Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Star Wars Chaos : The New Generation


Micah gave the Defel a bright grin. While he couldn't quite see her, the lack of a particular smell suggested that the sonic shower did Vexen some good. He gave the brush a flip and then caught it midair, the next second handing it over to the Defel.

"Here you go." he would offer. "Do you need anything else?" he would ask her, giving a small yawn. A hand went running through his mop of light brown hair, pushing it away from his eyes. It was as if having a stranger in the ship was of no issue. Granted, considering his family, this made sense.

Rubbing his eyes with the heel of his palm, he shone her a small smile.
[member="Micah Talith"]

Vexen's nose went towards the floor and her left left foot twisted back and forth on the spot. "Erm, you don't...there isn't a mirror is there?" she asked, abashed. Keeping her fur in good order was a practical matter, but there was also a streak of vanity in the small pup. Only she could see the colouration of her fur, though it reflected light in the visible spectrum under a bright ultraviolet light. The boy had an easy-going attitude that just seemed so....alien to her. It was hard to reconcile for the wraith. Her existence had been hiding, stealing and running - usually in that order. She'd never been the subject of someone else's generosity in this way.

“Oh yeah.” Micah said a second later, as if the thought barely registered to the younglin. He gave a sheepish grin, “Sorry about that.” he excused himself, wandering over towards the small console that would shift and move the refresher into the wall. It would flip and turn noiselessly, until the flat panel of a mirror would show itself and settle once again as the wall slid into place.

“There you go.” Micah told Vexen, “I normally just brush my hair, but Maleah can take her time braiding hers --- well when mum sits her down.” he told her, “Aela likes to sit down and brush her hair all the time though.” fingers ran through his own messy mop.

“Mine just … kinda stays. Far easier to handle…” he said ruefully, crinkling his nose as if he couldn’t stand to sit down for too long.

“Did you need anything else?” he would ask her, “If not, I can go finish up our food.”
[member="Micah Talith"]

"Tha's okay," she said quietly. What was that word they used again? He'd said it himself not long again. He jaw moved as she tested the feel of the unfamiliar words on her tongue. "Thank you," she said quietly.

When he was gone, the defel parked herself down in front of the mirror. For a while she just sat still, bright eyes observing herself in the mirror. There was a slow, shuddered breath outwards. So much had happened so quickly. She was still just a young child. All she had was her box of memories, her squalid room and her routine. They kept her anchored as she weaved her little path through time, focused on nothing more than survival.

The events of the last day easily overwhelmed the small creature. Her view of the world was through a tunnel vision shaped by her own unique interpretation. Just this glimpse into a wider reality perturbed her delicate sensibilities. Her paws gently shook.

So she brushed.

It was an integral part of her routine. The sensation of the bristles running through her damp fur drew out the anguish as readily as the tangles. It was a good brush, she reflected. Better than any she had 'borrowed' before. A good ten minutes of brushing and her paws and heart were steady again. To her eyes there was a sheen to her fur she rarely saw. Yet she quickly brought her forearm up to her jaws and gnawed on a snag she'd missed.

A nose would appear through the door, twitching back and forth as she sniffed the air. Vexen always paused at corners. Part of the routine. You could never be sure what dangers lurked around the next bend.

"What yer made?" she asked as she stepped into the galley.

Micah shot a glance over his thin shoulder, and gave a wide smile. "Some Nuna eggs and Bantha sausage." he told her, moving to scoop half of each into their own respective serving plates.

"Go ahead and sit down," he would suggest, moving to take the dirty pan and clean up after himself by placing it in the sonic washer. If anything, his mum drilled in him to make sure he cleaned up first before eating. Otherwise food would go everywhere!

Half humming, he took the two plates in hand. The bare pitter patter of feet would bring the tiny Talith over to the nook area. There, he placed a plate for Vex and one for him.

"Lemme go get forks." there were already another two cartons of juice that Micah had set down earlier.
[member="Micah Talith"]

A bright pink tongue would snake out and slide across damp lips. The colour was a stark contrast against the deepest black of her fur. The defel almost ran to the table, vanishing underneath it before popping back up in front of a chair. She typically ate from the floor or her lap, generally somewhere down a back alley or out of site in the gardens of the herdship. It was unfamiliar to her, but she'd often lurked late in the evening watching people sit outside restaurants eating. In fact she'd been doing so, keen eyes looking for leftovers on an abandoned plate, just before she met Micah.

Lips smacked as she watched him get utensils. Fresh hot sausage and eggs; her stomach rumbled. After the shower and brushing the fatigue had started to set in again but had been quickly forgotten when she caught the scent of the cooking meat.

When the fork was placed next to her plate she looked at it suspiciously. Bright eyes turned to Micah to watch how he used it. Her healthy right hand grasped it and prodded awkwardly at one of the sausages.

Micah plopped himself down on his seat, and just like his mother, eagerly began to shovel food into his mouth. His form was lacking, but when one was hungry, one didn't really go over the bits about proper decorum.

Legs would kick under the table with a lazy flair, and Micah would munch on his food. Curiosity sparked in his orange eyes as he saw her struggle for a moment. "You can use your hands y'know." He said with a friendly suggestion, a crooked grin as he himself took one of the sausages between his forefinger and thumb, taking a bite out of it with a mischievous grin.

Maybe that would make her feel a bit better?
[member="Micah Talith"]

Vexen's maw moved towards her chest as she gave a low nod. "Thanks," she sighed. She snatched a sausage off the plate with her jaws. Then she recalled what Micah had said about eating too quickly. For an awkward half-second her eyes met Micah's, half a sausage protruding from her mouth. Vexen looked back down at her plate, abashed, and tore half the sausage off and put it back down.

"You seem pre'y relaxed roun' strangers," she observed suddenly, a moment after swallowing. She didn't really make much conversation, much less have an appreciation of table manners. It was hard for her to reconcile his relaxed body language and attitude around a complete stranger in his own with her own experiences. Down in the Hidden Places there wasn't enough to go around. Rival gangs of lost children fought bitterly for the territory they claimed. People didn't share in the world Vexen was from. A world she was beginning to realise was just outside the periphery of something much, much larger.

Tiny feet would continue to swing in a mental jig.

"Mhm," Micah affirmed the observation, chewing on his sausage then licking his finger. "Mum says there aren't no strangers." he told her. "That everyone is connected by the Force. So no one's a stranger. Just gotta trust in the Force."

He flashed the Defel a greasy grin, his lips covered with the slight film from the sausage. "Just a lot of people you can know more about." it was rather odd thing to say, but certainly explained why the younglin was so personable.

"You're Force sensitive too right?" he asked her, curious. It was faint, but it was there.
[member="Micah Talith"]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Vexen had come a distant second best in her battle with hunger. The eggs and sausage had vanished from the plate with great haste. There was a brief wave of nausea to punish her gluttony. Meals did not come freely, she was used to wolfing down food when it became available. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]“Strangers dun’ tend to be so nice to me,” Vexen whispered. “I tried,” she sighed, thinking back on some of the occasions she had tried to converse with others “Only one person really speaks to me.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Her head cocked to one side, one ear up the other flattened down. “Force sensi...sens’tive?” she asked.[/SIZE]
Staar's ship was in orbit. He turned on the ship comlink. "Requesting permission to land." He waited a moment and then the comms flickered back "Request granted, sending coordinates now." Staar landed his ship in the spaceport and made his way to the nearest cantina, concealing his light saber in his robes.

Micah popped a forkful of Nuna eggs, taking particular attention at a yellow bit that caught against his lip. He sucked it up with a slight shwp noise, and he gave a silly grin.

“Don’t drink your juice too fast then.” he advised her, his mother’s chiding on his tongue. “If you lay real still it can go away,” he referenced the upset tummy in turn.

“Oh, mmhm.” he told her, getting his second sausage and bringing it up to take a bite. “Y’know... “ his face would scrunch in concentration as to how to explain this to her.

“Like…the energy field that is everywhere; everyone has it. Everyone is connected by it. It’s a sense. Invisible, but there.”

With a smack of his lips and a lick of his finger, he once again began to idly float the last bit of his sausage in the air.

“And you can use it to do things with it. Or feel things. See things. “

Choli was at this said cantina. The name was the "Patient Ithorian," which begged the question on what sort of cantina this was. Were there even any patrons? Made one think of some kind of new age, organic smoothie shop to be honest.

However, it wasn't so. Just a regular cantina without too much of a crazy ruckus. Likely due to the patience of said Ithorians.

At any rate, Cho had ordered a Juma Juice for the present time and she was waiting on her Nuna Niblets lunch order.

"Here you go!"

"Thanks," Choli said, just as her plate was set down in front of her. Finally! With a grin she began to enjoy. As she did, she let her gaze pan around the cantina. Taking in the patrons, she would observe who was around for now.

There was some hologame going on.

Ah. Huttball.

Rotworms were winning.

Hmm. He was new.

Well lots of people were, she supposed. None the less, Cho kept eating. She watched the man get up and leave. Well we all have things to do. That was the thing about Ithor, they saw a lot of travelers. So close to the Sith was sure to make people uncomfortable. The Ithorians tried to keep it as peaceful as possible, but there was only so much one can do.
[SIZE=14.6667px]Vexen screwed up her face as she tried to consider this. She was just...well she was who she was. She took a few careful sips of juice. How had he known she was feeling a little queasy for eating too quickly?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]“Like that light you made?” she asked. “I can’t do tha’,’” she said. Her mind carried on its little train of thought. She thought she was quite good as solving problems, but they typically revolved around navigating through the Hidden Places, or finding some way to distract someone so she could take the items that Rajik liked her to collect. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]“Wha’ else can you do with it?” she asked.[/SIZE]
“Yep!” he told her, mouth still full of food, but quickly swallowed. “You can learn tho.” he would inform her, much like he did in the past with his mum.

“Lots of things.” again he smacked his lips, wiping at his mouth with the back of his hand. The mop of dark forelocks fell over his forehead, tickling his lashes so that he had to keep tossing his head to the side.

“Umm…” he thought hard, his face scrunching. “I can find people.” he would inform her later. “I’m good at that.”

As evident by how he had managed to keep up with the Defel when she ran.

“And hold my breath for a long time!”
[SIZE=14.6667px]“Oh,” she would reply plainly. She mulled this over for a few moments. “I thought you found me ‘cause you was some kind of monster,” she admittedly sheepishly. “Bright eyes in the dark...a bit scary,” she said, making a rather large understatement. She’d been petrified. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]She took a noisy sip of her juice. “So you think I could do that...if I learned?” she asked.[/SIZE]

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