Valiens Nantaris said:
Unfortunately, the lag time at Casino World, the galaxy's slowest chase, Snoke's wasted potential and general character stupidity on all sides made this still unfortunately less than perfect.
Regarding the Snoke scene, in all fairness Palpatine does not get much more characterisation in the original trilogy. His scenes in ROTJ amount to little more than him cackling, gloating and urging Luke to give in to his anger. He doesn't come across as a great manipulator, just a smug snake.
Then when he fries Luke, Vader turns on him and he dies a rather humiliating, comical death. The prequels gave him more depth, history and characterisation, but if we were to judge him by the original trilogy alone, he would be rather one-note.
But Snoke suffers because he is essentially just a Palpatine copy. Just another cackling, megalomaniacal overlord who brags about how everything is going according to plan, and then gets betrayed and dies an embarrassing death. Except that his apprentice is extremely lame. Like Palpatine, he also has a superweapon that gets blown up in the first act.
Hopefully the novels that will inevitably be written don't try to turn him into some sort of all-powerful darksider who's 'way more powerful' than Palpatine. He just strikes me as an ex-lackey of Palpatine who got treated in a dismissive way by his boss and is now trying to compensate.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]