Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Star Wars Episode VII Wishlist

Darren Onyx

Daxton Bane said:
Heresy! Oh the inhumanity! How could you enjoy the prequel? The Emperor should have tested the Death Star on Naboo if only to get rid of those pesky gungans.
Dude.... just no... I agree with Tegaea though. If you enjoy them then go ahead ... but that wont stop me from saying you aren't a nerd. You are a fan. A Fan of Star Wars likes the Prequels. A Hardcore Fan likes both the Originals. A Nerd loves both. I think both have their ups and downs. I am a nerd. >.<

Akaan'ade Be'Solus

Found the best gif for this thread.

Akaan'ade Be'Solus

They get chained to Jar Jar Binks forever, and may never leave Naboo. The worst punishment of them all...

Akaan'ade Be'Solus

If I've got things like that in my head, I'd probably make a good sith. Which is what I usually RP in Star Wars, but y'know, I wanted to try something different.

Darren Onyx

I could have sworn Zeno-loving heretics were blown out the air ducts and sucked into space where they slowly die and eventually have their heads expload.

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