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Approved Starship Starfighter / Interceptor : Ashwing

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  • Classification: (Starfighter / Interceptor.)
  • Length: 15 meters
  • Width: 5 meters.
  • Height: 3 meters
  • Armament: Extreme
  • Defenses: Low
  • Squadron Count: None: 1 |
  • Maneuverability Rating: Very High,
  • Speed Rating: Extreme.
  • Hyperdrive: Links: Hyperdrive Hyperdrive 1.0, Backup Hyperdrive 4.0, Hyperdrive Ring 0.1

Offensive Equipment

Shields List:

Utility Equipment


Comfort and Luxury Enhancements

Navigation and Visibility Enhancements

Sensors and Assorted Components

Engine Components

Other Systems

Landing and Docking Enhancements

  • Magnetizable Landing Gear: Advanced system with variable magnetic strength for secure docking and landing on metallic surfaces.

Agility and Speed: The Ashwing shines in agility and speed, making it excellent for dodging enemy attacks and engaging quickly in battles. Its design focuses on outmaneuvering opponents, suited for fast-paced combat scenarios.
Hyperdrive Ring 0.1: Possesses a link-able hyper drive ring. (Comes apart and can easily be destroyed if stationary)

Vulnerability in Defense
: Its major drawback is its low defense rating. The Ashwing relies on avoiding hits rather than absorbing them, meaning it can be at risk if outflanked or overwhelmed by enemy firepower.

The Ashwing is a high-speed, agile starfighter designed for Braze, equipped for both combat and luxury. It's a two-seater with an additional slot for an astromech droid, enhancing its operational capabilities and navigation.

Cargo and Consumables: It has minimal cargo space, mainly for essential equipment, supporting short missions. Consumables are enough for a week, catering to the pilot and a passenger.

Crew and Passengers: Built for a pilot and a passenger / co-pilot, the Ashwing offers luxurious seating and advanced personal amenities, including an entertainment system and climate control for comfort during flights.

Defenses and Armament: Though it prioritizes speed over heavy armor, it's equipped with a comprehensive suite of defensive shields and a diverse arsenal, making it effective in quick strike missions and capable of evading enemy fire, but unable to withstand overwhelming fire power.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Braze Braze

Very cool ship, and amazing art again! However, I have some concerns about the Low defences rating. What you wrote here that is Very High or Extreme, not a low in such small ship. All of the shields, Sensor Jammers, Electronic Countermeasures etc. are part of the Defences rating. You wrote several shields, armour platings, flair, jammers, etc. So I would like to ask you explain in the sub why this system is Low, or modify the rating, or you can remove elements from your sub.
Braze Braze

Very cool ship, and amazing art again! However, I have some concerns about the Low defences rating. What you wrote here that is Very High or Extreme, not a low in such small ship. All of the shields, Sensor Jammers, Electronic Countermeasures etc. are part of the Defences rating. You wrote several shields, armour platings, flair, jammers, etc. So I would like to ask you explain in the sub why this system is Low, or modify the rating, or you can remove elements from your sub.
I've removed:

I think in general it's built to withstand hard crash landings. But unable to take a lot of fire if it's hit.
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