Darth Vulcanus
Better than other-other space Kaiden

Stargo Defense Enterprises
Welcome to the Stargo Defense Enterprises Electronic Store Front; the galaxy's first in fast, easy delivery.
Prices are separated into easy to understand categories
(NOTICE: price categories assume that the buyer is purchasing only a single unit of the given item)
Cheap: Almost anyone working a paying job can afford it. Light Blasters are most commonly found in this range.
Moderate: You'd have to be working a well paying job or being sponsored to reasonably afford the item. Lightly armed/unarmed craft are usually found in this range.
High-Moderate: Usually newer technologies that cost a bit more than the earlier counter parts, but still affordable to the well off. Advanced Starfighters and more heavily armed ships are usually found in this range
Expensive: Only factions or rich individuals could afford the item. Large capital ships or highly advanced droid/vehicles are usually found in this range.
Capital Ships
- Sartinaynian-Class: A small, maneuverable blockade runner with a decent armament (High Moderate)
Heavy Cruisers:
- Hades-class: The Hades-Class is a fast moving ship able to brush off those pesky proton torpedoes after a quick stop at a shipyard to replace its unique "Snap-on-snap-off" armor plating. (Expensive)
- Geonosian Dreadnaught Battlecruiser: A Geonosian made Battlecruiser with a heavy armament (Ession Exclusive) (Expensive)
Sub-Capital Ships
- Vampire-Class Droid Starfighter: A droid fighter capable of shuttling a passenger (High Moderate)
- Banshee-Class: A fast, maneuverable interceptor, perfect for a personal craft to ferry you around the galaxy. (Moderate)
- SD/FI-01 Warden Interceptor: A blast from the past that combines the appearances of old TIE fighters with new technologies. (High Moderate)
- Scavenger-Class Droid Interceptor: A droid interceptor capable of grasping things with the cutest little claws ever. (High Moderate)
Service Droids:
- Silly Sally Temple Droid: The Silly Sally Temple Droid is a service Droid optimized for the defense and services of Force User Temples. It has a fun personality and moderate defensive capabilities. (High Moderate)
- Wacky Willy Service Droid: The Wacky Willy Service Droid is a maintenance and janitorial droid programmed to maintain cleanliness and work on electronic work within buildings and starships (Moderate)
Droid Mechs
- Colossus Mining Droid (non-combative variant only): The Colossus mining droid is a massive mech designed primarily to dig for precious metals on planets and astroids. (Expensive)
- DSD-II "Dwarf Spider Droid": An upgrade of the old confederacy's Dwarf Spider Droid design, equipped with high intensity lasers, a chain-gun and grenade launchers. (Order over five units limited to Ession Reformation personnel) (Expensive)
- IG-227 Mk II "Hellfire" Droid: Another upgraded variant of an old wardroid, this mobile artillery piece is capable of unleashing hails of direct and indirect missile fire. (Orders over five unit limited to Ession Reformation personnel) (Expensive)
- DRD-1 Phantom Recon Drone: A lightly armored recon drone that is capable of light assaults on enemy positions. (High Moderate)
Droid Soldiers
- B-36 "Warbug" Sapper Droid: A wardroid equipped with heavy firepower, mainly for use against armored targets. (Orders of over 100 units limited to Ession Reformation Personnel) (Moderate)
- B-4 "Super Clanker" Droid: A wardroid equipped with heavy armor and multiple weapons. This droid can tear through whatever you need it to. (Orders over 100 units limited to Ession Reformation Personnel) (High Moderate)
Droid Transports
- Meteor-Class Droid Dispenser: A dispersal unit for droid forces that acts in a similar manner to a drop-pod used by organic infantry. (Orders over five units limited to Ession Reformation Personnel) (High Moderate)
Ground Vehicles
Sniper Rifles
- M120 SASR: A heavy anti-material sniper rifle capable of punching through multiple layers of thick armor. (High-Moderate)
Explosives & Flame Projection
- 25-15 "Ezek" Plasma Projector: A weapon that spits molten metal and is capable of burning through almost any material. Sales are restricted to military personnel of the Ession Reformation (High-Moderate)