Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion STANDOFF | Bryn'adûl Invasion of SJC held Lexrul, Ruusan, Sev Tok & Shador



LOCATION: The Epitaph, Command Bridge
EQUIPMENT: Warlock's Armour | Battlestaff [Sig]
ALLIES: The Bryn'adul
TAGS: Open
Forces: [TBD]

Prior to the gathering on the Bridge, Hrajlmak stood amongst several other Warlocks on the infantry deck of the Epitaph. His many eyes glided in awe and appreciation of the unique Burrower model. The craftsmanship was clean and expert. Its engineering was something any Aeravalin could regard with jealousy. It had been built with an express purpose. It was the shuttle to carry the truth of the Bryn'adul. It was the delivery system for unity, strength, and everything else the Empire of Khaeus stood for. And it was beautiful.

Hrajlmak pulled his eyes from the towering structure above his head, and brought them to more mortal things. He could feel his nerves tingling in his limbs. He pulled in air, and exhaled a slow, almost shaky breath. Adrenaline was the drug that all Draelvasier were unequivocally hooked on. He picked his chest plate up off the ground and brought it to his torso. As he neared his attention quickly diverted to the topology of his torso. Stark images of every battlefield flooded his vision. His carapace was warped and mangled, decorated in the art of blaster fire. Some mere pockmarks from a desperate sidearm, others gaping craters that went so far as to expose the simple flesh underneath. Hrajlmak had barely paid attention to this. Now he stared at the skin buried beneath his shell. And he felt vulnerable. This flesh was the last line of defense. A thin sheet covering his bones and organs. The very things countless warriors have attempted to uncover, and failed to do so. He probed a crater, passing a talon over the flesh. Aeravalin flesh was moist under the carapace, a cooling mechanism. But these parts, exposed to air, had dried up. A side effect of prolonged battle was a rising body temperature. Another thing he had never noticed until now. He blinked, looked straight, and buried thoughts of age and weakness. For these were destructive thoughts antithetical to the warrior and the Draelvasier. His chest plate hissed and clicked into place, washing his torso in an ice-cold blanket.

On the bridge, surrounded by his ilk, he felt nothing but pride. Choking, swelling pride that manifested itself in a nervous tapping of his chest plate. His hands clasped the upper sides of the armour like a harness. At the helm stood the Chieftain. In his renewed sense of allegiance he looked on the Chieftain with zeal. He shared the sentiment no doubt. That the Draelvasier were here to prove themselves. Of course every battle was an opportunity to prove the Bryn'adul mettle, but this fight was different. This time, the enemy had every advantage. They had higher ground, double the numbers, home turf and were well dug in behind walls that would intimidate most siege armies. But the Bryn'adul, and Hrajlmak, had an inverse relationship with battle dynamics. The greater the challenge, the greater the passion. Sweeping through planet after planet with overwhelming force is a boring affair for the custodians of war. On the rare occasion the odds are stacked against the Bryn'adul, that's where the fun resides.

Hrajlmak's blazing red eyes spotted the Warlock Sethrak among the crowd. His brow furrowed. Here was a vocal and proven Tenebrak, stood alongside greater Draelvasier of unwavering loyalties. It was... curious at least. He questioned the Chieftain's motives for gathering such a varied and volatile mix. Power play, or Bryn'adul unity in the face of disadvantage made manifest. Contemplation submitted to the Chieftain's overwhelming voice.

Tathra delivered strong words that inspired all ears. And when those gathered took to the knee, Hrajlmak was quick to the join them, though he said nothing. Outside the nigh-impervious walls of the Epitaph, Concord munitions lit up the black of space. The bell that sounded the beginning of a battle that would be recollected for generations had rung, and the Draelvasier, and their new brethren, would prove themselves yet again, the judges of the weak.
Wearing: Black Knight Chitin

Armed with: Momentary Discomfort, Sword of Cinndurr

With: Maple Harte Maple Harte (Equipment: Shroud of Madness, Survivor's Staff, Dashade Sonic Disruptors, M-47-C)

Model 2 Nuetralizers (1500)

Model 1 Nuetralizers (300)

Lyssa Io (Advanced Prototype)

Nuetralizer Weapons: Model 1 Disruptors, 40mm Pump Action Grenade Launcher, Sonic Imploders, Void 007 Seismic Charges, Thermal Detonators, Stocker Rifles

Chasianna Chasianna

Objective: ALL

Another world, facing destruction.

She craved rest, desperately craved it. But The Bryn'adul did not rest and neither would she.

Syd hadn't been in contact with her since the incident with Starlin. Xiphos had been desperate to get in contact with her but there was no response. Either electronically, or through their bond.

Starlin Rand Starlin Rand was more a point of contention than she had given him credit for.

She...she couldn't actually consider taking his side, right?

Xiphos banished the thought. No way. Not after Sarka. Not after what she had seen The Bryn'adul do to the natives.

One person could not be more important than the fate of The Galaxy. If Sarka didn't kill off any remaining idealism in Syd, like Nar Kreeta had with Laertia, what would?

Syd had believed in the necessity of unity...what had started giving her cold feet? The Jedi were wrong. They had to be forced to acknowledge how great a threat The Bryn'adul represented to all of Civilized Space. She knew their panic was mounting. Sarka had been a wake-up call for many people as to what they were dealing with.

Xiphos was, as ever, disgusted by the Jedi's unwillingness to admit what should have been obvious.

But Sev-Tok must not fall.

There would be nothing to defend Kashyyyk if Sev-Tok fell.

Xiphos lay awake in her bed aboard The Absolution Of Loste, her Gozanti cruiser.

Nine Lives was furious with her. Nine hadn't known about her and The Amalgam teaming up until recently. Only the situation with the Bryn'adul prevented her from pulling the funds on the Nuetralizer Program.

But Nine was considering serious restrictions on her, personally, in the future.

You have dishonored me by seeking out this alliance. Nine told her grimly over holorecording a few days before.

Xiphos respected Nine. Liked her, even. But Xiphos would not be held back, would not turn away almost any hand willing to help her fight such an all annihilating menace. Even the hand of the woman she hated almost as much as she hated Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok .

The beautiful woman got out of bed, and started preparing.

As she did, her eye fell on a drawer where she kept her old photos.

She opened it, pulling out the photos of "Ursula". Not just Ursula, but Moya and Lynda, the Westenra copy that had fought alongside her at Atrisia against Mythos all those years ago.

("What Is Love?" By Haddaway Plays)

Xiphos broke down, weeping bitterly as she dropped to her knees, the photos falling to the floor. She had let Moya take the rabbits. She didn't even have them to fall back on now.


Xiphos looked at Lyssa, standing in the archway of Xiphos's quarters. She had hacked the system wirelessly to open the door.

She looked like a young woman with fair skin and dark brown hair with mercury sheened irises, clad in silver biker leathers with black spikes. In truth, she was a deadly collection of Prototype Laminanium Nanites.

"Yes, my Daughter?" Xiphos asked.

"We depart for Sev-Tok's system soon. I got us coming in as relief vessels with stolen SJC transponders. If we go in now we will just barely make it before the Bryn fully Blockade the planet Are...are you alright?" Lyssa asked.

"No." Xiphos answered honestly. "Lyssa? Promise me something..."


"If you ever have children...always do your best to be there for them. Same goes for siblings..."

"I promise..."

"It is not a promise to keep casually." Xiphos warned. "Keeping it may cost you everything..."

Lyssa tilted her head in curiosity. She could talk about Organic behavior on an academic level, there were nuances she still didn't quite get.

But one thing was becoming obvious.

"Mother, you are suffering from severe combat stress. Your condition will only worsen the longer you keep fighting."

"I have no choice, Lyssa...' Xiphos said wearily.

"I must try to atone for my failure at Sarka."

Hours later...

They had gotten in as an unarmed, but heavily shielded evac cruiser, a large commercial transport vessel, stripped of any amenities to make room for more passengers, flanked by dozens of heavily armed shuttles. All she could spare. All the CIS could spare her. Those stolen transponder codes paid off as they scooted in past "friendly" SJC lines.

Potentially, it could get hundreds to safety.

But it was also bringing a surprise.

As it got close to the planet, a black warship, fifty meters across, flew out from the bay of the main cargo cruiser.

It was infamous at this point, having destroyed swarms of enemy fighters. But it wasn't here for blood really, merely to deposit very deadly individuals.

Reports from Xiphos's spies said it all: The defenders were poorly equipped, and trained. Most didn't understand the terror awaiting them.

The drive to avenge Nar Kreeta, Sarka, Dubrava, Kubindi, Jabiim, Lakonia, billions murdered while The Major Powers could only be bothered to unite for completely selfish reasons like at Csilla, filled Xiphos with ice cold determination towards halting The Bryn'adul.

Once they had landed, along with the cruiser setting down with multiple shuttles, just on the other side of tunnels leading into the mountain.

Out of the cruiser strode hulking, silver skeletons. Sarka had taught her much, including seizing enemy tissue and weapons for study.

That was what helped produce the latest iteration of her mechanical sons. Slower learner's, but they had a much more detailed physiology database of Bryn'adul variants encountered this far. Worse, their onboard weapon systems were geared towards doing damage to their most common metals and nervous systems. The more human sized Model 1's, numbering only in a few hundred this time, marched in front of the Model 2's.

Xiphos was wearing her Black Armor this time. Her Morpheus Chitin still undergoing extensive repairs. On the other hand, as long as her mind could handle the strain...she could teleport freely.

Maple had chosen to come with her. She was in as much hot water with Nine as Xiphos was...she had known of Xiphos's alliance with The Amalgam and said nothing. She wore her Black and red living armor, equipped with Sonic Disruptors as well as her rifle and Lightsaber.

So too had Chasianna Chasianna . The barely knee height Electromancer showed great promise and openness to Xiphos's way of thinking. It was ironic to Xiphos that one of the few friendly faces in her life were full on Sith. She should have expected that, given what she had done.

Multiple Nuetralizers, these equipped with jet packs, took off, filling the sky over the city, while Xiphos took a direct route into the tunnels, the Model 2's quietly filling choke points with heavy chainguns and machine gun emplacement s, others followed her, carrying crates of special new Organic Blaster Rifles for the city's defenders. They would be needed, as their tech was based on Bryn Weaponry seized as part of Xiphos's desperate intelligence gathering on Sarka.

One of the city watch commanders, preparing even now to evacuate civilians into the tunnels, went pale as she spotted The Black Knight followed by her skeletal son's in the Darkness of the tunnel.

"I need to speak with Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield . It is of vital importance that I do. I bring things to defend Sev-Tok."

"Think of us as a candy gram, but for murder." Maple called out dryly and somehow without much mirth.

Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus

Seer Kalanthir Seer Kalanthir

Udomek Seker Udomek Seker

Sethrak Sethrak

Jax Thio Jax Thio

Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr

Aayla Shan Aayla Shan

Jairdain Jairdain

Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla

as the end is drawing near, standing proud, I won't give in to fear
A few star systems away,
aboard a heavily modified freighter

The silent hum of the engines as it traversed the Mara Corridor brought tranquility so foreign to Dagon that he had to be brewing caf loudly to bring some adequate form of comfort. It wasn't that the quietness disturbed him - he'd welcome it more than most given his constant work in the noisy underbelly of Coruscant - but rather his struggle to not bring up to Yula what she had divulged to him not long ago; her addiction to spice.

To an extent, he had somewhat regretted joining her in aiding the relief efforts from the recent Bryn'adul incursion at Saka just because of this... awkwardness. What both could do was simply avoid the elephant in the room through small talk, jabs and each minding their own business.

His wrist-holo suddenly exploded in static startling him before he adjusted manually the frequency to wash out the noise:

"This is a general distress call from Lieutenant Thirdas Heavenshield of the Antarian Rangers, requesting urgent reinforcements to the Sev Tok system. We have confirmed reports of Bryn activity in the area -- I repeat, the Bryn'adûl are on their way. I say again, this is a general distress call to any and all forces in the vicinity -- we are under attack!"

Sev Tok? Rings a bell...

Fiddling with the gadget, Dagon projected an interactive nav-map and accessed Alliance astrogation telemetry to find the system in question. A flashing red indicating the source of the distress call and a much familiar name dotting the space near Sev Tok...



Dagon's heart ceased and the mug in his hand fell crashing loudly on the galley's floor. Wild-eyed, he felt his guts twisting in a knot as he barely uttered, " you hear this?" the panic, the fear, the horror of the thousand and one apocalyptic scenarios gripped him in place. Frozen, unable to move an inch as he stared blankly at the holo nav-map. He sought serenity to break free from the terror's hold. Alas, to no avail. It was a minute before he could escape its ensnarement and pace to the comms terminal of the freighter.

"Set a course to Sev Tok-- I need to reach out to the New Jedi and the Alliance." Dagon told Yula without even glancing her way, solely focused on the urgent task at hand.

He pulled out a small cord from his wrist-holo and inserted it into the comms terminal jack. A few taps and he was into encrypted New Jedi war frequencies. Those same ones they had utilized during the Stygian Campaign against the Sith. A moment later his form would appear in shimmering holo blue across the Alliance and New Jedi channels.

<"To all Alliance and New Jedi, this is Jedi Padawan Dagon Kaze. Identificati--"> he began with a solemn tone before the formality and his voice broke altogether. His uniform features contorted, twisted, under the strain of urgency and rising...wrath.

<"By now you've probably received the distress from the Sev Tok system and I know how stretched thin we are and..."> he sighed deeply, regaining a sense of composure, <"... and I know a lot has happened between us and the Silvers since--"> we went to war with the Sith, the frustrating reminder of the rift between both Orders still inflaming embers within his own mind. We fought alone so why shou- the repugnant thought was brushed away.

<"Listen, what I want to say, no-- implore you to answer the call with... with everything we've got cause--."> his thoughts wandered to the friend, the brother, he had followed - the Sword of the Jedi, Ryv Ryv . His words echoed through Dagon next,

<"-- we gotta fight for the Light till we're dead and gone.">


Dagon cut the comms and slumped on the chair behind, a long sigh of despair escaping his lips. He could only hope they arrived in time to stem the tide of the Bryn'adul.

ALLIES | GA | NJO | SJC | Yula Perl Yula Perl
Phase One
Location: Aboard the Epitaph
Allies: Krarolk T'manu | Gordrak Gordrak | Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari | Udomek Seker Udomek Seker | Kyrim Tenebris Kyrim Tenebris | Kelmor Kelmor | Carask Uduun
Enemies: TBD
Armour | Shield | Ravager Marksmen Rifle | Mangler Submachine Gun | Syphon Beam Rifle |

The Vandal stood in the bay of the Gunboat, eyes looking over the twelve of his own kind that either sat or stood next to him. They had all fought before, but that was on worlds torn from the governance of their leaders, left with remnants of military forces. Today, they were facing something entirely different. Completely outnumbered too, something like two-hundred thousand on the planet below. He hoped not all of them were the elite of the Concord, they were outnumbered by double, twice over. But even with those daunting numbers in front of him, he had seen the Draelvasier and the Bryn'adûl as a whole do incredible things. Not only a year ago his people were not even out of the bronze age, now they were intergalactic warriors ready to face untold horrors. The armies of the devils, the weakling Jedi and their puppeteer politicians keeping the average human on his knees. A shiver ran up his spine, what horrible creatures they must be to excuse such a thing. He had seen what governments like the Concord left behind on worlds like Jablim and Lakonia. It broke his heart.

Quoron could feel his heart thumping in his chest, particles of sweat running down the length of his forehead and building at the rim of his helm. He saw that same anxiety in his brethren, his fellow Vaydralen. The Draelvasier had said this was a test, a test of strength and unity. To him, it was to prove to them all hat the Vaydralen deserved to be here. They deserved to walk among them as equals, he wanted so badly to show their adoptive brothers that. He wanted them to see that truth.

He knew, that for the longest time his people did not feel as welcomed as the others. That was to change today, today they would earn that right.

"Brothers. Fellow Vandals and Centurions. We are here now because we have chosen to be. But we did not choose to join this Covenant on our own. The Draelvasier, enlightened us. They showed us the path to strength and now we must show them that we can follow that path and make it!" The Epitaph rattled as the enemy fleet began to fire on the lone vessel.

"The Epitaph is us. Different species under the banner of the Bryn'adûl. It is one united, force. As we should be. This is our chance, brothers and sisters! Our chance to show the other species that we deserve to be here! To show them that we are their brothers too!" Quoron spoke as patiently as able, raising his fist to his breastplate, mimicking that of the Juggernauts as the other Vandals roared in encouragement of his speech.


Varn Barakis Varn Barakis Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Jairdain Jairdain Jax Thio Jax Thio

Bryn'Adul elements


1x Standard Lightsaber, blue Kyber Crystal (handpicked on Ilum)
1x HoloLink XJ9 (Second Generation)
1x Witchblade Red & Black handle, Purple Kyber crystal
1x Utility Belt
5x Ration Packs
1x Rebreather

After seeing some of the ships after the battle of Charros IV, it was harrowing to get onto one. Star Cruisers, or Destroyers, were massive war beasts. To see one battle-scarred, or snapped in half, was a humbling thought; even something that commanded such power could be routed, it made her wonder if there was a place in the galaxy where these things didn't occur. Where could one go in the galaxy, and find a truly clueless people about all this. People that would just shake their heads at you, and innocently ask 'What's a Bryn'Adul?'. It would've been nice to know if that existed. There would have been some measure of relief to know that the very name didn't mean oppression everywhere. That they weren't doing all of this for nothing...

She had begun meditating well before the paneling in her room (Set to replicate sunrise in the GST of Kashyyyk) began to peek with the sun, casually, her meditation had gone into a series of stretches, embracing the concept of Alchaka, she focused on her sabers, allowing them to orbit her, along with a mixture of most the other things she had brought along with her. It was easy to do sitting still, a little harder to do as she did the repetitive stretchign motions, that faded in Yoga at times. she had been at it for hours, not tiring herself, as she had already slept; if anything she felt it brought her more energy for what would come ahead, clearing her mind within the Force, and purging useless emotions...

Albeit that did mean she was purging all emotions. Her discussion with Josh Dragovalor Josh Dragovalor had gleamed some very interesting prospects about exactly what emotion was to a Jedi, and what a Jedi was in of him, or herself. She wasn't a machine, and she would be upset if she wanted to be; she would feel sadness fully, not try to hold onto her tears when she wanted to loose them. And if the Bryn'Adul elicited feelings of rage, she would allow them to feel it. What was important was how she managed those feelings. What was important was not letting those feeling for one second decide her actions, because in that moment, she would've failed.

And Force help her, Force help them all... She wasn't going to fail today.

These were the thoughts on Aayla's mind before Jax's voice mad a sudden intrusion through her rooms communicator. She had been expecting it, reaching through the Force to return everything to its rightful place, save for her two sabers. Even as she stood, she maintained that mental focus to keep the weapons suspended, orbiting just around her as she gathered the rest of her things, and slid her own communicator into her ear, and turned to exit her room, allowing both weapons to be pulled to her with a tug of the Force. Both were slotted, waist, and back, and with that; she would be out of the door.

A quick bite to eat, only eating half of what was on the plate. She was more interested in what laid ahead, and as such within eleven minutes of Jax's call, Aayla would walk into the room, giving a nod to anyone within, and moving to grab a seat, not leaning back, but instead leaning forward as she had her equipment on her still.



High Imperator of the Rim-Guard Order


✠ Objective: I. Defend Anvil (soon)
✠ Location: Hyperspace en route to Sev Tok
✠ Gear: Armour, Lightsaber pike, Combat-Shield, DC-17, Gladius, Holotransmitter
✠ Assets:
The Phalanx, Rim-Guard Cadres, Skytroopers, Dreadnought Wardroids
✠ Tag(s): open



The Phalanx was cutting through the waves of hyperspace, far ahead of the rest of forces assembled for this campaign, but the call had been urgent. They had received the call for help right after they had finished the negotiations on Commenor and were about to head deeper into the Core, but then they heard Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield over emergency coms and made a u-turn, jumping directly to Sev Tok.

The High Imperator had warned the captain that they would face the Bryn'adûl sooner than later and he has since then read a bit about them and was disgusted by their exterminating nature. There was nothing in favour of these animals and they would not hesitate to bring them the righteous wrath of civilisation.

✠ ✠ ✠

Ecthelion Aiglos was indeed not on the bridge, even though it was one of his favored locations. The Orders Sanctum was determined chaos as the nearly the entirety of the Rim-Guard paladins prepared for war, only those who were sent Vorral and the detachment for Brentaal were not present. The equerries were marching swiftly through the main hall, most aiming for the armouries and magazines to get last minute requests of their paladins. They knew that a serious war was about them, all had access to the Bryn'adûl data and everyone was eager to show them steel.

The High Imperator was standing alone near the large entrance, his shieldbearer was checking on the droid forces and their readiness, it would be the first all out war outside the Eternal Empire and on the galactic stage. It was a perfect timing after the talks with the diplomatic head of the Silver Jedi to come to their aid right away against these animals.

Several more minutes later the sound of heavy plated boots was filling the halls of the Orders Sanctum, hundreds of paladins were streaming into the great hall, quickly arranging into their cadres and the cadres arranging into their banners. It did not take them long to stand in a perfect formation, unmoved and looking ahead. Golden warriors with shields and heavy blasters, red capes adorning their overall look.

"Brothers! Sisters! Tonight we march onto the stage of galactic war, our baptism of fire among those who fight for long. We fight nothing less than the monsters of the eastern fringes, the abominations of the Bryn'adûl! Savage animals who intend to destroy civilisation as we know, they know nothing but annihilation and that is what we shall show them! With fire and steel we will bring their very own destruction upon them.

Do not hesitate today fellow brethren, for if we falter, thousands may die at the hands of the unworthy. Victory is what I demand and no less we shall deliver. As long as we stand, we triumph.


As one man the paladins of the Rim-Guard raised their weapons and repeated the words of their master and leader. Aiglos himself had raised his pike into the air. It was not a wild or outbursting battle cry, but one of pure confidence and conviction.

"Imperators, brief your chapters. Princeps, deploy your banners to the landers. I will go with the first wave."

Some of the Imperators and his shieldbearer hesitated at the last part, but they knew better not to object and proceeded to follow their orders. Within minutes the hall was empty as the paladins proceeded to the hangars and entered their assault landers. Only minutes left till they would drop out of hyperspace near the planet to immediatly reinforce the ground forces. His shieldbearer would sit next to him in the lander, having certain difficulties to properly put the Order banner somewhere. The Order would not go to war without its standard . . . .



Phase One
Location: Aboard the Epitaph
Allies: Hrajlmak'Natok Hrajlmak'Natok | Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari | Ostak Cl'mana | Galak Galak | Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma | Osam Osam | Udomek Seker Udomek Seker | Gordrak Gordrak | Krarolk T'manu | Quoron Ver'dum Quoron Ver'dum | Carask Uduun | Kyrim Tenebris Kyrim Tenebris | Kelmor Kelmor | Seer Kalanthir Seer Kalanthir | Sarask Hiskt Sarask Hiskt |
Enemies: Mig Gred Mig Gred | Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause
Axe | Gauntlet | Armour |

Tathra looked across the bridge, left to right from Galak to Hrajlmak. The Warlord knelt, speaking words of fealty. He knew he could trust Galak to lead their forces whilst he lead the Ultra's. Next was Ostak, one of the greatest of the Tachael and a powerful Shaman who had gained the respect of the Primarch and thusly his own. Then there was the Primarch himself, ordained in the powerful cuirass of the Shaman; still carrying the staff of his predecessor. Tathra recalled that day, a dark one indeed. But with his rise to the rank of Primarch; Drek'ma had ushered in a quiet and reliable strength within the Shamans. Their words filled the Titan with pride, unconsciously rising his chest as they spoke, even as the Epitaph was attacked. The bond they shared, it took precedence. The first Risen, Osam of the Sraelvun knelt next as he spoke well. The words filled Tathra's heart with warmth, he had watched Osam grow from an unsuspecting Drone into one of the greatest of their kind. A testament to the strength of even the lowest when will perseveres.

No words were required from the once heretical Sethrak. He had come so far, and at the battle of Sarka proven where his heart truly lay. He wanted what was best for their people, and truly followed that instinct wherever it led him no matter the odds it placed against him. Tathra respected that, acknowledged that. The same could be said for Hrajlmak, very much alike the Warlord Sethrak. Hrajlmak had became the First Warlock, a respected equal to the Primarch who had once despised him and vice versa. Tathra was about to speak as the hellfire began, every ship in the Concord's fleet opening fire on the
Epitaph and its escort.

Kraemonen escorts directed their Quilxyn to empower the Epitaph as baradium bombs rippled along the length of its golden shielded exterior. The Kraemonen had sacrificed their own protection for the Epitaph, taking the brunt of the damage inflicted upon them directly to their hulls. The damage already done to the trio was already extensive.

"Chieftain, our shields are struggling to maintain stability under this much firepower!" The artificer officer reported, hands darting about a set of glyphs to work in tandem with the Kraemonen to waylay the situation. Tathra nodded to the officer, raising his gauntlet as mind stone buried in his wrist interconnected with the war-ships communication systems, funneling his voice through to those in the shield core.

"All power to forward momentum and shields! Sylok! We are under heavy fire, you know what to do!" Tathra did not wait for a response, the Ashaka would do his duty. The shield would hold, it had to. Their entire plan rested on the crux of the Epitaph's condition. But they needed to be ready for when the time came to fight. The ungulloi artificers moved at double the usual lethargic pace, putting out every fire and spark as it appeared whilst the Akehnaton would keep them appraised of just how far they could push the warship.

It was time to prepare, he turned to his lieutenants.

"Warlords Sethrak, Galak. You will lead our primary forces upon landing working in tandem with the Primarch and First Warlock. We must establish a strong presence on the surface when we arrive. Go, prepare our warriors." He spoke, pressing a black fist into the palm of his dominant hand.

This would be a true test for each and every one of them. But their was one among them who understood the nature of trial and error, of being tested and doubted more than any other Draelvasier in the Galaxy. Aureate eyes turned to Osam, his request churning in the back of the Titan's mind.

"You know, it doesn't matter what you are born as. What matters is what is in your heart. A Jedi showed me that if you can believe it. Showed me the reality of the horrors we commit, how it echoes through the universe. I know the price paid. So do you, Osam. You showed me that too, showed everyone that it is what is inside of us that matters most." Tathra pointed to his chest as he spoke.

"Without you and your determination, the Akhenaton, Ungulloi and Vaydralen would have all been extinct today. The Kraemonen, never allowed sentience. You have shown us your quality, Osam. That is why I can think of no one better to rule over the worlds of our adoptive brethren. You will show them the truth of strength. I know you will. I accept your request. Stand up, Osam. You are a Warlord." The Titan smiled down upon the Sraelvun Warlord.

He hand given this much consideration, for months now it had been on his mind. He wanted to leave not only the Galaxy but his own people in a better place than he had found it. The answer to that was the warriors in the room among him. Those he would be proud to call sons and, daughters. If Keldothera had survived. Yes, today was as much for her as anything. They would pay for her death, and the weakness they spread throughout the Galaxy like a viral plague. Tathra wished he could celebrate with the new Warlord, but now was no time for that. The Titan turned back to the marble table, two hands placed on adjacent Mind Stones as he refocused his attention on the Epitaph.

"Go. All of you, I will join you once we land."

The Epitaph cut through the emptiness of space with incredible speed, barrelling forward with the intent to brute force its way through the Silver Jedi fleet. Nothing was going to stop them, not today. The shields were holding, for now. But the Kraemonen were faring far worse than they'd hoped.
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Traumatized Carrier-Loving Mess
{Commodore Kathause - Aboard ANV Pegasus : C.I.C}
{Direct Relevancy: Jax Thio Jax Thio , Aayla Shan Aayla Shan , Varn Barakis Varn Barakis }
{Silver Jedi Concord Allies - Galactic Alliance - 1st Expeditionary Fleet : 3rd Squadron}
-Liberator-class star defender - "Pegasus" - 1500m - Flagship/Carrier/Ship of the Line
-Iblis-class missile frigate - "Huntress" - 500m - High-yield Missile Platform/Long Range Attack
-2 x Negotiator-class light cruisers - "Intrepid" "Knight" - 330m each - Screeners/Assault Ships
-2 x Sacheen II-class escort frigates - "Dreamer" "Armistice" - 500m each - Screeners/Light Carriers/Escorts
-3 x Tantara-class corvettes - "Peacemaker" "Odyssey" "Ardent" - 200m each - Light Carriers/Screeners

She had been there before, halting a Bryn invasion, throwing herself and her subordinates at the mercy of the universe. Outside the layers of durasteel and shielding that flanked the Pegasus, the cosmos lay in wait, in anticipation of its tribute as it always did. Years ago, the cold black void had robbed her of a brother, and eventually a squadron. Just recently, it had stolen half of her task force--the E1-3rd, as its staff affectionately dubbed it--, and now it would find another worthy payment.

White and blue contours rushed alongside the Alliance taskforce, before beginning the fade to black. Stars glowed once more, only to be overtaken by the volleys of fire that danced back and forth. A hulking organic mess crept forward, surrounded by Concordian weapons fire, looming over the Concordian fleet and enveloping the field in their shadow. The E1-3rd came in just short of effective turbolaser range to the Bryn, bows aiming for the planet below.

The Pegasus brought herself about, while her eight escort ships followed suit and spaced themselves outward. LSOs made the final systems checks, and brought the hanger blast doors to a quick opening. Shallow point defense screens fired outward to form a wide tunnel around the carrier’s air group, eight squadrons in all, supplemented by the extra strike craft from the other ships. Turbolasers charged across deck, while missiles from the accompanying Huntress charged for the Bryn vessels.

Liedran paced along, from the one edge of the C.I.C to the other, hand choking out the light from a blue jewel suspended by her necklace, her typical coping mechanism. The bridge officers had come to expect it, simply maintaining their own tasks, and only looking her way for their next orders. Polished boots made brief contact with the ground, slowly picking up dust and shaking it away. Soon, the black soles would be stained red, so would the well-kept uniform that defined her appearance.

“Ahead slow, we'll wait for the others to form up. Target the main battery for the Epitath. Have Huntress scatter missiles for escorts, Fighters maintain medium range,” The commodore found a position at the room’s center, “Position Negotiators to port.”

"Confirm status with the rest of the Alliance fleet."

The E1-3rd began its formation adjustments, the two Negotiator cruisers bringing wide, forked dorsal hulls to face the enemy, matching speed with the rest of the 3rd squadron. Missiles continued off into the void, dodging through a field of enemy ballista fire from the hulking organic vessels that faced them.

The Bryn once again descended to scorch ground, coat soil with blood, and to bring buildings to ruin. Standing in their way, futilely in her eyes, the Alliance had been called to the Concord's defense, to save as many lives as possible; as had always been the drill.

By now, the jedi were in the situation room, planning the ground assault and leaving her to monitor the situation in orbit. Liedran set down a hand and patched herself in:

{"This is Pegasus-Actual. Ground team, entering safe dropship launch range in...ten minutes. Try and get to the hanger at earliest opportunity. Over."}

Eyes locked on the display table, on the status signals, and situation reports. Solid red lights, arrayed neatly along the bottom, stared into her soul. Each one was a pilot, a hero, and her responsibility. Already, a dot went blank.

And many more would follow.

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New Imperial Order
NIV Antares Draco, on route to Sev Tok
| Paz Koon | Saaveina Saaveina | Rurik Fel Rurik Fel


For a year now Hans' home had been the border worlds of the Empire, traveling down and back up the Braxant Run in an endless circle, save for when he had to play politics on Serenno and Coruscant.

The cold, hard floor of the meditation rooms no longer bothered him after spending so many of his waking hours in them. Most of the other knights knew that when they retired for the night, Hans would still be up holding his vigil. He'd heard their talking, how they thought he took after their often reclusive leader, though the truth was that solitude had been his friend far longer than Rurik, the New Imperials, or anyone.

Some nights he held a vigil for his people, though never by choice. The thoughts of them held tight to him, consuming his mind until he wept tiredly. He'd failed the people of Raxus, and it pained him everywhere. Other nights he tried his best to think of nothing, to try and float his mind peacefully through the force, lest he fall asleep and be rendered defenseless to his nightmares.

Right now the peace and quiet was beginning to overwhelm him. It was one of those days where his solitude brought him to dark places.

A hard knock on the door roused him from his meditative state. The real world was calling him back, into another day of fighting. Every day that they stepped closer to peace, peace took one step back.

"Come in," he said as he stood and faced the door. He stretched out his body, which seemed to get more tense with every meditation. They were no longer as relaxing as they once had been, now that his thoughts had gotten beyond his control.

The door slid open and the florescent white light of the halls filled the darkness of the meditation room. A group of knights stood outside the doorway, dressed in the same standard coveralls as Hans.

"Command says we're going into battle, we were told to come get you," the one standing directly in the doorway spoke up.

"What is it today?"

"We're going to Sev Tok, in Silver Jedi space."

"What have they done now?" Hans said unimpressed. The Silver Jedi still held the ire of many knights after Dantooine, Hans included.

"Nothing... it's the Bryn."

Hans' heart skipped a beat, like he'd seen a ghost. Could this be it. Was this the time he'd been waiting for? He didn't know when it would come, the opportunity to finally face the beasts that destroyed his planet, but he waited for it all the same. Why now? Why after all that had happened had the New Empire finally decided to take the fight to those monsters?

"Hans, are you coming?" the other knight said a little louder. Becoming aware that he'd been taken by his thoughts once again, Hans regained his composure. It was enough to keep up appearances with his battle-brothers, but his heart continued to race as they made their way towards the barracks to armour up.

As he donned his armour, Hans stared into the rushing hyperspace outside the barracks view port.
He'd now spent almost half his life away from his home, and he'd resigned to never seeing it again. He had devoted his life to the New Imperial Order, to destroying the Sith. He wasn't sure he could even bear the sight of whatever horrors the Bryn had inflicted upon it. Yet now there was a glimmer of hope, or so his encounter with the Eternal Empress might have had him believe once he'd shifted aside the many doubts in his mind. Now there was the opportunity for Hans to protect another innocent world, even if it wouldn't bring Raxus back to him.

Now he would have vengeance. Now he would have the chance to drive his righteous blade through the hearts of those who'd destroyed all he loved.

Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii

Forces: 1st MIL Battalion "Netherhounds", 1st Armored Platoon "Wraith Division"
Equipment: In bio
Allies Jax Thio Jax Thio Aayla Shan Aayla Shan Varn Barakis Varn Barakis Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Aien Mueller Jairdain Jairdain Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla Laertia Io Laertia Io
Enemies: Bryn

The Netherhounds and Wraiths quickly rolled out. The tanks, assault guns, and walker droids that operated with the Wraiths, began to take positions around around the wall, using the cover of night to find nearly inviable locations. The Bryn wouldn't know what they were coming to until it was too late. Fora, meanwhile, was getting the Netherhounds to their positions, and calling to some nearby Rangers and militia as they moved.

"Come on! There in system now. We need to get ready!" The Dathomirian continued getting her troops ready as she looked out. This would be life or death thing time.... Mig said they couldn't be allowed to pass. Now was the time to prove it.

Elsewhere in the city, Mig, and made his way to the top of the wall. He closed his eyes and took a breath. Hopefuly this would work. He quickly his his comms, speaking up before starting as tried to focus.

"I have no idea if I can do this, but the Bryn don't seem to like the cold.... They'll be hitting at soon, which means we have the edge. It may not be as cold as the open desert, but it's something we can work with." Mig then stopped, closing his eyes to focus on the Force again. The time would come soon.

Fleet: Keros' Kad, 4x Shield-class Escort Cruisers, 6x GF-2B Super TwinTails Squadrons, 2x "Kodashi" Viper MKII Squadrons, 3x HA-2 Pike Squadrons, 2x Dinii-class Dral'tabalhar Me'sen squadrons, 2x HF-2 Jair Kyr'am squadrons, 8x DF-1 Scarab Swarm Fighter squadrons
Allies: Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause
Enemies: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus
Kaddie looked surprised as he and sensor crews poured over the data. The frigates had taken the brunt of hits, and their shields were down? He also picked up more ships entering the fight, the lead ships seeming to be called Pegasus. The AI seemed surprised, and quickly opened a comm channel with the new ships' lead vessel.

"Pegasus, this is Kaddie of the Keros' Kad. It's good to see more friendly vessels. These Bryn ships confuse me though. They lack weapons, and rely completely on their shields." As this conversation happened the Kad focused her batteries on the frigates, hoping to destroy the shield boost they seemed to be giving. Fighters, heavy fighters, assault gunships, and heavy assault craft would join the attack, focusing there weapons on gunning down the odd frigates, and swarms of droid fighters fired at any enemy vessel they could hit. This was strange for the Bryn. No warships. Just this. They usually came in force. Something wasn't right.

Location: Aboard the Epitaph
Bryn'Bois: Osam Osam | Gordrak Gordrak | Udomek Seker Udomek Seker | Kyrim Tenebris Kyrim Tenebris | Kelmor Kelmor | Carask Uduun | Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari | Ostak Cl'mana | Sethrak Sethrak | Hrajlmak'Natok Hrajlmak'Natok | Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus | Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma |
Adversaries: TBD
Equipment: Triad | Armour | Shredder | Bryn Shot |

He hadn't expected the others to kneel as well, but he couldn't help to hide his grin as they did. He knew what this meant for Tathra, what it meant for all of them. Acceptance, mutual respect among peers. They who dared to do what others would not, this was what bound them together unlike any other fighting force. As Tathra gave his orders, Galak rose with a nod to the Warlord Sethrak. But it seemed Tathra was not done, turning his attention to Osam. He felt some small anxiety at the directed focus at first, but as quickly as it came it was swept away as he came to understand the nature of the address. The story he told, he recalled the battle of Nar Kreeta. Tathra had tried to explain it when the returned to the Divine Brutality. Whatever Gianna Aegis Gianna Aegis had done to him, he would never understand. But he was glad of it, the old Titan was jaded and stubborn. He hated the Galaxy for what it had made of him, but it had also make him the greatest warrior in that Galaxy. A trade off, he supposed. But even now, he was growing - learning.

Galak took off his helmet, a sign of respect as the Chieftain ordained Osam. The Titan's words resonated with him, as it should have done with all of them. The heart was what mattered. Not Akehnaton flesh, nor Aeravalin or Baedurin carapace. The character within, the strength of the Bryn'adûl within them all. The strength to stop the cancer of the weak from destroying the Galaxy. The Warlord lightly tapped Warlord Osam's shoulder, nodding to his brethren as he put his helmet back on. He and Warlord Sethrak had a job to do.

The Chieftain desired that they leave so he would focus, and so they would. Galak made his way to one of the elevators with Sethrak and Osam in toe.

"Your will is our command, Chieftain. Come, Warlords. We have warriors to prepare!" The elevator Galak was getting on was one of three, allowing whoever wished to come with him directly to do so.

The elevator shot down through the warship, moving past the shield core where the Ashaka and Sylok were. They moved to the heart of the ship, their deployment platforms. The elevator doors slid open, allowing Galak and company entry to the high-rise platform overseeing the majority of their forces. Juggernauts, Drones, Shamans, Zealots, Savages and Beasts. He stood, hands clasped on the railway as he leaned over it to inspect the forces. Gunboats ready, base infantry too. He had brought the tenth regiment, the best of his warriors for this. Equipment wise, they were ready. They were always ready for a fight, but it was the trepidation of knowing this fight was coming that he felt more than anything. Even with the Chieftains words, even as they were filled with adrenaline and a lust to test themselves in this war. There was equal fear, hidden by their boasts of battle cries and hakas.

"Warriors. That fear you feel? Don't hide from it! Fear is what keeps you alive. Only through fear can we be brave, through fear can we taste glory in victory! The battle to come will be difficult, it will test you to your limits! But remember, you are Bryn'adûl! We fight together, to honour the will of Khaeus! Warriors, prepare for combat! Go! Go!" They could all hear it, the numbing rattling of the Epitaph as an entire Concord fleet unleashed hell on the ship.

The Juggernauts were the first to cheer, almost not for themselves but for others as the entire infantry force broke into roars and battle cries, forming into columns and Gunboats priming to leave the Epitaph as soon as they good. Alongside that, a healthy boast of fighters as well. They would be ready for whatever the Jedi threw at them. No matter the odds, no matter the cost. This victory would belong to the Bryn'adûl.

One step closer to the truth of strength. one step closer to Kashyyk.

Anvil Command Centre
Allies present: Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Mig Gred Mig Gred Aien Mueller Bright4 Bright4 Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla | SJC + Allies
Enemies: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus | Bryn'adûl

With the troops rallied for the coming conflict, a constant vigil commenced atop the high walls of Anvil as SJC military and militia alike peered out into the darkness. Stationary searchlights positioned in each tower patrolled the exterior with their beams of lights, scanning for any signs of hostiles -- even though the Bryn weren't exactly known for subtlety or stealth.

Being an arid planet comprised of deserts and rocky terrain, nights on Sev Tok were cold, almost freezing. Granted there was some reprieve from the elements when dwelling within the high walls of Anvil, but that didn't change the fact that temperatures could dip below the freezing point during the harshest seasons. For one raised on Midvinter where anything above freezing was considered summertime, Thirdas felt right at home.

Orders were being passed around to the different units deployed all over the city from his command centre, when suddenly there was word from the guards stationed at the evacuation tunnels leading through the mountain to which the city clinged to.

"Laertia who? Nevermind, just put her on."

On the other end, Laertia Io Laertia Io would be handed a comm-link with which to speak with their commanding officer.

"Miss Io, was it? This is Lieutenant Heavenshield, in command of the city's defenses. You'll forgive me for not having the time to come see you in person, things are pretty hectic over on this side and I have a million and one things to take care of. Please state your business."

While awaiting her reply, one of his comms officers perked up.

"Commander, report coming from from our fleet in orbit! They have opened fire on approaching vessels, but so far they've counted only one vessel of note along with some support crafts. They match those strange signals we picked up earlier."

Thirdas looked to the skies above, but the darkness of night made discerning any shapes difficult, and he could see no flashes of distant explosions.

"Send word to all AA-guns that they are to keep their eyes fixed on the night sky. Tell them to report back to me any sign of ships entering atmosphere, but that they are not to open fire without my express command. Let's try and not shoot down any of our own, shall we?"
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Phase One

Post: 2

He wanted to congratulate Osam, but there was no time. Sethrak had his orders and Osam had his. They would celebrate after the battle. He was to prepare the troops for their landing, and lead them when they landed. He walked with haste, leaving the bridge to find the 50,000 troops. The ship shook from the impacts outside, but there was no damage as the shields held. He hoped they would hold long enough.

He entered the elevator leading to the forces with Galak Galak He could feel everything so vividly, he could feel the battle ahead, he could feel the emotions and feelings of the beasts around him. Ahead he felt the presence of the 50,000. Their emotions emitted like light from a sun. There was pride, anxiety, fear, lust for battle...all feelings he knew well...all feeling that were common before a fight.

As he approached the troops he heard the ending of their war chants and beats. It struck him that every one of them was just as devoted as those on the bridge. Perhaps the future leaders of the Bryn'adul were among them. It gave a feeling that he couldn't describe. The unity, those shared feelings that everyone had before a battle. At last he reached the troops, their number seemingly endless. Yet the enemy below had more. It was mind blowing, truly. He knew that The Lothal Guard and Thatzaer were further back. He hoped they would hear the message as well.

Galak began his speech, encouraging the warriors to embrace their fear. Sethrak stood in silence for a moment, observing the mass formation in front of him and allowing Galak to speak. As Galak concluded his short speech, Sethrak searched for his own words. He didn't know what to say, everyone here knew the situation. They knew the enemy outnumbered them. They knew battle, everyone here had seen it before. Finally he found the words that he felt were proper for the situation. "Brothers! You all know our job today. You know that this will not be easy. You know that this is more than a battle. It is a statement. A test. We will either perish, or we will survive and emerge stronger than ever before. The only words I have to give are these: Apathy! Balance! Consequence! Weakness! Strength! Battle! Unity!"

Every single one of the troops repeated the tenants after The young Warlord. It started off at the front, but by the word "Strength" the voices of 50,000 Drael emitted, the vibration of the words could be felt throughout the ship. Even Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus could surely hear the chant. Then it went quiet again as everyone prepared themselves for the fight to come.
In memory of our late CEO


LOCATION: Open Space

CALLSIGNS: Captain Angellus "Maverick" is and will always be "Voodoo 1", Commander Rojuh Pouil "Starlight" is "Voodoo 2" Commander Scoht Pouil "Meteor" is "Voodoo 3". Each Squadron leader makes up "Voodoo Wing", their individual squadrons and make-ups are named below.

  1. Voodoo 4(Retribution Squadron)Jackal Class Starfighter
  2. Voodoo 5(Jurat Squadron) Jackal Class Starfighter
  3. Voodoo 6(Retribution Squadron)Jackal Class Starfighter

  1. Voodoo 7(Razorback Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  2. Voodoo 8(Jurist Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  3. Voodoo 9(Fi Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  4. Voodoo 10(Prac Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  5. Voodoo 11(Tic Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  6. Voodoo 12(Alcalde Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  7. Voodoo 13(Gator Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  8. Voodoo 14(Raguel Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing

  1. Voodoo 15(Beak Squadron) RZ-3 A-Wing interceptor
  2. Voodoo 16(Jok Squadron) RZ-3 A-Wing interceptor
  3. Voodoo 17(Kers Squadron) RZ-3 A-Wing interceptor
  4. Voodoo 18(Requital Squadron) RZ-3 A-Wing interceptor
  5. Voodoo 19(Scimitar Squadron) RZ-3 A-Wing interceptor

  1. Voodoo 20(Que Squadron) Telepath-III strategic bomber
  2. Voodoo 21(M'lud Squadron) Telepath-III strategic bomber
  3. Voodoo 22(Gatto Squadron) Telepath-III strategic bomber
  4. Voodoo 23(Vulcano Squadron) Gregale-class Heavy Fighter

  1. Voodoo 24(Bulwark Squadron) Cherub Gunship
  2. Voodoo 25(Artillery Squadron) Cherub Gunship
  3. Voodoo 26(Ferret Squadron)Cherub Transport
  4. Voodoo 27(Ferret II Squadron)Cherub Transport
  5. Voodoo 28(Ferret III Squadron)Cherub Transport
ORDERS: Reading "After Action Report" of Emberlyne operation
WINGMATES: Gir Quee Gir Quee Rurik Fel Rurik Fel Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause Darth Imperius Darth Imperius Hans Rennagen Hans Rennagen

"The Ethereal" was actually en route to Ossus for pickup of Marines. The Emberlyne action was over and with the biggest problem being the Mess Hall's proclivity for "Mustafar peppers" in the Womprat chili, it was pretty much a slow Centaxday. Liram was bored, but actually enjoying the fact that he could sit in his office, just off the bridge, and read reports without any issue. He actually had time to read some of the old reports of his ancestors. That meant, in his gut that something bad was about to happen.

"Bridge to Captain Angellus."

... and there it is...

Go for Angellus.

"Sir, it's Commander Halpern, we are getting a distress call from the Antarian Rangers on Sev Tok... it's the Bryn'adul."

Without a word, without an acknowledgment, Liram jumped out of his chair and powerwalked out to the bridge. "Captain on the Bridge"... saluting all, he made his way to the center console. "Play it." Within seconds, the blue-hued holographic visage of Thirdas filled the screen.

"This is a general distress call from Lieutenant Thirdas Heavenshield of the Antarian Rangers, requesting urgent reinforcements to the Sev Tok system. We have confirmed reports of Bryn activity in the area -- I repeat, the Bryn'adûl are on their way. I say again, this is a general distress call to any and all forces in the vicinity -- we are under attack!"

Holding up a single finger, Commander Halpern knew what had to be done and started shoring up all available ships within a jump of Ossus (as they were dropping out of hyperspace just off of the planet). Commander Tantor, the ship's second officer and Chief of Security was ordering "General Quarters" and calling all Security staff to their locations. Flight Control was ordering all fighters loaded and fueled.

"Commo-Conn, contact Admiral Quee, inform him of the situation and that we are moving with a battlegroup."

"Aye, sir. Also incoming transmission from 'The Annunaki'."

"That's the Omega's ship?" Commander Halpern observed. "Are they already there?"

"If they're not, I know 'Mueller will be... Commo, put it through."

The Ship's 'Captain', Lt. Commander Jarec Adnorn's blue visage filled the screen and he offered a salute... "Captain Angellus, sir."

Returning the salute, Angellus got to the point. "You guys don't normally call. You're there, aren't you." Figuring out the truth, Liram was already getting a picture in his head.


"Captain Angellus..." Liram did consider Adnorn a "friend" as they had known each other a good ten years, but this was an official capacity right now, there had to be a sense of protocol and decorum.

"Sorry, sir. I have 'The Annunaki' on the Southern pole out of any enemy sensor capability. I do know that the Bryn are here. Right now the group is relatively small, but if we know anything about them..."

"They like overkill... alright, keep to passive recon and keep me posted of anything major. Otherwise, stick to as much radio silence as you can."


"Angellus out..." Cutting the comm, he looked at Halpern who was still confirming ship availability. "Engineering-Conn... I want to be able to get all available speed to Sev Tok."

"Aye, sir. We're good."

"Helm-Conn... game on."




Phase One
Post: 1

Thatzaer stood, surrounded by Draelvaiser. Closest to him were Warlord Sethrak's Lothal Guard. The massive warriors stood in silence, distinguishable only by their unique armor that used Lothwolf skulls as shoulder armor. The Albino Ahkenaton was alone here, surrounded by these Drael he was one of if not the only Ahkenaton in the formation.

But he was used to it. As an Albino, he never felt completely at home. There were always those that disregarded him, made him an outcast. But then there were those that accepted him, and among his own kind there were even those that followed him, believeing him to be some kind of chosen one. Maybe they were right because here he was, bringing glory to The Queen as second in command to The Lothal Guard.

Thatzaer had seen battle before, but he had never fought alongside anyone that wasn't an Ahkenaton. This technology was new to him. Very new. He had only flown with his wings, not in some mechanical thing, nor on a living creature. But here he was, in space, surrounded by what he believed to be the strongest of all The Bryn'adul. In fact, the Chieftain was here, the leader of The Bryn'adul as he understood it.

Of course he was only here because Warlord Sethrak had brought him. He needed to prove himself worthy of being here.....and that was just what he planned to do, no matter what the price.


(3rd Infantry, 666th Mechanized Infantry, 663rd Mobile Artillery, 212th Armored)


(Paladin Company)

"I need to speak with Thirdas Heavenshield. It is of vital importance that I do. I bring things to defend Sev-Tok."

The stoic voice of Beltran's old mentor came over the command battlenet, catching Beltran's attention. He'd not heard or spoken to Laertia Io Laertia Io in a few years, not since they had gone on a mission to rescue some stranded colonists on a disabled ship at the edge of a black hole. There they had found that a Dark Side artifact had warped the colonists into techo-beast monsters. It had been an interesting mission to say the least.

Beltran paused his journey along the lower most wall and listened intently, choosing not to speak until Lieutenant Heavenshield responded.

"Miss Io, was it? This is Lieutenant Heavenshield, in command of the city's defenses. You'll forgive me for not having the time to come see you in person, things are pretty hectic over on this side and I have a million and one things to take care of. Please state your business."

Beltran could hear the exasperation in the young officer's voice and he felt for the young Ranger. Circumstance had placed this far more junior officer in command of the overall defense. Beltran didn't regard it as a mistake, for he had faith in Heavenshield's abilities, but he had made it a point to keep his eye on him. He wanted to help, but he didn't want to overstep and muddy the already somewhat murky chain of command of this operation. That being said, he decided in this case to cut in.

"Lieutenant Heavenshield," Beltran spoke as he looked out at the night sky. "This is Colonel Rarr on the outer wall. If you are too busy, I am happy to speak with Master Io. I can see to it that her aid is used in the appropriate manner."

As he waited for a response, Beltran could see the forces brought by Alor Mig Gred Mig Gred moving into position alongside his own Rangers. The call was going around his positions that the Bryn'adul had entered the system and were rapidly approaching the planet.

"I have no idea if I can do this, but the Bryn don't seem to like the cold.... They'll be hitting at soon, which means we have the edge. It may not be as cold as the open desert, but it's something we can work with." Alor Gred's voice came over the battlenet. Beltran wasn't sure what the Mandalorian was talking about exactly, but he answered anyway.

"Whatever you're planning," Beltran called back over comms. "It certainly can't hurt."

Beltran then beckoned over to Major Ecks and spoke. "Alert Colonel Higgus, the Bryn'adul are in system. They will likely be making planetfall soon. He needs to finish deploying the nuclear charges and head back to the city, RFN."

"Sir," Major Ecks responded a moment later. "Colonel Higgus states that several of his vehicles have lost power. They're working the problem, but he estimates he can only move about a third of his troops. They're en route back to Anvil now."

"If the CAV's aren't working, tell him to move his troops to the surrounding mountains with Hades Platoon. We don't have time to work the problem."

It wasn't ideal, but Beltran needed those troops out of the area so he could deploy the mines when the Bryn'adul landed. And having a 100 Ranger strong force outside the city walls wouldn't hurt if he needed to flank the Bryn'adul advance. Adapt and overcome. He thought to himself as he continued his march along the wall once more.

Hades Platoon – 50 Rangers – Divided into squads and set up in observation posts outside of the city. Snipers set up to take down high value targets (Bryn officers and the like) and communicate enemy movements.

Rangers 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] Infantry – 1800 Rangers – Set up along the outer most wall of Anvil, anchoring key sections of the defense along side SDF and Planetary Militia – This is Beltran’s current location

663[SUP]rd[/SUP] Mobile Artillery – 64 Rangers - Set up inside the walls alongside other artillery units for priority fire missions as needed

666[SUP]th[/SUP] Mechanized Infantry – 1000 Rangers in CAV vehicles with minor armor support –
300 Rangers and CO currently deploying thermonuclear mines at possible Bryn’adul landing zones outside city. UPDATE: Approx 200 Rangers currently stranded due to power loss of unknown origin. Moving on foot toward Hades Platoon positions. 100 Rangers returning to Anvil. Mines deployed.
600 divided into Quick Reaction Forces (100 Rangers each), located in middle levels of city.
Utilizing Gweld-Class CAV’s for quick movements.

Paladin Company – 150 Rangers – Deployed to top most level of Anvil, all utilizing A.I.P.S battle suits in defense of Shield Generator
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Zephyr Krayt




Location: City of Anvil
Equipment: Linked in biography
Tags: Osam Osam

The day of reckoning had finally arrived and the for the first time in a long time, Jedi and Mandalorians would unite under the same banner to combine forces against the monstrous pests which plagued the galaxy. It had been an ambitious alliance; one that was not without its moments of contention and today the cooperation between the Concord and the Covenant would be put to the test as they sought to defend the helpless planet of Sev Tok.
The attack on Sev Tok had caught them by surprise. While they were always aware of the possibility of an attack within their borders, gaining control of a planet as insignificant as Sev Tok seemed futile. Still, they came.

The distress call was enough to strike fear into the hearts of even the most stoic of warriors, many of whom were scattered across the galaxy, near and far. The Mandalorian had been accompanying several Jedi and Rangers along with his own squadron of four as part of a small team that had been sent to assist in tracking and capture of a pirate group that had been wreaking havoc on a nearby system. They had been returning to Kashyyyk when they received the call.

"This is a general distress call from Lieutenant Thirdas Heavenshield of the Antarian Rangers, requesting urgent reinforcements to the Sev Tok system. We have confirmed reports of Bryn activity in the area -- I repeat, the Bryn'adûl are on their way. I say again, this is a general distress call to any and all forces in the vicinity -- we are under attack!"

Without an exchange of words and after sharing only a brief knowing glance with the Mandalorian beside him, the piloting Jedi immediately set course for Sev Tok and the conversation came as an afterthought.

"That's too close to home for comfort." The Jedi thought aloud.

"We won't let them get to Kashyyyk." Zephyr replied.

The door opened behind them and a Mandalorian clad in green armour entered the cockpit. "What's going on? Why have we changed course?" He asked, approaching the two others with a quizzical expression.

"Sev Tok is getting attacked by the Bryn. They've sent a distress signal." Zephyr informed him, looking over his shoulder at his ally.

"Oh joy." He replied sarcastically. "I'll tell the others." He told them before the door slid shut behind him.

There were a few moments of tense silence before the Jedi spoke up. "You've never fought the Bryn before, have you?" He asked, sensing the nerves in his younger ally.


He didn't want to give any indication of nerves but annoyingly, they had come to learn, that was impossible around the Jedi. The unwanted introspect from the Jedi was still a cause for clashes between the groups. It seemed a normality to read emotions among the Jedi but there was a certain etiquette to be learned with their Mandalorians allies.

Zephyr had not faced them in combat but he had witnessed the devastation they had caused to worlds and their galactic conquest of misery needed to come to an end. It was uncertain what to expect but the Mandalorian had heard stories which gave him every right to be apprehensive. The horrors left in the wake of the battles of their genocidal foes had been told galaxy-wide and now they were about to experience them for themselves.

The situation with the Bryn had been crumbling under the Jedi recently. They needed to give their all in protecting their home and those who resided within it. Beneath the nerves, there was a stoic determination. This day, they would beat the Bryn.


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The Enemy: Zephyr Krayt

Squad A (12) - Osam's Personal Squad

Squad B (13) Juggernaut Support

Squad C (22) Beast Support

Squad D (30) Logistics and Reserves
-20 Akhenaton Combat Engineers
-10 Vaydralen Centurion Vandal Reservists

For a moment, Osam chided himself for daring to utter a request directly to the Titan. He should have at least waited until the others had finished with their pronunciations of loyalty, or else sought out a desperate situation as he had done in the past when he had gained control of General Keldothera's forces. Was the internal struggle that he felt known to the mighty progenitor of their kind, or was he simply scanning over him, assessing the request before he would ultimately deny it. Osam was uncertain, but the stillness that passed between them was unnerving, even if only a couple of seconds long.

The Titan spoke of how it was unimportant where anyone came from... of how what really mattered was the inner will of a person, and what they chose to do with all of their heart. The First of the Risen was taken aback by the comment, but he held onto every word that came from Tathra's mouth as he spoke of how the determination that he'd shown in his constant struggle for glory had not been without observation. That his rise from a lowly and menial warrior to a veteran of so many campaigns was important.

Osam knew that he had paved the way for all of the Risen-Sraelvun, and he had received a significant amount of honor from his brethren as well as respect for his actions. Yet he had never once considered that the sudden addition of the newcomer races to the Bryn'adul had been an indirect result of his own rise. Were the words true? Did Tathra truly hold him in such high accord that he would at least partially base the acceptance of non-Draelvasier into their ranks because he felt that they could grow as Osam had?

His heart swelled with the compliment, a smile forced its way across his face even before the Titan had concluded. He expected now to receive the squads that he desired, but what he got instead was something far more valuable, and far more life-changing. Tathra granted him control over the systems of the newcomer races - control of worlds... a title as a Warlord.

There had never been a Risen-Sraelvun Warlord, and now he possessed an honor that even the Baedurin and Aeravalin would find envious. He would help to lead the adopted brethren: the Akhenaton, the Vaydralen, and the Ungulloi into the Bryn'adul. He would help to optimize them, to make certain that they would be welcomed - to fight for them against those who denied the will of the Titan, and to turn them into a fine tool for the Crusade against its enemies.

"I am - " he began, pausing as the true breadth of Tathra's decision began to hit him. "I will make you proud. These new races... they too shall make you proud. I swear it." He smashed his fist against his own chest-piece in imitation of the Baedurin he had fought alongside for so long, and then, when the time came, he went along with the other Warlords to prepare their fighting forces.

The others, Galak and Sethrak, were prone to speeches. He had never been a great orator, and so he did not bother to address the men with rousing cries or morale-boosting addendums. Instead, he went through more directly practical matters, stepping between different troops, and ensuring that all of their equipment was working properly and readily loaded. He rallied together his own fighting forces, directing them hither and thither and organizing them so that they would be ready to move at a moment's notice.

Finally, he came to the Vaydralen and the Akhenaton who had chosen to accompany them. There were a few Vaydralen already given tasks, but... others required direction and now that he had been granted overseership over both them and the Akhenaton, he knew that it would be imperative to bring them along and test both their mettle and demonstrate his worthiness as a leader to them. He assigned the Vaydralen warriors to serve in a reserved capacity - to watch at first, and to fill gaps wherever they appeared. Meanwhile, the Akhenaton would use their immense strength and mastery of terrain to guarantee they had solid forward barricades and defenses to fall back to at a moment's notice.

The world below, he knew, would be chilly... perhaps even frigid this late into the night. He had done his best to dress warmly, but he knew that he possessed the weakness of his Baedurin brethren to the frost. He hoped that the fight would be swift before it could incur too terrible a cost. Now, though, he knew that he could not back down whatsoever. Not in front of his new warriors, and not in front of the Titan who had granted him a privilege beyond all compare.

There was too still that matter of vengeance... of self-fulfillment. The others saw him as something greater now, but he needed to step into his role as Warlord. It could not just be given to him... he needed to earn it, and he needed to exact a cost for the spilled blood of his brethren and his own body. Osam grit his teeth at the thought, grinding them together as he envisioned snapping them into his foes.

Come cold or ice, his burning hatred would keep him warm.
Location: En route to Sev Tok aboard the Conestoga
Gear: Armor | Shoto | Lightsaber
Accompanied by: Jaina Grayson (Combat Form)
Jaina’s Gear: Vibrocutlass | Disruptor Rifle | Disruptor Pistol | Cryo Grenades (6)
Tags: Draven Eterena Draven Eterena | Open

Between the chaos of the sudden distress signal and the rush for all Silver personnel to get to Sev Tok, Starlin had forgotten all about the package until he had nothing to do in hyperspace but sit and stare at it. The box had arrived unsolicited and unmarked—save for his name—on his mother’s doorstep. She hadn’t dared open it, passing it along to him at the first opportunity.

With the ship’s engines whirring in the background and nobody on board but Jaina in the pilot’s chair, for a while he just looked at it, memorizing the shape and color of the package. Eventually though he would have to open it, if only to see what was inside...

Lifting the lid, Starlin’s lips parted. Tentatively he reached in, running his fingers over the hilt of his first lightsaber. The one he had built on Zeffo, under Syd Celsius Syd Celsius ‘ guidance, at the beginning of his Jedi training. The one with which he had killed a Padawan on Dantooine. The one which he had given to Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn in hopes it might help the acolyte survive his master’s wrath.

Well, whaddya know,” he murmured. His hand grasped the weapon, lifting it out of the box to hold it up for inspection. “Not even a scratch…

The return of the lightsaber meant that Thesh was all right. Starlin was still stinging a little from the acolyte’s rejection of him. The two had been like brothers for a time, though only so long as Thesh was afraid to face the consequences of his actions on Ossus. Starlin had known he would eventually have to leave, returning to Korriban to face the music, but it just… sucked. He considered Thesh a Jedi in denial for all practical purposes, or at the very least a victim of a twist of fate. I mean, the ginger was a goody-two-shoes who got in trouble with his master for being decent. Sure, the younglings he saved would grow up to die for the cause of the Jedi, but at least they would be able to grow up rather than die there on the battlefield. That was what counted most.

Starlin activated the lightsaber. It ignited, blue as his eyes. He swung it just to hear its signature again, that steady hum which had echoed into his dreams. And his nightmares.

Deactivating the blade with a sigh, he relaxed his stance and clipped the hilt to his belt. He’d been using a new lightsaber in its place, but it was a poor replacement. Having his original saber back felt like coming home.

A chime signaled that the ship was coming out of hyperspace. Jaina would be landing it behind the city, among the shuttles which would be evacuating civilians. Nimdok had loaned him the Conestoga and Jaina with the expectation that he would put the vessel’s fully automated medbay and the biotic woman’s considerable combat skills to good use. He intended to make the pointy-eared hobgoblin proud.

Upon reaching the designated area, Starlin disembarked, Jaina beside him. They worked their way backwards through the tunnels, using the brief period before the Bryn landed in full force to familiarize themselves with the layout. The last thing they needed was to get lost in the tunnels during an ambush. It wasn’t long before they encountered the first batch of civilians.

Okay everybody,” Starlin addressed them. “We don’t have a lot of time. The shuttles are ready. Follow us, and stick close...
<"-- we gotta fight for the Light till we're dead and gone.">

Yula winced. Dead AND gone? That wasn’t exactly what she’d signed up for.

“Laying it on there a bit thick, huh Dag?”

She wasn’t about to interrupt the inspiring speech. Not when she could practically feel the cold sweat prick the back of his neck.

Sev Tok, Sev Tok….that’s near…

A flashing red dot on the map projection reminded her that they’d be heading to the same system of his homeworld. That explained the unusual burst of anxiety radiating from the Padawan. Fortunately, she’d punched in the coordinates traced from Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield 's transmission while Dagon was calling for aid. The freighter was preparing to make the hyperspace jump.

“Help is on the way, Jawline.”

Retracting her finger from the comm button, she leaned into the pilot’s chair, head tilting back to check on Dagon. Distress was etched clearly into his features, and her eyes softened. The Bryn’adul were known for razing planets with reckless abandon, so his worry was not unfounded. This was personal enough for her given how they’d hurt her family, but she couldn’t imagine if they’d turned their war machine on Zeltros.

She reached back and placed a hand on his shoulder.

“We’re not far from Sev Tok. Whaddya say, up for a seafood dinner tonight?”

Yula flashed him a toothy grin and squeezed his shoulder, imparting the same measure of care as he had to her at their first meeting. Behind her, the stars stretched into paper-thin lines as the ship rocketed towards Sev Tok.

Allies | Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Whoever's not Bryn & Co.
Enemies | Bryn & Co.

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