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Approved Species Star Titans

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  • Name: Star Titan
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Unknown.
  • Average Lifespan: 9,000 years
  • Estimated Population: Semi-Unique
  • Description: Even the smaller Titans stick out in a crowd. They are giants from their height to physical appearance and often to strength of character. Their skin is often metallic colored and hairless besides any hair on their heads, which is often glowing or appearing as some form of living energy.
  • Breathes: Type I, but due to their natural durability are capable of surviving almost anywhere for a time.
  • Average Height of Adults: 200.8124 Meters (658'10"). 10.3124 Meters (33'10"). 2.9972 Meters (9'10”)
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Their skin color represents their power and often the content of their character/heart. Ranging many hues from metallic colors + textures of gold to copper, to chromatic colors of black to white.
  • Hair color: Its color often represents their power/content of character/heart. Luminescent or often glowing like fire or raw energy. Or even like a black smoke or billowing cloud
  • Distinctions: They are enormous and majestic beings. They are incredibly muscular and dense, making them incredible specimens of sheer physical condition. Almost as if physical perfection is an encoded part of their DNA. their skin is often metallic or chromatic colors. Their hair is often luminescent or alive/crackling with energy. They also wear cultural luminescent tattoos permanently in their skin.
  • Races:

    Salvar: Shortest of the Titans and the least powerful. Created to interact better with the shorter races. commonly servants or soldiers. Average 2.9972 Meters. (9'10” Tall.)

  • Guerrero: Among the most common of the Titans. Most often civilians or the grunt soldiers of the Titans. Average 10.3124 Meters. (33'10" Tall.)

  • Regala: The most powerful of the Titans. Average 200.8124 Meters. (658'10" Tall.)

[*]Force Sensitivity: Standard
  • Giant Physiology: Able to lift several hundred mega-tons with their immense natural strength, and the strength of the force flowing through their bodies. Their bones and muscles are extremely dense and powerful. And their bodies possess incredible endurance and stamina.

  • Hide of the Zillo Beast: There skin is not lightsaber resistant, but it's extremely dense and hardy creating an effective shield against radiation, heat, cold, energy, and often blunt and slashing damage.

  • Blessing of the Wish Plant: Their mind is awakened even at a young age. To the galaxy, a Titan is a prodigy of prodigies. Processing and learning information a hundred times faster than the most advanced supercomputers.

  • Stellar Immigrants: Once in space, a Titan can draw huge amounts of stellar radiation and solar energy into their bodies to build up their strength. Once they have collected enough strength they can enter hyperspace and travel to other planets similar to the Perrgil. Also similar to other space faring creatures, they do are not required to breath while in vacuum.
    Maneuverability Rating: Moderate
  • Speed Rating: Average
  • Hyperdrive Class: Average 2

  • Laws of Nature: Due to the Titans natural size and density, it sinks like a rock in water.
  • Watch Your Head: Their size is often a detriment when traversing the societies and structures of shorter races.
  • World of Glass: Sometimes they misjudge their physical strength and power, accidentally breaking or hurting when they don't mean to.
  • Swatting Flies: Some of the Regala Titans are so large that they appear to move slow when dealing with smaller targets. The Guerrero, while large are not so big that they cannot react and respond quickly to situations, but due to their size still have some trouble dealing with smaller creatures. The Salvar are closer to human sized and have little trouble at all dealing with smaller creatures.
  • Stellar Immigrants: Titans can only travel at hyper speed one jump at a time and are forced to rest for a day after each hyperspace jump to focus and gather their energy again.
  • The Fallen Elitist: The Titans face a very real threat. Even Titans without the force are effected by void crystals, wounds in the force, and force-neutral bubbles that can be generated by the Ysalamiri lizards. The force users connection to the force is severed completely and they cannot use the force again until they learn how to reconnect with the force. The force users that lose their ability to use the force are immediately subjected to extreme debilitating pain, both physical and mental. This pain has the potential to drive the Titan to insanity, corruption, or death.
  • Diet:
    ​Regular foods/drinks.

  • ​Light/Dark Force energy.
  • Stellar radiation or Solar energy.

  • Most poisons are effective if administered in the proper dosage relevant to size/stamina of the Titan.

[*]Communication: Spoken language: Basic Standard. Binary. Bothese. Catharese. Cheunh. Dosh. Durese. High Galactic. Huttese. Mando'a. Shyriiwook. Sith. Ryl. Yuuzhan Vong.
[*]Technology level: The Titans are galactic prodigies. They have taught centuries of accumulated old knowledge and are always adding to that knowledge as time goes on. Their technology reflects this, combining and improving on the most advanced technologies in the galaxy and developing their own. Due to the great sizes of many of the Titans and their immense knowledge and intellect, they are capable of so much more wonderful forms of technology above the galactic standard.
[*]Religion/Beliefs: They are under the belief that order cannot be achieved without their own guidance and teaching. Through the deep connection to the force of many of their kind they have become convinced that they are beyond mortals. But they always bow down to their father, and follow him without question. They worship him as a god, for he created them. They also greatly revere knowledge in any shape or form, especially secret knowledge, or secrets they have not yet learned. Like any race there are exceptions to this norm.
[*]General behavior: The Titan is a being of authority, strength, and intelligence. Almost the personification of the perfect leader. Capable of empathy, love, kindness, justice, order, friendship, and goodness. But also the propensity for anger, hatred, vengeance, domination, cruelty, tyranny, and destruction. Because of an inherent arrogance, it sees itself as the only point of true calm and order in the galaxy. Like any race there are exceptions to this norm.

The Titans are the product of the mind and will of Kuxtal.
He created them later in his life when he had already come into his power and passed an almost mortally unsurmountable peak in his abilities in the force.
Over his life he was a prodigy, he spent his time collecting the information of the galaxy, and even the universe.
Through his research, experiments, and his own strength in the force, he learned how to alter beings through the light side of the force with an extensive ritual he dubbed the "Well of Life".

The very first Titan created by Kuxtal was a loyal servant that was with him on the water planet Kamino.
A human whom Kuxtal submerged in his new Well of Life.
The ritual prepared the body of his loyal servant and began the transformation, but it required the power and will of Kuxtal to complete the process.
using the force Kuxtal began to shape and mold his servant according to his will.
The sheer power and focus this required seemed to dim even the stars in the sky as the raw will, free from any light or any darkness, was poured into a single mold.
The result was a Titan the size of a skyscraper, not even close to an equal with Kuxtal, but still powerful.
This servant went on to explore his newfound strength and power in the force, using it to great effect in service to Kuxtal.

But eventually the power went to the servants head.
He began to imagine that he could, and should, overpower his master and assert his own dominance over all authority.
He challenged his master with his new powers, demanding he be given everything Kuxtal had worked for, including his power.
Kuxtal refused, and the titanic battle resulted in the destruction of several surface and submerged cities on Kamino and even extended into space as the two titans battled for supremacy, drawing on the force as their strength and protection from the vacuum of space.
They battled for days, their only sustenance the force and the energy from the sun itself.
During their battle some reports say they both grew even further to even more titanic proportions.
When several star destroyers arrived to intervene they too were destroyed in the melee.

Finally, after the battle had laid waste to a good portion of space, Kuxtal decided to end the conflict.
He Grabbed his rogue servant, sent a titanic blow to his skull to stun him, then threw him directly at the sun.
The rogue servant, believing himself greater than Kuxtal in every way, allowed himself to be thrown into the sun and was disintegrated.
Kuxtal then emerged from the battle victorious and the power of his former servant flooded into him, Kuxtal found himself glowing from the heat and radiating with his newfound power.
But he was not pleased.
He took no pleasure in killing his servant, the only one who came close to knowing and understanding him and even sharing the burden of his task.
The technique was imperfect.
The power had corrupted the mind of his friend, he would not make that same mistake twice.
When he attempted to return to Kamino he saw that he was damaging the planet itself from the power and heat he was radiating, so instead, still protected by the force, he left for another planet where he can conduct his experiments, and give his body time to cool down in the vacuum of space.

When he found another planet he was able to land on the surface.
The mountainous terrain on this planet was ideal for him to hide himself from any locals while he practiced his abilities for many centuries.
This time he wanted to start fresh, to start new, a clean slate.
Centuries passed and he found an infant abandoned in the mountains which he took pity on and took in to care for.
He knew that the technique had a chance of killing the being submerged, so he first spent a couple of days nurturing the child and making sure the baby was healthy and had a strong will.
Then he began the process.
He transformed the little baby into what would be a copper skinned infant Titan.
Still no bigger than one of his fingers, but big enough to be a member of an enormous species.

Next came the hard part... raising the child.

In the mountains of this unknown planet Kuxtal sheltered and nurtured the child, raising him as his own.
As the child grew he could sense the power growing in him and encouraged the child to continue to develop and grow.
He taught the child from his vast and growing knowledge and intellect, the child was already a budding prodigy, and being taught and nurtured by his new father he grew up powerful, wise, intelligent, and loyal.
Kuxtal planted the seeds of a heart of gold from the moment he altered the child, and this teaching showed its fruit in the young Titans skin and hair as if his own body sought to reveal the content of his heart.
The child looked like the son of a god, with hair that glowed like fire, eyes that shone like the sun, and skin the color and sheen of gold.
What's more, the child grew up loyal and with a good teacher.
He did not become jealous of his father, nor let his own power make him corrupt.
Of course! the child never knew what it was like to be weak! how could his power corrupt him when he never knew another existence or had someone weaker to compare to! He was proud of his new son, a child baring his image, and the first of a race of Titans that were to follow.

Hidden in the vast mountain ranges was an ideal place to hide for such massive creatures, but it would not last.
Travelers began to catch sightings of the Titans as the locals traversed the mountains to reach other cities.
At first the Titans were regarded as myths, but as some continued a barbaric tradition of leaving their unwanted infants in the mountains more and more sightings became more and more common of these magnificent and godlike Titans, some that shone so brightly that they could not be looked upon directly.

The events that began to take place in the galaxy outside sent waves even to this remote and unassuming planet. Empires rising and falling, to rise once more under new leadership again and again. The Titans could not see, but they felt in the force that the galaxy was still not at peace. And as the present events took place Kuxtal knew that their time on this unknown planet was coming to an end.
He had created about One thousand Titans using his power.
And some of his children, as non of them were related except by their father, found love and relationship with their other siblings.
No children had been born as of yet, but Kuxtal began to sense that a time was approaching when this planet would no longer be safe for Titans to thrive.
So he and his children left the unknown planet, traveling through space using the force, and sustaining themselves on the force and the stars, looking for a home where a true race can be born.

The Titans spanned the stars, migrating from system to system.
They created mobile space stations which they could bring with them on their journey. A
nd when the Titans found and tamed a herd of Purrgil it made this all the more easier by harnessing the Purrgil to pull the massive structures.
From these mobile home space stations they could rest, contemplate, create, and in general have good lives in solitude away from other civilized worlds, tending their herds. Some Titans have chosen over the years to go their own ways, though it's rare for a Titan to go rogue and break the bond with his family. Just as every race has diversity, and the Titans are no different.

Hello there! I'm popping in here to let you know that Codex is currently closed as we work on the revamp. You can leave this here with no issue, and I will move it to the correct forum when Codex re-opens. We are operating under the current ruleset until that happens, so please keep in mind that unapproved species can't be used in RPs.

That's what the pre-codex forum is for, so you are in exactly the right place! Tag a member of codex staff when you are ready for live judging, and if that is before we reopen, it will be moved when we do.
Kuxtal said:
Average Height of Adults: 200.8124 Meters. 10.3124 Meters. 33'10". 658'10". 2.9972 Meters. 9'10”
These numbers seem a little out of order here. Just the Metric ones will be fine for this, but if you really, really want the Imperial measurements maybe you could go with 200.8124 Meters (658 Feet 10 Inches) or some other format.

  • Skin color: Their skin color represents their raw power and often the content of their character/heart.
You could go to provide a few examples, like reddish, pale, etc.

Kuxtal said:
[ Include a description of the species history here. If your species is genetically engineered or Sithspawn please describe the process through which they were created, by who, and why. Explain the various challenges encountered during their creation. Most galactic species will be quite old - include major events relevant to the species in how they evolved and developed into what they are today where appropriate. Including Chaos canon events, where they impacted the history of this species, is a plus. ] WIP
This paragraph seems to be left over from the Template. You could do without this in the Historical Information.

Kuxtal said:
Stellar Immigrants: The Star titans can travel the galaxy without spaceship or protection from space, able to travel at sub light and enter hyper speed through the force to reach their destination almost effortlessly.
This presents some issues, as Hyperspace isn't a safe place. And with their breathing of Type I Atmosphere, doesn't seem realistic. I'd suggest placing some hard limits on this ability. Such as it being considerably taxing as they'd have to hold their breath for the duration of travel (Which can be days) if you were set on keeping this ability.

Now, looking through this submission it is a very large, very powerful species with very few balancing weaknesses. While the sheer size of the Species explains many of their strengths, much of the language used to describe their Force affinity is on the high end of things. I'd advise toning these aspects down significantly.

[member="Laira Darkhold"]

I'm really not sure what to do about the height measurements since I am pretty much your typical American when it comes to the metric system. I had to look up those numbers by comparing them to feet, and even I'm questioning the accuracy.

Rodger that on the skin.

That paragraph IS leftover from the template and I left it up there to use as a guide as I continue to modify the history.

Their ability to travel through hyperspace. What if I defined it like what the Purrgil do? But instead of storing up a gas to enter hyperspace, they simply use the force or stellar energy to sustain them? Or even the Oswaft?

What if the Titans were similar to some of the other creatures capable of traveling in vacuum?

For their affinity to the force, the language I was trying to use was to suggest that while the force was their greatest strength, it was also their greatest weakness if it were taken away, even though that weakness may not be as noticeable to others it would be noticeable to the Titans. But I do suppose I can think up some other stuff cause having the force itself being a major weakness is shaky ground at best.

And if you can suggest some weaknesses as well, I'm all ears. That seems to be MY weakness... coming up with viable weaknesses.
So I moved this to the pre Codex while you finish stuff up, but I'm going to stick with you on this one.

The numbers are accurate at a glance. If you must have the Feet and Inches for your own reference, just put them into paranthesis. You could also go with rounding the decimals there.

As for rigging them for Force based Hyperspace Travel, I think your best bet is going to be something akin to the purrgil and space creatures, yes. I would suggest a limit on it, so that while they can, its not like they are going to keep up with ships if you are deadset on keeping such an ability. Even a Class 20 Hyperdrive is much faster than Lightspeed, but is considered slow for SW, so I might start there. Maybe also a limit on distance they can travel without rest.

For weaknesses.

Since the Force is supposed to be their greatest strength, perhaps being stripped of it would be a bit more debilitating. At the moment, even if you use an Ysalamiri you still end up dealing with a megaton lifting 3 meter giant. Perhaps lack of the Force puts them much closer to human level, causes them immense pain, maybe even being eventually fatal (in the case of long term exposure to void stone)

Big things usually also lack some dexterity and speed (Not running speed, but overall movement. Watch Godzilla, his gait is much slower than a humans), so maybe that could be worked into a weakness.

Kuxtal said:
Swatting Flies: Some (non-force sensitive) Titans are so large that they appear to move slow when dealing with smaller targets.
This seems to be moving in that direction, but is still very much mitigated if most of them can just overcome it with the Force.
[member="Laira Darkhold"]

On the sizes: Rodger Rodger... I think.

For the Hyperspace travel. I can definitely specify the limitations on this ability.

When it comes to their size and strength. I think those would be good weaknesses, but then what about the non-force sensitive Titans, since they don't rely on the force like that? I think definitely extreme pain enducement could be good, maybe even a mental deterioration or poisoning resulting in extreme corruption, insanity, loss of longevity, or death since the loss of the force could result in the removal of the gifts of the wish plant... but I'm hesitating to say this is permanent.

Or what if the loss of the force for them IS permanent? Once they lose the force, they cannot get it back similar to the Rakata? Or to make it less debilitating than it already is, maybe making it so that their connection is only severed until they learn to find the force again like Meetra Surik?

On giants moving slower: I gave the exception of force users to this weakness because I wanted to offer the larger Titans some way of combating their smaller and faster opponents, unless they can purely use the force like a weapon to combat the smaller races like the Omega beam that Darkseid uses. Unless they are able to move as fast as the Titans from "Attack On Titan", I worry that it might be unbalanced in the smaller persons favor.

In fact, I really like the way Darkseid fights in Injustice II and I've actually gotten a lot of inspiration for the Titans from Darkseid, Thanos, Apocalypse, and Galactus. Darkseid fights very composed and uses his Omega Beam which can be guided in any direction. if the larger Titans had an ability like that that they can guide around their enormous size to combat the "flies", then I would be more willing to expand this weakness.

Sorry for the late reply here.

Sizes look good enough to me.

For NFU Titans, being near Void Stone, Wounds in the Force, and the like could still be debilitating, even if to a lesser degree since they don't make as heavy a use of the Force. It could be worded in such a way that the FU ones are effected Worse since they are so ingrained with it.

It's rare that the Loss of the Force to be permanent, but if you wanted to explore that perhaps something along those lines would be neat.

As for the slowness, that's fine. I'm just offering suggestions overall. I get your intent as for the speed and such, and for the smaller ones it makes sense. Looking at very large people, they aren't freakishly slow or anything. For the biggest ones, I'm personally inclined to suggest the bigger they are, the less the dexterity. The main reason this got moved to Precodex was so you could finish up the WIP sections.
[member="Laira Darkhold"]

I think so. The Titan homeworld is still WIP, but the link should work after it's finished, right? or do I have to get that completely done first?
Kuxtal said:
​Image Credit: https://www.pinteres...20258410052943/||https://www.pinteres...20258409913699/|
Two of your links here are broken, please fix them.
Kuxtal said:
Origins: Colisium
This should probably be linked to the Planet Sub.

Should be it for the housework. Let me know when you've got that done and We'll pass this along.
[member="Laira Darkhold"]

Nothing I do is fixing the links. I don't know if I'm doing it wrong or just don't know what I'm doing in general. Both are likely to be true.
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