Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Star Wars RP's "Who would win in a fight?" thread

Alatar Istari

Darth Sidious cause I don't know who da other dude is. (I really think that Padme would win against Kyra but you know, my thinking)

Kyra vs Xander Blackmoore
(Loyal slave against Sith master)

Puppet Kyrios

Depends on my mood and if I'm going insane or not (better chance when insane and blood crazy)

Hmm.................................................... Us? Or Vulcanus if Asteria gets punched in the face

Kyuubi said:
The poster above me vs Ice

Deio and Dahlia Leafwalker

Yea you'd win and not Ice, unfortunately

Umm......... You?

Darth Maul vs. Darth Vader
Dance fight!


Cheshire Shi'ido
[member="Kyra Tendal"]


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