Best Onion
Well this has been a subject of concern for some time, an honestly, i want to hash this out so that no one is confused.
Here are the following questions.
We all know the factory and codex is optional, but i want this down for when people want to actually sub them.
I'm sure there are more questions but I wanted this hashed out.
@Spencer Jacobs
Here are the following questions.
We all know the factory and codex is optional, but i want this down for when people want to actually sub them.
- Are all space station/ skyhook/ orbiting spacial construct supposed to be subbed in the Factory?
- At what point are they submitted to the codex? Will the codex require factory subbed defenses if they have defenses?
- What is the difference if a orbiting construct is sub to the factory instead of the codex? Vice versa? Are their limits?
I've seen locations used in roleplays and stolen by others, same with subbed factory items. So where does that leave it on who owns it?
- If so, what are the templates for this? ( I know we have templates, but I want to point out we only have a space station template. Do we use that as a base for all skyhooks / orbiting spacial constructs or what)
I'm sure there are more questions but I wanted this hashed out.
@Spencer Jacobs