Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Stars In Their Eyes


Was it really enough?

He heard the words, heard the gratefulness in her voice. But this wasn't enough to him now, was it? Holding her like this he could feel how she felt. He could feel how he felt. This was dangerous. He wasn't as naive as before in his assumption that any feelings would kill her, but they were still dangerous, weren't they? They were still young themselves, and he still didn't fully understand everything.

He really didn't like seeing her upset or sad. Or hurt.

"Zaiya, I-"

Aris was cut off. Above, he saw the sudden shift. The Eye. He'd briefly read on it, but he didn't think it was going to happen now. The sky was a lightshow, utterly distracting. Breathtaking.

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Interacting with: Aris Noble Aris Noble

Zaiya had been so caught up in their strength training, her thoughts drifting between dark memories, Aris and his deepening concern and conflicted emotions on top of her own swirling within her, that she hadn't noticed the sun slipping away. The sky had quietly darkened, turning into a deep indigo canvas speckled with stars.

Then, without warning, a streak of vibrant blue shot across the sky, followed by a second in green. Suddenly, the heavens exploded into a dazzling display, each burst of color flowing like an ever-changing, glowing river of light.

The sudden break in Aris's voice drew her attention back to the moment. She pulled away, confusion rippling across her skin in a mix of shifting colors as her brow furrowed.

"What is it -- oh!" she gasped, her iridescent blue eyes widening as they caught then reflected the glowing meteors streaking above. The fear and anxiety that had gripped her heart moments before melted away, replaced by a sense of awe that seemed to stir deep within her. Zaiya had never witnessed anything so breathtaking, so vast and wondrous as the crystal meteor shower blanketing the sky -- an ethereal beauty that made even the grandest fireworks seem dull in comparison.


Oh whoa...

Zaiya's pulse quickened with excitement, her breath catching as her skin began to shimmer, glowing with the radiant hues of awe and delight. The pale silver of her skin shifted into a warm, rosy gold, a bioluminescent glow that mirrored the spectacle unfolding above. It was as if the meteors themselves were dancing across her mottled spots and patterns like a living glowing canvas, illuminating her with their magic. The sight was otherworldly -- like Zaiya was part of the very stars.

"So beautiful," Zaiya whispered, her voice barely a breath as she stood captivated by the display. All the while, her mind now began to race with questions. Was this what the orb had led them to? To see this? Could this be connected to the Forge? Was it another clue? The questions spun in her head, but for now, awe overpowered everything.

As the meteor shower continued, a new sight began to emerge on the horizon -- the Eye. The Dhani called it the window to the galaxy, and as it appeared, blooming in a kaleidoscope of brilliant colors, Zaiya's breath hitched again. The glowing corona, more vibrant than any star, was a living painting across the sky, an unimaginable sight of galactic beauty.

But the true revelation was yet to come. Far below, the ground began to respond to the lights above, the once ordinary gulleys and rocks now reflecting the meteor shower's brilliance. Slowly, a bioluminescent path started to appear, glowing softly, leading down toward a hidden ravine. And there, as if called forth by the celestial display, a carved rock cut temple revealed itself from the stone as the veil that hid it resonated in the wake of the light -- secret, ancient, waiting to be discovered.

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This wasn't anything he'd seen before. For a long moment, he just stared at the sky. Watched the lights, the stars that they were. Aris smiled. It wasn't the normal smile he had, where it was calm, controlled. There only because people who knew him knew how to look for it. He was fully smiling and lost in the view. His eyes reflected the lights as they flicked about. He was watching them, all of them. Every asteroid that went by he was watching, scanning.

Aris wasn't going to forget this. At all, never in his life. Without even thinking he took Zaiya's hand, squeezing it gently. He was just happy to be here, to have this shared with her. Especially with her. For once, he didn't even notice the path below either. He was just so, so excited to be here.

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Interacting with: Aris Noble Aris Noble

They stood there, bathed in the radiant glow of the meteor showers, staring up at the heavens in awe. The sky was alive, streaked with vibrant bursts of light, as if the sky itself was celebrating. Zaiya's heart swelled, not just from the beauty overhead, but from the quiet, unexpected moment when she felt the warmth of Aris's hand slip into hers.

She glanced up at him, her bioluminescent skin shifting from soft rosy gold to a turquoise edged with a warm, golden glow. What she saw made her heart skip a beat -- Aris, smiling. Not the reserved, quiet smile she was used to, but a genuine one, filled with wonder. It was rare to see him this open, this unguarded, and for a moment, Zaiya felt like this was just as much a treasure as the meteor showers above.

His emotions resonated with hers through their connected hands -- joy, excitement, and something deeper. Gratitude. He wasn't just in awe of the celestial display; he was happy to be here, to share this with her. It made her heart give a little twinge, and she squeezed his hand gently in return, her skin now aglow with joyful colors of teal, light blue, with just a tiny tint of red, reflecting her own rising emotions.

For the first time in what felt like forever, the muted, dark shades of her earlier worries were gone, replaced by the bright hues of happiness. Zaiya turned her head back up to the sky, her eyes wide with wonder as the meteors continued their brilliant dance across the night.

After a few quiet moments, she finally broke the silence, her voice soft but filled with curiosity. "Do you think this is what the orb wanted you to see?" she asked, her eyes still fixed on the breathtaking sight above. It was the only thing that seemed to fit, the only impression that made sense in a place like this.

And yet, as the sky lit up, she couldn't help but feel a tiny bit of a guilty desire that this moment was meant for more than just that. It was for them.


Aris blinked as if he'd just woken up, glancing to Zaiya as she spoke. Then, off to where she spoke about. His head tilted, as if he was still in a dream almost. But, he did seem to snap out of it as he nodded. Right, they were here to find something for the Forge. For a moment, he'd completely forgotten that's what they were here for. And that he'd taken her hand in his. He glanced to it before his cheeks seemed to turn just a bit red.

Then he let go. Not quickly, but if this was the piece of the Forge, they needed their hands free.

"Right. Yeah. Let's go check it out, before I get anymore distracted, right?"

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Interacting with: Aris Noble Aris Noble

Zaiya couldn't notice the faint blush that tinted Aris's cheeks with the meteor shower, but she felt something with their joined hands -- an unexpected flutter, a skip of warmth from him that made her breath catch in her throat. For a moment, she wasn't sure if that warmth had come from him or if it was just her own emotions playing tricks on her. It was a feeling she'd experienced around Aris more often lately, but she had tried to push it aside. Ever since he'd told her he didn't want her to bond with him, she'd convinced herself that maybe she was the only one feeling... confused.

But now, what if that wasn't true?

The thought buzzed around in her head as Aris released her hand, and the almost reluctant way he let go made Zaiya's heart stutter. She wanted to reach out again, to confirm that the emotions she'd felt was real, but then he spoke, saying they should check out whatever was ahead before he got more distracted.

Right. Right. They had a mission. Something important. Focus, Zaiya, focus.

"Yeah, you're right," Zaiya echoed, her voice a bit quieter as a blush of coral pink rippled across her skin, the glowing patterns reflecting her flustered thoughts. She shook her head, trying to rein it all in. Now wasn't the time to get lost in feelings.

She brushed a few stray strands of her long hair behind her ear and glanced toward the shimmering tracks that seemed to glow faintly in the dim light of the meteor showers. "Look, there's something here," she said, pointing to the bioluminescent trail that had caught her eye. Her heart was still racing, but she forced herself to focus on the task ahead.

"Something reacts to the light from the meteors," Zaiya added, stepping closer to examine the faintly glowing path. She closed her eyes for a second, reaching out with the Force, letting her senses stretch outward. And then she felt it -- something faint but unmistakable.

"Yeah... something's down there," Zaiya confirmed, turning to Aris as a determined look settled on her face. She led the way down toward the ravine, where they stumbled upon something unexpected: a shimmering, veil-like shield, barely visible but clearly hiding something. Behind it, a structure carved into the stone, intricate and ancient.

Zaiya stared at the hidden building, feeling both curiosity and trepidation tug at her. "Should we try going in?" she asked, her voice a little quieter now, glancing at Aris for his take.



Confusion was the worst. Aris frowned ever so faintly as he watched the path, deep in thought. For all intents and purposes it looked as if he was concentrating on the task ahead, but he wasn't. Every now and then he stole glances at his hand, where he'd just felt Zaiya's own within it. This fluttery feeling hadn't gone away. It was one of his own emotions, he could tell that much. Not her, not bleeding through their touch.


He had so many questions. Questions he needed answers to, but not who he could talk to. Maybe Jonyna Si Jonyna Si would have an answer for him on what to do with these feelings? How he could make sure he didn't end up hurting Zaiya?

"Should we try going in?"

Aris blinked as he glanced up from his thoughts, down to the path. To the ancient building that seemed to be there, hidden just out of view. Save for tonight, when the meteors were overhead. Clever. "It's what we came here for. Let's see what we can find inside." He already took a step towards the entrance, reaching a hand to touch the archway. No door, just an open path down to whatever was hidden within. A Catalyst, he figured. Without being able to feel the Force he couldn't tell, but past that barrier, past that illusion of the terrain, Zaiya would be able to feel it.

Neither light or dark, but strong in the Force. Calm and waiting.

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Interacting with: Aris Noble Aris Noble

Zaiya hesitated for a moment, glancing at Aris, unsure if they should really go inside. But when he confirmed that they should, she found the determination to walk alongside him. Good thing too, because as soon as they stepped through the entrance, Zaiya felt the distinct shift in the Force. It wasn't light, it wasn't dark -- it was just there, calm and waiting, yet incredibly strong.

As they stood there, no automatic lights flickered on to guide them, but the ongoing meteor shower outside sent vibrant rays of light into the room through hidden alcoves. The beams of light hit polished sections of the walls, which, though dusty, shimmered faintly. It wasn't overly bright, but the way the light refracted and danced along the walls gave the space an intentional, almost sacred feel.

With her free hand, Zaiya gently lifted her palm, and an orb of pale blue light flickered into existence, hovering above her hand. The light from the orb enhanced the way the beams reflected off the walls, casting intricate patterns across the chamber.

"It's like they designed this place to mirror the light," she murmured, her gaze sweeping over the walls. The polished surfaces seemed to bounce the light from one to the other, creating a subtle glow that gave the space a quiet, reverent energy.

"The Force is really strong here... but it doesn't feel like it's leaning one way or the other," Zaiya said softly, her voice echoing slightly in the still air. As she spoke, her rosy golden skin began to brighten, radiating a soft, pearly iridescence. Gentle pulses of blue and white flickered over her spots, responding not to her emotions this time but to the Force itself, almost as if she were in sync with the energy flowing around them.

"Here." She held out her hand to Aris, her eyes shimmering with the same glow. "Feel it."

Whatever they had stumbled into, it was clearly something significant. Especially once it became bright enough to see the painted carvings and murals on the stone walls.



One way or another. Light and dark. He understood the concepts, but in truth he still didn't know what the difference was on a physical level. Still, he nodded to Zaiya as he glanced around. There was a lot here that showed much of the thought process here. And yet, it didn't fit the Aldani natives. They didn't make structures like this. They were nomadic. Even the main temple for the Eye wasn't something more than natrually forming stones. He took Zaiya's hand, turning his gaze to the mural that appeared.

Surprise had his eyes widen. "The Father." He muttered. A mural of a wizened, aged figure. A being that represented balance between light and dark. If this was what neutral felt like, it would be fitting for him.

"This is Epicanthic. Does that mean they left catalysts themselves? How much was known? I- .. This is fascinating."

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Interacting with: Aris Noble Aris Noble

Zaiya could feel Aris's surprise, a flicker of confusion rippling through the Force. The expression on her face mirrored his, her skin reflecting the emotions in soft dove-grey glints that shimmered down her cheeks and arms.

"The father?" she echoed, perplexed. While Aris had told her a bit of Epicanthix culture, she hadn't heard anything about a father before. Looking around, Zaiya realized that they needed to see the walls a bit more clearly. She wanted to keep holding Aris's hand, to ground herself in the steady warmth of his presence, but there was something about the chamber that made her feel like it needed more light, more clarity.

"Hold on,"
she said, glancing around the stone, carved chamber.

"Let me see if I can dust off these mirrors. Maybe that'll help." She let go of Aris's hand reluctantly, the soft glow of her orb casting pale blue light that danced across the walls, revealing more murals as she moved. Some showed stars and distant worlds, others depicted scenes from the past, painted in the traditional style that often told ancient stories. Even one had one that depicted the orb Aris had as well as what seemed to be a giant Litch-type humanoid under the sea. Another showed some cavern with creatures with glowing eyes as if in a pack, with the figure of someone standing behind them and a glowing necklace on their chest.

Zaiya's curiosity flared as she studied them. "Do you think these murals might detail more about the catalysts you're searching for?" she asked, sending a gentle gust of telekinesis toward the first mirror to blow away the thick layer of dust. The light in the chamber instantly brightened, as the rays from the meteor shower outside funneled through small openings in the ceiling, reflecting off the newly polished surface.

Encouraged, Zaiya moved to the next mirror, clearing the dust with another sweep of her hand. Each mirror amplified the light, brightening the room until the intricate murals came into full view, their colors vibrant and alive. Even the floor had its own patterns, intricately carved, though Zaiya hadn't noticed before. There was something hidden in the designs, something they hadn't triggered yet.

She paused, taking it all in, the light making her skin glow faintly, patterns of gold and cerulean reflecting her growing sense of discovery.




"Balance. The Father, the Son, darkness, and the Daughter, light. They're three of the Epicanthic gods." His eyes scanned over all the murals, watching, learning. He wanted to make sure he knew all of this, that he could recall it later. If any of this was something that could explain what he'd found, what seemed to be connected to his family, he didn't want to miss any of it. ".. They could be. It's hard to tell what a lot of this means without knowing.. More, you know? There's just, so much information here that wasn't said before."

At least from waht he could recall. Given how he could recall everything he'd ever seen that spoke volumes on what all of this was.

His gaze pulled to the floor as that started to glow though, his head tilting in mild surprise. More of the lights? Wouldn't that mean- He nodded once. "Before anything else, lets figure this out. The Eye isn't that long of an event." He crouched, looking it over, looking through the patterns curiously. Then, touched them. They lit up on their own then, flashing bright as the pattern was revealed.

".. Okay. This is unexpected. .. I think it reacted to me?"

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Interacting with: Aris Noble Aris Noble

"Oh, so it's about the Epicanthic gods?"
Zaiya asked, her tone curious as she tried to piece it all together. "The Father, the Son, and the Daughter...balance, darkness, and light. "

The concept felt so surreal to her. Gods? They sounded as distant as the Force itself had once seemed to her when she first began her training. Her expression shifted into one of deep thought, her skin rippling with colors that reflected her confusion -- soft pearl greys and pale ambers swirling together. Lovalla had their own entity, something like a god, but Zaiya had always struggled to connect with that idea. Ever since her parents passed, she'd been distant from her own culture, never seeing anyone else worship the way Lovalla did. It felt foreign to her now.

Before she could get too lost in thought, Aris's exclamation pulled her attention back. She jumped up and hurried over to him, the same curiousity sparking in her that she'd felt back in the underwater caverns. The way this place seemed to react to him wasn't just a coincidence anymore. It had to be his bloodline.

Zaiya crouched down beside him, frowning slightly as she focused on the patterns on the floor. A soft amber glow flickered across her skin, mirroring her concentration. She could see the way the Force flowed through the room, almost visible now as dust caught in the light from the meteor shower above. It was like tracing invisible pathways that came to life under the right conditions -- conditions that seemed to center around Aris.

To test it, she ran her fingers over the patterns on the floor. Nothing. But when she took Aris's hand and pressed it to a different spot, the Force reacted instantly, swirling around them and casting a faint glow over the ancient carvings. The resonance her touch provided allowed Aris to feel what she felt as the Force reacted, confirming her hypothesis.

"Yep, confirmed," Zaiya said, her voice a mix of wonder and seriousness. "It's definitely reacting to you. It's your bloodline -- your family. It's like it's sensing the Force through you, through your touch, and recognizing your lineage."

But her excitement quickly turned into concern. Her skin darkened to shades of deep grey in uncertainty flecked with a citrine glow as she glanced up at him. "The question is, are we activating it the right way? Or are we missing something important? Does the orb tell you anything? We might need to do this in a specific pattern..."

She hoped they weren't unlocking something they couldn't handle. The Force was powerful, but ancient places like this often had rules, and those rules weren't always clear.


"Yeah. I don't put much stock in it all, but it is important to our beliefs." Were these gods real? No, he doubted it. If they were, that would only mean Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex was in fact a living god. No one he knew wanted that to be remotely true. He was just a Sith Lord with far too much power. Then again, once more something in his blood caused this place to react, to brighten and activate. This wasn't good. Why was it him? Why was it his family?

He took a breath to steady his mind as he looked about the room before he took out the orb. It flared to life after being dormant since they arrived. Lines of light shot off in different directions, tracing around the room before seeming to zero in on something in the far side. It traced around, circling almost. A door. It almost looked like it was cutting a door in the stone before the rock separated and slipped down.

An alcove, not another room. Aris's expression tightened as he glanced to Zaiya before stepping over. It wasn't even dusty within, as if it'd been sealed completely. There was only one thing in side; a bracer. Not a set, just one. Aris glanced it over.

".. Should I take it?"

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Interacting with: Aris Noble Aris Noble

Zaiya's eyes widened in surprise as the hidden alcove slid open, revealing a small, ancient-looking bracer resting inside. She hadn't expected to find something so... personal. As she peered over Aris's shoulder, her skin shifted with soft ripples of citrine and amber, her natural reaction to curiosity. Nothing about the bracer screamed danger through the Force, but that didn't mean there wasn't more to it.

Her mind buzzed with questions. What kind of tech was this? It seemed old, yet well-preserved. But was it safe for her to even touch it?

"Umm..." Zaiya hesitated for a second, then looked up at Aris. "Do you think it'll, I don't know, react badly if someone other than your family touches it? I mean, I could try picking it up and studying it. I can sense the Force, and I know a thing or two about tech." She shrugged slightly, her skin continuing to shift between warm hues, reflecting her eagerness to figure out the bracer's secrets.

She wasn't just offering to help - - she wanted to. There was something about this that pulled at her, a quiet thrill at the thought of uncovering something important, something ancient. Besides, if the bracer had been hidden this long, there had to be a reason.



Would it react badly to her? Aris glanced from the bracer to Zaiya. The idea hadn't even crossed his mind that it could bring her harm in some way. That it could bring harm in any way at that. Suddenly the fascination was filled with some dread. He couldn't feel the intent in the Force, or danger, or anything of the like. Zaiya on the other hand could. He let out a sigh after a moment. There was so much thinking involved on this.

".. Yes, but, if something feels off at all don't, alright? I don't want you getting hurt over this."

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Interacting with: Aris Noble Aris Noble

Zaiya smiled warmly at Aris, her mottled skin fluttering with shades of soft blues and empathetic bronze, a sign of her appreciation for his concern. It was sweet how he worried about her, but she could sense there wasn't any danger. Not here.

"It's okay,"
she reassured him, her tone gentle but confident. "I don't feel anything off about it. This place... it feels strong with the Force, but balanced. If there was something dark or twisted, I'd know. I think by now I'm pretty sensitive to how the Force shifts." She hesitated, her expression shifting to one of slight amusement. "Honestly, I'm more worried about the tech side of things. Like, what if there's some hidden trap and we fall into a pit, only to get chased by a giant boulder or something?"

She grinned, the image of that holofilm they'd watched together fresh in her mind -- about the Xenoarchaeologist University professor who always seemed to get caught up in ridiculous chases through ancient tombs.

"Just promise you'll make sure I don't get squished like a pancake if that happens," she added playfully, scrunching her nose and sticking her tongue out at him in a teasing gesture.

"Alright, here goes," she said, steeling herself as she reached into the alcove and carefully plucked out the bracer. For a moment, she held her breath, waiting. One second. Then another.

No traps. No sudden drop into an endless tunnel. So far, so good.

Zaiya held up the bracer, turning it in the light for both of them to examine. "Looks like we're safe. For now." She smiled, though her skin shimmered faintly with excitement. Who knew what this thing was capable of?


"Yeah. I promise." Aris was still all frowns, but, he did trust the fact that Zaiya was right. There wasn't a threat from the bracer. At least through the Force. Again, he hadn't even expected it might be a threat on the technological side of things. His brow furrowed as he practically hovered over the Lovalla. When he didn't understand something, it was probably the most stressed he could feel. Which wasn't much, but it showed as he loomed as if the cave would collapse and he'd have to protect her from the tumbling walls.

Nothing happened though. He let out a sigh of relief as he looked up, as if the ceiling would still collapse.

"Should we head back to the camp? So we can study it in more.. Peace, I guess?"

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Interacting with: Aris Noble Aris Noble

Zaiya's face lit up with excitement, nodding eagerly, only to pause mid-motion. Her eyes widened, and her mouth formed a small "o" of realization.

"Oh! Wait!" she exclaimed, her voice bright with enthusiasm. "Before we go, let me get a good scan of the place! I can use my sensor droids to record it all and get as many readings as possible."

She jumped to her feet, already curling her fingers around the bracer, while her other hand darted to her wrist cuff. With a quick motion, she activated the repulsor sensors built into it, her fingers flying over the controls.

"I might even be able to make a three dimensional hologram of this!" she added excitedly, glancing at Aris with a grin. "That way, if we ever need to study or reference the murals again, we'll have everything we need."

The droids popped out from her cuff, their tiny repulsors buzzing as they lifted into the air with a gentle hum. In seconds, the trio of sensors zoomed off to different corners of the atrium, scanning the intricate details of the murals, the walls, and everything in between. Zaiya watched them go, her skin shimmering with glowing shades of excited blues and curious ambers.

After a few moments, the droids returned, and the scans were complete. Zaiya gave Aris a satisfied nod.

"Alright, now we're good to go,"
she said, the soft glow of her skin calming as they prepared to move on.


A three dimensional rendering of this place? Aris blinked in surprise, and yet, he wasn't at the same time. He smiled and nodded, watching the droids for a moment. Zaiya was, as ever, thinking in ways he didn't when it came to technology. He just watched her, her focus and wonderment at her own droids as they scanned the cave they were in, smiling all the while.

Once she spoke up, he nodded once.

"Good. Back to camp, then. Maybe we'll be able to sit and keep watching too."

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Interacting with: Aris Noble Aris Noble

"Good. Back to camp, then. Maybe we'll be able to sit and keep watching too."

He was smiling again. But this time, it was different -- softer. The kind of smile that made the green in his eyes warm as he looked at her, and just like that, Zaiya found herself smiling back. That had to mean Aris was happy, probably relieved to have found this place and the ancient bracer they'd been searching for.

"Oh! Can we?" Zaiya's excitement bubbled out before she could stop it, her skin lighting up in a dazzle of bright colors. "I wasn't sure how long the meteor shower was going to last, but I knew this was super important to you!" Her words tumbled out in a rush, but she quickly caught herself, flushing with a hint of embarrassment.

"I mean, of course, once we're done here and get as much information as you need," she added, trying to sound more composed, her free hand coming up to grab a free tendril of multicolored hair and twirling it around her finger. "This trip is for you and figuring out the Forge."

The sensor droids had finished their scan and zipped back, clipping onto her bracelet with soft clicks. Now all that remained in her hands was the ancient bracer Aris had discovered. Zaiya ran her fingers over its surface, feeling its cool, worn texture.

"But, uh, going back to camp to look this over and catch the rest of the meteor shower would be really cool," she said, her voice softening with excitement.

Especially if she could sit beside Aris again. Just the thought sent a little spark of joy dancing down her spine and into her belly, reminding her how perfect it had been to stand with him when the first meteors streaked across the sky.

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