The Redeemer
| Location | Scarif, Small Island| Objective | Confront, Learn, Grow.
There were few souls Jenn respected more than those within the Mandokarla. Glory was not found in their ranks, and yet they served the Enclave in a position often overlooked by most: looking after the cohesion of the Mando'ade. Although she was, at times, a thoroughly uncomplicated soul who sought the simplicity and certainty of the Forge and its metal, the Nite Owl viewed the Kayatr'ade and the Mandokarla as two sides of the same coin. Capable warriors, to be sure, who chose to tend to the hearth, that the Karjr, Si'kayha and Bes'kyrade may return to a place fit for them to rest. To raise their families.
Making her peace with what she had become had taken time. And yet, even now, she found herself scared of what her nature could lead to. A hypnotic song, eyes capable of seducing others, an alluring and hauntingly alien form- all of these traits were part of who she was, who she had accepted herself to be. And sometimes, she found herself struggling not to give in, to follow the desire to make others see as she did. In this, the debate in the amphitheater had brought her no small amount of exhaustion. Doubly so in the wake of the bold raid.
And then, came that question. Stabbing right into her heart, and unearthing thoughts left dormant, for her own sake. Rarely ever stirred, and yet, here was the Speaker, pushing her finger against that sore spot, giving her no choice but to acknowledge it. Her discomfort was obvious, her gaze lost in the waves as she remained quiet for a long, awkward silence... and when she spoke, her voice was strained. Fear colored her words, to be sure, but the tremble behind every word betrayed tears threatening to spill out.
"I'm scared", admitted the Ersansyr simply. "They still live. Sometimes, I remember what they did to me, what they forced me to become. How powerless I felt in that tank. And I want... to see them erased from the galaxy, to know my tormentor is truly gone. An old friend of mine, Sith as well, offered me vengeance. Told me she could find whoever had done this to me, tear their head from their shoulders... or let me do the deed myself. I don't- I don't know what I should do."