Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion STANDOFF | Bryn'adûl Invasion of SJC held Lexrul, Ruusan, Sev Tok & Shador

shows up with next to no training and sees massive Crab fleet of doom

Caedyn Arenais

Looking for a dancing partner for this one!

Better get in quick with these numbers haha.
Alright, so, I talked to staff. The main concern is IC with the denouncement. That said, we are going to go with the narrative of a distress signal being sent out. We can’t control who responds to the signal to send aid. With that explanation, Laertia can appear in the thread, although she won’t exactly be given a warm welcome by the SJC. Likewise with other PCs, provided you can use that explanation.

Same for you, Chasianna Chasianna since I know you wanted to tag along with Laertia.


So you are saying there is a chance?​
Elle Mors Approved
Arctus Silmar Arctus Silmar Spoken to on Discord and approved on the OOC agreement that the character is disguised and the SJC are not IC condoning alliance with Sith.

OOC note: just to remind everyone the SJC are not condoning alliances with Sith and that all approvals of alliance offers in from Sith and other sketchy people in this thread are purely OOC and they are responding to an open distress call IC which we cannot control who responds to.

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