"Do you even know how meticulous Stormtroopers are?!" Sorr whispered back as they walked by them. The young man remained still trying to act normal but the sweat from his brow really made it difficult to concentrate especially when said sweat hit his eyes. Sorr found himself separated from Brinna and Syala as they reached the entrance. He was briefly blinded by the sweat finding himself walking into the Stormtrooper pair.
"Hey, you!" the Stormtrooper to the right shouted near Sorr. He shut his eyes and clenched his fists. "Oh no, oh no, oh no......" he said. This was it was it? Maybe Sorr can ransom himself as a noble from Alderaan, it could lessen the torture in the Imperial jails.
"Drop your weapon!" The Stormtrooper ordered prompting Sorr to reach for his Blaster Pistol. "Okay sir!" He spoke gently putting his weapon on the ground. "I'm placing my-"
The Stormtroopers weren't paying attention to Sorr, their sights were set on a Duros who was holding a briefcase. "Top to the morning to you Stormtroopers." he said putting down his stun gun. "What seems to be the problem?"
"Our scanners detected that your briefcase holds suspicious items!" The Stormtrooper barked. "Please place the briefcase on the ground in front of us and put your hands in the air."
"What the fuck?!" The Duros was bewildered over the situation. "What the hell are you talking about? I ain't carrying anything suspicious! This is discrimination against non-humans that's what it is!"
"Put down the briefcase sir! Final warning!" The two stormtroopers raised their rifles training their weapons to the Duros' chest.
"No! Unless you have a warrant, I'm not doing-"
3 blue waves fired from the Stormtrooper's rifle. The Duros gasped before collapsing on the floor. "Target unconscious," the Stormtrooper on the right said. "Bring him to Charlie Base for questioning."
"Yes, sir sergeant," Sorr watched his mouth opened in horror while the pair cuffed the Duros and carried him away from the crowd.
"Move along!" The Stormtrooper said to Sorr while he nodded grabbing his pistol in the process. He ran towards Brinna, Syala, and an old Ithorian
"Sorry I got lost!" Sorr said. "But those Stormtroopers! They just attacked a Duros for no reason and-"
The young man looked at the Ithorian. "Who's he?" he asked.
Brinna Dara