Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Statement to the Galaxy (ALL READ!!)

Kalinai Soluza

Supreme Ultimate Pirate Empress
The holonet had 337,000 channels, apparently anyway. There were strange channels on the periphery which Kalinai had not dared to go.
Now she had a choice between such luminaries as: The Jedi Apprentice, My Deathstar Rules, Dancing With the Sith, Survivor: Endor and Toddlers and Toydarians.

Needless to say Kally loved trashy programs, and sitting in the Captain’s cabin of the Flying Pineapple, she had a large screen to watch it on.
She was just getting settled in to watch Witch Way: Elimination Special live from Dathomir when….

Citizens of the Galaxy, I speak to you. I am Darth Vyrassu. I bring you a message, a message of despair, pain, suffering. The Republic has black flagged all Sith. So I say do we Sith sit back and allow that to happen? I think not. To the Sith of the Galaxy, I offer advice, become allies with The One Sith to make sure of survival. As for the pitiful republic and Jedi. Have we not destroyed you enough? You both Jedi and Republic have lost coruscaunt, the Jedi Temple burned to the ground, a sith Citadel in its place. I urge you young Jedi padawans, even those of you that are knights and masters. Is the Republic and the Jedi where you want to stand when the Sith eliminates the Republic and Jedi? They are insects waiting to be killed. That's why I am offering... One million credits for every Jedi dead with proof. 500,000 for every republic official dead with proof. What would ANY of you citizens do for that kind of money? Would you kill to give your family all they desire, to protect your family? This is an opportunity to make alot of Credits. Republic, Jedi, your deaths have been marked. If the galaxy does not eliminate you, the Sith will.

Kalinai flicked through some channels, but it seemed this clown was all that was being shown.

“Elayne! Something’s wrong with the holonet!”
Her long suffering first mate came in time to see the end of the poorly worded peroration. “Every Republic official? I mean, I reckon we could find some tax collectors to shoot….”
“Pfft, this Sith is a drongo,” Kalinai declared. “Who is this guy anyway? I’ve never heard of Darth Vassie before. He certainly sounds like the suppository of all wisdom.”
“I meant what I said…. Anyway, is this the Dark Lord? I thought the Dark Lord was just a guy behind a curtain. Who’s this idiot?”

Suddenly Witch Way came back on, and Kalinai and Elayne completely forgot about Sith making badly worded proclaimations….

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Sometimes there was nothing better than sitting on your own couch, eating a hot sauced laced nuna and bacon sandwich. Makai sat next to him, slurping down some noodle and squid dish. With Thessa still absent from the family, the pair tended to live like bachelors from time to time. Especially after a long week.

Naturally, Captain Atlantis was playing on the screen, the animated 'Hero to all Sea Dwellers' zipping around the screen.

"I DON'T KNOW, I HAVEN'T THOUGHT OF IT YET! You just toddle back to your mundane, meaningless life and when --"

The holovision suddenly changed from a cartoon super-villain to a Ceto News Network report, Mon Cal broadcaster on the screen giving a quick recap of the speech made by some Sith. Being in independent space, CNN gave a brief report and summary, along with the tail end of the footage live.

"Dad? Do we live in 'public space?"

"Nah,independent space. Don't even bother visiting Republic space....except for those platforms we bought off [member="Danger Arceneau"] . Sith space....don't even bother paying attention to them either."

"Oh." Slurping of noodles. "Are they going to turn Cap'n Atlantis back on?"

"Yeah, after the hot air is done being blown. Probably can't even use those credits, no one takes 'em. Probably isn't even credits. A nice jail cell complete with a decade of hard labor is more like it."
Orphen was sitting on the bridge of his ship when the image came through, looking to the image he seemed a little confused, but then the idea hit him, the message that was coming through was on a secure channel, to be sure, but, there wasn't anything defending it, no encryption, nothing of the sort. Wherever there was a stream of information there was a source leading back to it... it would have been smarter of the man to pre-record the message and play it back from a proxy location, but that didn't seem to be the case... the ace slicer went to work with fingers of fire, digging and tracking back the source of the vid through the holonet for the origional location of the emission.

Until he got there...

He had to break through a couple of small walls on the way, but only the kind holonet itself erects to protect the personal information of its users... of which the overall quality was somewhat laughablle, and with the sheer sum of traffic holonet was having now due to this overwhelming statement, the pressure on the system was so immense it wasn't able to put much power or effort into dealing with Orphen's sly invasion of this Darth's technology. Once he was there, he tagged the data in the deepest recesses of the Darth's system, copying EVERYTHING he could get his hands on, locations, users, if there was a connected computer with data files, automatic previous recordings from past conversations, and of course, identities of people... the whole thing was almost too easy, it was like slicing into a personal call over holonet. And with this guy broadcasting to 'everywhere' Orphen could not help but create and attempt to place a trojan of his own deep within the coding of the Darth's system to continue to upload information to the Datapack of Savant.

While simultaniously feeding the information out everywhere.

The taken information would be broadcasted using the network system which [member="Darth Vyrassu"] had used to broadcast his message, so, replicating it he would send the datapackage, folded, and attached with a letter. Though, unlike what the Darth had done previously... Orphen bounced his message through almost two dozen proxy locations which he often used on holonet in a random order as well as using his ships own encrypted Holonet computer to send it, making his broadcast almost untraceable even to the most skilled of slicers, and even then they would only hit the Savant Datapad at the end of it all, which boasted a created persona with Very base information about how the man is a Slicer for hire among the republic and member of a slicing organisation... And as the Hacker hit 'send' The files were distributed only a few minutes after, appearing as little more than a message notification on the machines who saw it, many people removing it, many people deleting it after having a small interested revalation.

To the Galaxy on a Whole.
I am Savant
A Slicer....
Be you Sith,
Or Unaffiliated.
I gift to you the location and files,
of the man you saw just now.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay frowned as she listened to the message so widely displayed. The executive order that the Prime Minister had placed was found out, it seems, and she had a bad feeling about it from the get go. It wasn't the first bounty placed on her and it wouldn't be the last. But now she had to be extra cautious as just about anyone that was desperate enough could try to cash in on it. However she had some....allies within the ranks if the One Sith. It was hoped that those ties still held meaning.

[member="Darth Vyrassu"]

Darth Vyrassu

Immortal Jen'ari Sith Emperor
At an undisclosed location Vyrassu sits and plans.


Legion is the hacking and slicing defenses up?

yes my lord, several dozen defensesare in place of the transmitters, and if they were hacked or sliced by some miracle it would be show the signal coming from tython. But again with our defenses it would be virtually and physically impossible to hack or slice them. And the transmitters are untraceable. Any tampering with them they will explode, they have been set with hidden detonators that cannot be removed or deactivated.

Good now to report back to the One Sith that the message has been sent. The back accounts are ready to be delivered upon the Death of a Jedi or a republic official. So let the chaos begin.

Vyrassu begin plotting his next move knowing that it is a FACT his location still remain a secret.
Vorhi Alestrani heard hologram rave about the Jedi, and offer a price on their head. He debated many thoughts. On one hand, he could use amillion bucks. On the other hand, beating a Jedi to death--even if a few of them probably deserved it for on reason or another--seemed like a massive waste of energy and potential. He shrugged. How was he going to get this crystal published again? Hmmm. Time to visit a dangerous person, probably. Or not. He sipped his tea. "Well, this guy has some serious ambition, and some serious money. Or he's full of it. Either way, not my problem, seeing as I'm hardly a Jedi," he mused thoughtfully, apparently unconcerned about the people around him hearing his diatribe. He smiled. "Maybe it'd be better to play a little game....heh."
Upon the bridge of the Doppelgangers Lament, Darth Erebos's personal flagship, somewhere in the unknown regions near Csilla.
The message had been intercepted from one of the news vids that were now going out all over the galaxy, showing the message clearly and unedited for all to see. The masked sith sat in his jagged throne aboard the bridge, his back leaned against the back of the throne with his hands interlocked at the height of his mouth though his mask hid his expression the waves of contempt and annoyance rolled off the being, Making everyone else on the bridge shift and adjust themselves uncomfortably. The pause would feel unbearable for some of the junior officers only recently stationed on the ship's bridge but then the holo projector that had been placed on the middle of the bridge by order of Darth Erebos exploded in a sudden burst of red force Lightning emanating from the ground. "Idiot..." Was the only words the owner of that power muttered, but the venom dripping from those words was so evident that the young woman serving as the coms officer gulped as she felt a trickle of fear run down her spine.
"I doubt he is aware of the precarious peace the one sith have made with the Republic otherwise I doubt he'd make such a bold and obviously.." Captain Pelarious said to try and ease the siths mood but the sudden growls of the Tuk'ata at either side of Erebos stopped his words in his throats. The crew had long since learned that the bond the beasts shared with their master also made them mimic his mood on occasions such as this.
"A fool is still a fool, Captain. I fear the only cure for stupidity is either a severe humbling experience or quite simply as I hope the hands or hopefully the wrath will decide... death." Erebos then said, taking full advantage of his masks distorting effect on his voice to cause the dim and inhuman near mechanical sound of it linger in the air of the bridge.
"Continue surveying the area and then jump to the next coordinates. I'll be in my private meditation chamber." Erebos then said waving his hand sluggishly, his tone and voice suddenly sounding as if he was fifty or even a hundred years older than he was, and so tired as well that it took Captain Pelarious by surprise as the weary sith stood and left the chamber his shoulders slumped and his posture told the captain he was most likely heading to his private quarters for some shut eye.
"He has been up for the passed two day's... and he probably realized the leadership of the one sith will simply let this slide given that the man is a sith lord." The captain mused to himself. The grizzled veteran held a great respect for Darth Erebos given that unlike all the sith the captain served under he wasn't afraid to allow others to try and improve or perhaps come with a diffrent plan all togehter with a higher chance of success. Not to mention his want to keep his own men's casualties at the utmost minimum and loosing more than anticipated even if it was a simple work accident that couldn't be avoided made him grimace turn numb for a while afterwards made the captain respect the sith even more but what he respected most was the cold, calculating analytical mind that Erebos possessed though to the more experienced captain it was clear it was a side of Erebos that didn't get to shine as much as Pelarious wished, it had gotten them out of some close calls before.
The defenses were a little bit of an issue, however, each of them were ultimately seen through due to Orphen travelling up the live stream of uploaded data. If the walls could allow information to move one way, it would be able to move the other. The broadcast being live was a rookie mistake, but once Orphen got through it seemed that the signal was coming from somewhere... So, the man had a couple of defenses in place, but, he wasn't dealing with the average slicer. Orphen was a Jedi, and an Adept in the arts of controlling machines, so, focusing on his power in the force through the machines themselves and using his powerful analytical mind he began to run through as many possible routes that he could fathom until it seemed that he'd paved a path through the digital blockades and that the call was coming from Tython, Tython was in the vicinity of the one sith, and it was more than likely that it was where the Signal had originated, but it seemed that it was not the location after all, as he outstretched his feelers into the greater area there was simply nothing there, no files, no nothing... a blank slate of systems which immediately alerted Orphen to the Proxy.

Using common sense, and his access to the proxy it seemed that information was still being uploaded through as the speech was being spread to the corners of the galaxy. So, tugging on the dangling thread and hoping it would unravel he continued to bore a hole to the source, reaching through with his connection to the force in much the same manner of using a mind-trick over the coms. Orphen's digital presence and ability to perceive the happenings before him allowed him to reach through with his Mechu Deru and pass through, not looking to tamper with anything he didn't have to, not uploading or downloading any information but rather, passing through undetected like a ghost in the machine using the force to part the defenses for him where he was unable to get in with a touch of his fingers.

Warmer, and warmer, as the speech continued...

'A Sith Citadel in its place....'

Darth Vyrassu

Immortal Jen'ari Sith Emperor
While some failure slicer rookie that thinks he is good was hacking the system. Legion placed a new advanced defense onto the wire and making the sources new location on coruscaunt in the Sith Citadel somewhere. Legion knew that would work but Legion added a chip in it before it was placed that would detonate, and by Legions calculations the detonator device would explode with in the next 30 seconds destroying the device and any means of slicing and hacking would be lost. The precautions have been taken in extreme measures to make sure that Vyrassu is never and will never be found. Now Legion calculated 5 seconds left to detonation.
It was a good thing that the time it took to implace a whole new defense system could take minutes for even some of the most advanced systems in the galaxy, but taking notice of him attempting to be routed through another proxy, the Jedi Padawan and Savant Programmer continued to wage digital war against his aggressor. Speeding his typing up with the neural link of his visor Orphen implemented the Aid of his Alpha Series A.I. to help with moving faster and with more precision. With the brilliance and instantaneous digital action that only a digital entity would be able to perform, uploading data and algorythms in order to brute force systems or evade around them up the stream of live uploaded information the two of them continued to cut deeper and deeper like a blade, attempting to undercut their cut-off attempt, breaching past their interception and slipping through before they had a chance to cut the two of them off... They were fools to underestimate Orphen who was now rested enough to begin truly moving against the Darth. Placing a hand on the Alpha unit, Orphen began to focus on his power in the force and empower his machine, supercharging it with his skill in Mechu Deru while he and it continued to make progress against their goal.

With their power together moving against simple machines, the force would prevail, creating holes through firewalls and safe-guarding the digital processes of Alpha as they did so.

It was at this point, simple walls would not bar them.

Orphen was not unlike a Digital spirit travelling upstream moving faster and faster as he moved closer and closer to his goal, planet after planet tearing though, limiting the location to a system and continuing to move closer as his opponent had done little to 'really' restrain him. Using his Mechu Deru enhanced A.I. as well as his advanced Ship computer to breach. The Speech went on...'What would ANY of you citizens do for that kind of money?' So Close the Jedi was almost able to taste it... the person he was trading with was decent, but he was nothing compared to the genetically enhanced Epicanthix sitting in the seat of some of the more advanced slicing software in the galaxy, courtesy of Aurora Industries and his master. To the Sith Lord's Legion, Orphen would be making jumps against them, no doubt having already tracked them down to a system, leaping ahead as he was not only implementing superior technology against them, but his dominion over machines through the force!

He would not be cast aside.
Without any further attempt to defend against the slicer, it became immediately evident as Orphen tracked the signal back past Dromund Kaas and slightly into unknown territory in the Wyl Sector, only slightly beyond the grasp of the Prime-evils' territory and nearing the fringes of both mandalorian and Silver Jedi Territory... The planet had no name on his records, but, through trade and immigration it seemed that the area was known as Dromund Vatsu... a small barely populated planet which was ruled by something between a tyranny and a theocrasy. The planet made a lot of its revenue from swoop races and gambling. In the same way as a person pinpointing the location of another person through phone call, Orphen now had the location of the Sith who claimed to be something of a leader or figurehead for the Sith, calling out for the destruction of the Jedi... That was something that simply would not do. So, encrypting a message, Orphen only now truly creating the message that he would send to the respective people who had heard the out-cry. Hijacking the channel from the Sith Lord and tapping into it at its source the Jedi would leave the tag of Savant written as a name and imbedded as letters in a unique three dimensional map in the coding of Vyrassu's system, little more than a sign to other slicers that he was there.
Orphen attempted to gain any other personal records from the holocomputer, including all conversation history sent through the core computer to the likes of the One Sith and any other details, which he was sure there was, unless it had been recently wiped... But there was little else he would be able to connect to... Though, with this information soon to be out in the open, especially to the silver Jedi whom had a reknown hate for the Sith, to know that there was a One Sith planet so close to their territory, it would only be a matter of time before the invasion. Orphen could only smile at the prospect of his friend among their ranks smashing down the door with his monolithic blade and with a single blow shattering every bone in the Sith Lords' body with the same force that hewed through the armoured hide of a Coloi... It was hard to imagine that anything would be able to defeat the potent force of the Maelibi and his sword of golden fire... But, the Sith were nothing to be trifled with.

Part of Orphen wanted to open up coms with the Sith Lord, but, by the sound of the man, it seemed that he already had a god complex that put him on par with some of the biggest megalomaniacs in the galaxy. And Orphen didn't need to deal with that level of crazy.

Though, the Jedi's safety was in jeopardy, he'd stayed in one place for too long in orbit of the planet Cathar in the mandalorian territory after his training with them, meaning it was time to move on. So, Severing all connections and turning his computer offline, he plotted a course to republic space from the helm of his Corvette class Cruiser, it had been a good days work. So, with the network which had been used to deliver the statement, Orphen sent a file following seconds after the end of the speech to all channels who would accept the file, surely few of which would, but, to those organisations who were military, and saw that it was sent from the same channel, intrigue would surely follow.

To all Peoples with Respect.
I am Savant, a Slicer...
The message which had been broadcast across all channels
came from a planet known by few as Dromund Vatsu.
The location is encoded within this message:
-encryption layer 1- [Sector R-4; east of Ziost ] -1 reyal noitpyrcne-
-encryption layer 2- [North of Dromund Kaas] -2 reyal noitpyrcne-
-encryption layer 3- [Wyl Sector.] -3 reyal noitpyrcne-
I implore action against this foe who would threaten peace.
To the Silver Jedi, the Jedi, the Mandalorians,
Even those of the Prime-Evil and the sith.
All those who sanctify life...
This moment is yours.
Be just.
And moments after it was sent, Orphen was in hyperspace... and he was gone.
Interrogation with the cultists had revealed nothing. They seemed loyal to Darth Vyrassu and subsequently, no amount of techniques that Ella had used to convince them, with all her training in Form Zero, had done nothing to help the Jedi Knight in her cause to arrest Vyrassu and bring him back a Republic court of law. Not even the Force had helped her. They had been well trained.

The projectors that the Jedi had recovered, had also revealed nothing. In one case, the projector had blown up, damaging the internal systems beyond repair, effectively making it useless. It then became apparent that the others were trapped. Securing the projectors for later on, Ella would keep them until she found someone capable of breaking in and finding the source.

Somewhere out near Cartel Space. Rayl Wilded was doing what he did best. Or was it second best? Quite frankly he was too drunk for any of that or this to make much sense. He was in a bar though. Quite a lively one. There was much rejoicing and spirit and revelry. It was quite a good time. Until this stupid broadcast came on the holo. Just as Malborbek Siss'calmurian, one of the greatest Boloball players alive was about to send another home. If every glass didn't slam down on a table in that place Ray'll would pay you fifty credits to prove otherwise.

Some git wearing a dress started on about the Sith and Jedi. Bounties and credits. It was a bad speech, and a poor move on his behalf. Rayl slid forward off his seat, knocking over his table and a ton of glasses to the floor. "You call that af flignn bounty call!!! I made teh dek of 52. Over 200 milliron credits dammit; this is nothin". Rayl stumbled about in a circle, ranting on. "Why I 'ave a mind to tell that guy to...". The transmission cut off and the Bolo game came back on. The Vandalhelm Marauders were up 4-3 on Devaron Bolo League. "What, we're losing"!? Rayl swung for the nearest person, throwing his whole body into the punch. The bar descended into a brawl that would be remembered for decades to come.

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