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Star Wars - Episode VII: The Force Awakens

Connor Harrison

I get so worked up with these annoying 'Everything Wrong With...' vids. BUT they are amusing at times when they're not picking on a film I feel nothing much is wrong with! :D

Half of these are all nonsense quirky things anyway, not making much of a point.

Except 3P0. ;)

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
I am one of the few who hated Episode 7. I thought it was trash, better than Episodes 1 & 2 and the acting was better than all three but that isn't saying much.

SFW demonstration of how Disney made their money on Episode 7 from nostalgic fans like myself​
[member="Spirit of Darth Vulcanus"], I'm with you on that. I didn't much like Episode VII when I saw it in the theater, and I like it less and less the more I think on it. Acting was decent, but the plot was just plain awful. Not sure if anything short of a return to the original EU canon can fix it. At least get rid of some of the stupid names. I mean, Kylo Ren? Really? And don't get me started on the First Order crap, or Supreme Leader Snoke...Ugh. Just ugh.

At this point, my headcanon is that Episode VII was never made, the movies stopped with Episode VI, and the old EU (at least up until Fate of the Jedi and the introduction of celestials) is still the true canon. Oh, and that Karen Traviss finished her books on the Mandolorians and Clone Troopers, and that remained canon as well.

Aerin Kath

Sentinel of the Outback.
really, you get mad about the names?
eh, who am I kidding all starwars names are pretty ridiculous when you think about it. I for one like all the movies and I like all the EU AND THE NEW CANON.

everybody has their own opinions though, so it's not like you can get mad at me for that, nor can I get mad at you guys for disney making current canon into a bad thing for you.

[member="Darth Skygge"], [member="Ludolf Vaas"], [member="Spirit of Darth Vulcanus"] .

can't we all just agree that SW is awesome?
Jacen and Jaina Solo, Ben Skywalker, Corran and Mirax and Valin Horn, Iella Wessiri Antilles, and Tycho and Winter Celchu will forever be better names than Rey and Kylo and Finn and Poe. No question in my mind.

And while I actually really liked Daisey Ridley's portrayal of the character Rey, it would have been a lot better if they'd just named the character Jaina. I mean, that's the character she's playing, pretty much. Same attitude, same abilities, same no-nonsense, I'm-not-a-damsel-in-distress incredibleness. Just a crappy story instead of something really good. And they could have done something really good - it's not like they didn't have the material for it.

*shrugs* Oh well. It's water under the bridge at this point. I still keep my headcanon.

And yes, the concept of Star Wars is awesome. Lucas had a good concept. Of course, he then had to go butcher it, and Disney skinned it and hung the carcass out to dry...

Aerin Kath

Sentinel of the Outback.
[member="Darth Skygge"] -

because Jabba the Hutt isn't completely ridiculous, and skywalker isn't a completely weird name

let me remind you that you can see it as this,the new canon is one timeline and your head-canon is your timeline, instead of getting salty and as a result getting me salty be happy that starwars is still here and not some cult film that no-one has heard of.
[member="Darth Skygge"]

The Force Awakens was awesome. Saw the premiere of it at the theater in my town everybody went nuts. I'm a huge EU fan all the way but I think their is hope for the post ROTJ canon for sure. After all with Kylo Ren and all I think he was heavily influenced by Darth Caedus,and will hopefully become the next Sith Lord. Maybe your opinion will change with episode VIII but to each their own I guess.

But if VII was an EU film I would have loved to see either Thrawn,Darth Caedus or my favorite sith Darth Krayt,but everyone is entitled to their own opinion so please let us not fight over just one film in the start of the sequels. I'm sure it's going to get better.

[member="Aerin The Lost"]

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