Fabula Cavataio said:
One species is biotic, and that species is the least populous out of all common species. Human and Turian biotics are incredibly rare. Force sensitives were only "exclusive" so far as we heard about them in the movies. The EU establishes a huge plethora of non-Jedi/Sith traditions that had hundreds of members in their numbers, which leaves the figures quite skewed towards SW once again, especially considering exactly how much more powerful the Force is than the psionic/mutant ability to alter mass with your mind.
SW wins in magic.
I don't doubt that the Force is much more versatile when it comes to what it can do, but there are some things Biotics can do better, and over the long run, the Force isn't going to last against them.
Biotic Barrier: Similar to a kinetic barrier, which is extremely common throughout the ME military forces, and the only equivalent in SW is Tutaminis, which is a rare ability to use when against blaster fire and lightsabers. Lightsabers can't stop a shot that is composed of both energy and material components, such as a pistol. Yes, they can melt it, but it's still a moving object that will pass through the lightsaber, now at that point a very hot metal. Both Biotic and Kinetic Barriers stop all manner of objects, with options to reenforce one protection over the other. Since SW focuses almost exclusively on particle technology with blasters, all ME has to do is protect mostly against blaster bolts when fighting long range.
Biotic Lift, Singularity, Throw, Warp, and too many others: Different applications of moving objects, so they aren't too much different from the classical Force Push and Pull, but their multitude of abilities by ME3 make them such that while you have better control with the Force, Biotics are more creative and destructive with it in close range combat. Over long range, the Force beats them hands down.
All that aside since the Force will beat them on an individual basis, what I'm pointing out is that in the long run, it doesn't matter if they do. According to the Star Wars Wiki, the galaxy holds upwards of 20 million sentient species. Honestly, I think it is more like 20 billion, because with an entire galaxy in a setting like this and with what's going on, you are definitely going to have more than that on just Coruscant alone in my opinion.
Now take Thessia, the home planet of the Asari: they have a population of over 5.5 billion by itself. Take into account the rest of the galaxy, we're looking at about 10 billion, just to be conservative. Let's say 10 percent don't develop their Biotic abilities; that leaves 9 billion that do. Every Asari studies in the military at some point for some length of time, an average of about 30 years, a very small span of time compared to hundreds of years, so all of them have at least the minimum training expected of them. Let's say that 1 billion are Asari Commandos, or we could lower that to as low as about 100 million.
Going under the information on the Star Wars Wiki, ME severely outnumbers SW population wise. If we say there are 20 billion instead in SW, ME still outnumbers because of the combined population over their entire galaxy. Biotics represent a good about 10 percent of their combined military. SW doesn't come close to having 10 percent, more likely to say 1 to 5 percent, if they send absolutely everyone.
The Force is awesome, but they're kinda screwed >.>