Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved Species Star Titans

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Try Using the Link button and Text such as [Image One] to link it in. Some times the link function has difficulty with a ton of special characters.


[member="Laira Darkhold"]

Tried that for both of them. It's not working. Since the URL is there does it HAVE to be a link? the URL still takes you to the site, it's just not as convenient.

You are still missing one of your image sources (the one for the Silver Surfer). Try this Link for that. In the future, when posting URL's try posting them each on different lines. It'll help.

Once we add in that last Source, we should be okay to move this along.
[member="Laira Darkhold"] | [member=Kuxtal]

I have been following along the progress of this species and the things affiliated to it. I want to thank Laira for spending so much time on it.

Here's my conundrum. On the one hand the Codex has gone through the last revamp specifically to allow people to let their creativity run wild. I am okay with really strong powerful species. With the new rules it would be okay if these guys were a bit overpowered.

The issue is that they aren't overpowered.

They are gods. I understand that you have some language here and there that says they just resemble them, that they aren't fully-fledged at the same power, etc, but honestly that is just semantics. In the wider context of the board and the setting? These guys are the closest thing you will get to godlike creatures. Plus their tech level is apparently bordering on the Celestials. With that in mind these guys break two Chaos rules:

  • Your character is not God, he is not immortal and he is not invincible. While you're providing your character strengths, be sure to provide him weaknesses as well.
From the Character Creation Rules.

Banned Items
Banned Items are not permitted to be used in canon role-play threads on Star Wars RP: Chaos without the explicit permission of the SWRP Staff Team.
From the Restricted Materials List in the Factory.

I understand that you want to have this really powerful species. I empathize, but I am not gonna stamp that in its current form. I am going to need you to significantly lower their abilities and make them more on par with the species of Star Wars. No mention of gods, creating planets or utilizing the Force with no limit or exertion whatsoever. They can be higher than Galactic Standard in tech, but they can't even come to approach the Celestial side of things.

If you disagree with my judgement feel free to request a second chance.
[member="Jairus Starvald"]

I am addressing similar issues with the planet of the Titans. Coliseum. As I mentioned in regards to that, the language I am using in refurence to "gods" is from the POV from an outsider trying to explain it in terms that the current galactic society would comprehend its magnitude. Really, all I'm trying to create is stories with the "Superman dilemma". I really don't care how advanced their technology is so long as it makes sense that a race of prodigies developed it. And still, even though they are on a genius level of intellect, most of them were human at one point.

As far as your judgement goes, I cannot disagree about the use of the term "gods" and that can be fixed.

As far as making a planet goes, I'm using this as an antithesis to what the dark emperors so commonly use to destroy planets and everything on them. The focus is so often on the destructive side of the force that people underrate the creative and healing side of the force. Jedi used to use the force to heal the economy on entire planets, what if we took that and used it on a larger scale from a being powerful enough to pull it off? Force users also have used the force to fuse the components of their lightsabers together on a molecular level. So just taking these two abilities and having them exercised by a powerful being on a grand scale doesn't seem like such a stretch to me.

And from what I remember of the actual story behind the Chaos galaxy, the technology to rebuild planets has been discovered and used to restore many planets in the galaxy that have been destroyed in the past. I figure that anything technology could do, the force could do better.

I understand your rationale, seeing as I read your response to the planet submission. As I mentioned I empathize with what you are trying to do here.

The issue is that all of this is too much for a roleplaying environment. Even with the fact that its an outsider perspective, looking at this from an OOC point of view, these guys are gods as far as the setting is concerned. I will need you to make sure the language is from an OOC perspective for ease of determining how intense these guys are.

I am going to refer you back to my initial post in terms of what you need to tweak/change/downgrade. No matter the logical side of it, I won't be able to pass a species that can create planets and similar feats, because that is strictly in line with how we categorize the Celestials. However, you could sub a Lore/media submission latter on, where you detail a myth of origins so to speak. That is the best I can do for you in this situation.

You can always request a second chance, if you disagree.
[member="Jairus Starvald"]

Okay. I'm willing to nerf them down quite a bit actually. This whole project was started because I just wanted to make one character and I ended up being required to make a race for him, so I thought I would go the extra miles as well to see what I can get.

Can you explain what asking for a second chance does? because that makes it sound like you're failing my post until I ask for permission to change it, Or I have limited tries to get this right before it gets failed. But I don't get the feeling that that's the case, so can you clarify this?

I originally planned for the Titans to be a unique race with only one member with no home world. Inspired by characters like Thanos, Darkseid, Apokolypse, and Galactus.
For the race, I'm willing to make them purely nomadic space faring beings. Maybe like the giants from Skyrim, but taking care of herds of Purrgil as they travel through space? Maybe some minor space station like constructs that they bring with them to rest and build a mobile society with technology and that stuff?

And just kinda a thought I had... I know that as a judge you're supposed to make sure we don't make anything too powerful... but I wonder if there is a point where you guys will say "okay, that's too weak. fix it."

I am stepping in here.

A second chance is asking for a new judge because you do not thing the current judge is following the rules or being fair.

Your intentions of 'Like Thanos or Galactus' are not appropriate PCs for Chaos, and that alone is above and beyond the scope of this RP outside of NPC villains for board wide events.

Right now the species doesn't work as you have it. You can make the changes you've been asked or I can deny this.
[member="Irajah Ven"]

Alright, I think I made the necessary modifications to the post.

It's not my "intention" to make these Titans like Darkseid, Thanos, and Galactus. These supervillain characters were what "Inspired" me to make my original character, Kuxtal. It's not my intention to make dark gods or celestial entities. I'm sorry if that was not communicated very well, but I'm not in any way trying to break the lore of Chaos or make some unstoppable creatures (their weaknesses show that they can clearly be stopped.), I'm just exploring the possibility of a Titan race, and Chaos is one of the best mediums I have right now to explore those options.

I need you to remove:

and nearly magical forms of technology that other races couldn't even dream of.
We're still in Celestial tech territory with this language. Above galactic standard, fine, whatever Factory says is cool, but remove this bit.

I also need you to remove where he goes into a sun and survives. Canon uses that sort of thing to destroy super weapons- your character is neither a god nor a super weapon, as both are not allowed on Chaos.

I am going to approve this now. With a caveat.

This submission is painfully over powered. We have not required edits beyond what was clearly against the rules of the board, because we no longer work primarily from a balance standpoint. If this submission is abused and reported, balancing will not be a suggestion, but a requirement. If the species is treated in RP like the gods they believe they are, especially in PvP scenarios, there is a good chance this will end up reported and pulled. Actually go toe-to-toe with an SD in an RP and we'll be back here again.

Neither of us wants that.

Use it responsibly.
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