go for planets who need dev for their own chaos created shipyards?
It should, yes. If a player wants to submit a new planet with existing shipyards dev threads would be needed.

Bearing in mind the tier 3 = 1000m, I think you could do the following:

  • Tier 1
    Up to 200m minor production.
  • Buildable by: Tier 2 Companies or Minor Factions
  • Posts Required: 20

[*] Tier 2
  • Up to 600m minor production.
  • Up to 200m mass production
  • Buildable by: Tier 3 Companies or Minor Factions
  • Posts Required: 40

[*]Tier 3
  • Up to 1000m minor production.
  • Up to 600m mass production
  • Buildable by: Tier 3 Companies or Minor Factions
  • Posts Required: 60

[*]Tier 4
  • Up to 1400m minor production.
  • Up to 1000m mass production
  • Buildable by: Tier 4 Companies or Major Factions
  • Posts Required: 80

[*]Tier 5
  • Up to 1800m minor production.
  • Up to 1400m mass production
  • Buildable by: Tier 4 Companies or Major Factions
  • Posts Required: 100

[*]Tier 6
  • Up to 2200m minor production.
  • Up to 1800m mass production
  • Buildable by: Tier 5 Companies or Major Factions
  • Posts Required: 120

And so on

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
I think we should note an exception for this that might not necessarily fall into planetary creation.

For instance I'm currently working on a project approved by [member="Spencer Varanin"] that entails a Drive Yard Equal to those found on KDY(264/300 posts btw). I intend for this to be a space station, not a planetary orbiting facility. With that in mind I'm sure others will do the same once I set the example. Where would that fall?

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

But shipyards have been historically subbed to the factory?

The issue is confusing and should be cleared up. Though I was planning on subbing it to both anyway.
[member="Alric Kuhn"]

Add ad additional class to the starship template "Civilian Station" Max armaments: 2, Max size: unlimited, some guidance on needing significant dev and company tier for large projects.

Am I oversimplifying?
Raziel said:
[member="Alric Kuhn"]

Add ad additional class to the starship template "Civilian Station" Max armaments: 2, Max size: unlimited, some guidance on needing significant dev and company tier for large projects.

Am I oversimplifying?

This. I love this.

I'll work on company tier levels for this and a template.

Along with dev thread reqs based on the current standards:

5. Space Stations at or above 1,000 meters will always require a development thread. Minimum: 40 posts, 3-4 writers

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