Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Stay With Me Goose

"Do you want me to recount how he was conceived?Or is that hypothetical?"

Judah chuckled, knowing he was being a bit of a smart ass. The burning wasn't going quick enough in his opinion. It smelt chemical, not the smell of a natural rope. At this rate, his lighter would run out of fluid before they made any real progress. He could hear the voices. Multiple, that was easy to tell. It would at least explain the tracks in the sand.


He twisted around in the net, trying to look. Eye spotted the thigh holster and he quickly realized she was 'laying' of sorts on the blaster. There was a grumble as he reached under her leg and tried to free the blaster. Problem was, her body weight was mostly on it, which didn't make it any easier to pry it out from the netting and be able to use it.

"Lean towards me. Or roll towards me. Its crunched between you and the net...I've got my hand on the worst comes to worst and these guys come I will still be able to free it once we fall to the ground."

A comforting thought.

Thessa Kai Thessa Kai
He was such a smart ass.

"I'm trying to come closer, baby," she couldn't help the low chuckle even as she heard from below.

"Well, well, well. What do we got 'ere?" The male voice filtered up to them as Thessa twisted her leg and swooped her arms around Judah's shoulder and neck, tugging herself toward him to try and shift her weight so he could get that blaster. She doubted whoever set the net were friendlies.

There was a sound of something being cut and they were suddenly free-falling downward.

Chit, this was going to hurt.

A wookie, rhodian, and human waited for them on the ground. The wookie had a nasty scar down one cheek. The human an eye patch.
Baby? Honey? Where the hell did all this come from? Judah certainly didn't remember this from their marriage. Nor did he remember this from the last few years, not that they interacted much until now. Brain racked to remember what she called him when they were younger, sweetie was about the only thing that came to mind in terms of a sugar-laced endearment.

Twenty year drought of having not even a woman even glance in his direction and now there was his ex-wife and Azula. Not that he would entertain getting back with his ex - it was more of being noticed. Wait....was he in his silver fox era? Brows furrowed as considered the possibility. What else would explain the fact that women actually wanted him now?

Wait, he was supposed to be doing something....right, the blaster. Hand curled around the object right as the cutting sounds started. The the freefall. At least he was able to angle himself so he wouldn't land on Thessa Kai Thessa Kai , but he landed hard on his bad shoulder. That was the last thing he needed, it was going to be weeks of high strength inflammation meds now.


Hand never left the blaster as they both struggled to get out of the net. Judah was able to free his hand, firing at the Wookie first.
Her hip and back took the brunt of the fall. And for a moment black spots warmed across her vision. A sharp pain curled up her chest as the wind was literally knocked from her lungs. Eyes squeezed closed as she gasped for air.

She heard a roar of pain from the wookie as the blaster bolt buried itself in its fury shoulder. The Rhodian surged forward and went to try and grapple Judah. Thessa was still just trying to breath. To get in air.

A frustrated groan left her mouth as the human male approached from the other side. That one with the eye patch. He pulled out a stungun and fired at Thessa. Still half-entangled in the net, with her lungs screaming for oxygen Thessa could only watch as the blue bolt of light came at her chest before everything went black.

"Don't damage him too much," the human warned to the Rhodian as he went to fire on Judah next.
Judah had zero idea where he was.

Last he remembered, he shot a wookie and then some things happened to himself and Thessa Kai Thessa Kai and that was about it. He rolled over on his back, feeling hard durasteel below him. Harsh lighting was above them and he turned his head to look around. They were on a ship now, in some type of modified cell. Judah could make out that they were possibly in space or at least the atmosphere ; he could make out the engines humming along just barely.

Thessa was on one side of him. He could easily see she was breathing, face contorted in pain but he didn't see anything major. Head turned the other way, he spotted the two girls they had been looking for. Sisters, if he remembered correctly.

One hand came and nudged Thessa, trying to wake her up.

"Hey, I found the kids."
Iced-azure eyes fluttered open.

"Is this what it feels like getting old?" A small joke as she forced herself to move, hands pushing off the cold durasteel plating so she could sit. Back leaned against the back wall of their holding cell. She saw what Judah saw. Just on the other side of an energy-wall. Relief across her scale-speckled face.

"Ashley, Auro," she breathed.

"Ms. Kai! We expected the worse when they dragged you two in here." It was the seventeen-year-old that was trying to put on a brave face. Auro.

Ashley hid her face in her sister's side. Thessa could tell she'd been crying not too recently. "They're slavers. How're we ever going to get out of here?" A sob within her throat.

"We'll figure it out," Thessa tried reassuring them, turning back to Judah. "Please tell me you've got some micro-ship tracker on you?" She had to wonder with Judah being such a big name in the 'verse. He'd tracked her down after she'd been missing for over five years. And she knew about the vast network of folks he had.
Groggy, Judah slowly moved into a sitting position with his back against the durasteel bulkhead. It was wise to adjust and not make too many sudden movements, not needing his head to swim violently.

Shoulder burned more than usual. The fall did a number but he could still use it. Range of motion was there, the only issue was stiffness and pain. He would just have to power through.

"Micro tracker? No. Never." His voice was a little harsh, but continued to explain. "Especially after what happened with myself and the nano droids. I don't even like large droids but microscopic ones? It's the stuff of nightmares."

Hands patted his pockets. Empty. Even his fancy lighter was gone.

"Wallet is gone too. We're going to have to rely on an old fashioned escape plan. Anyone know how many wannabe pirates are on board?"

Thessa Kai Thessa Kai
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Thessa winced and placed a gentle, reassuring hand on Judah's shoulder. The memory slowly dredging back up from the outer edges of her mind. "I forgot, sorry."

Auro looked up. "I've seen maybe five. There were three who got us on the island."

Thessa guessed it was the same three she and Judah ran into. They'd have a better shot of they could get out of this prior to the pirates jumping. Thessa hoped they were still in Ceto airspace. But she had no idea. With a grunt, she stood and paced toward the cell's energy field door.

Her head pounded and her hip throbbed but she pushed any pain to the side. A glance back at Judah. "Can you play dead long enough to get one of them inside?" The classic possum. If Judah nodded, she'd yell, telling the girls to get ready.

A small nod.

He made sure to lay on his stomach., face down on the durasteel and try to look as 'naturally' passed out as possible. Judah had to take small, shallow breaths in order to look less alive. He just hoped they were shallow enough to look as if he was very sick or very dead, hopefully dead. Letting his eyes close, he strained to hear, a few footfalls surging after the screaming.

The pirates entered, looking over the cell. One of them just shrugged, as if he couldn't be bothered to do anything. Basically he really couldn't. These were all just products to him. If they died, they died.

"Yeah, he's old. Of course something is wrong with him. I'm not wasting water or medical supplies on a dead man. Just common sense fish. He will just be a loss."

Another set of footfalls, some arguing.

"No idiot, that one we have to keep alive. Thats the rich one. We've gotta at least keep him alive til we get back to the outpost. You already know the plan ; make the ransom holovid, send it to the son. Profit. I'm sure he will pay a tidy sum to get dear ol papa back. If not...I mean, we're killing him once we get the credits."

The second one tossed in a bottle of water and hypo-spray into the cell.

"Try that."

Thessa Kai Thessa Kai
As soon as they mentioned Makai, Thessa saw red. If she’d ever had a lick of the force she was sure she’d become a sith. Controlling emotions was a bunch of garbage. As the energy field went down for that pirate to toss in the water and spray, she moved. Any aches and pains in her body were forgotten as she only thought about protecting her family.

Longing for the pirate’s outstretched arm, she swung him into the cell toward Judah.

“Kriff!! Get that low life seafood under control!” The other shouted.

Then she scooped up that bottle of water and uncapped it going toward the one who just helped. She knew Judah could handle the one she’d swing toward him.

The water in the bottle moved, forming a bubble as it launched itself firmly over the rhodian’s mouth and nose. His fingers clawed at it, trying to tear it away as he lost oxygen. Then he stumbled toward Thessa fists swinging.
The problem with Thessa Kai Thessa Kai tossing the other goon into the cell ; he was on the ground. If he was twenty-five years younger, not a problem. Joints were worn down, plus his shoulder was burning again. This was not a matter of jumping up and starting to swing. Now, he understood the point, especially as Thessa left the cell and the energy beams making up the 'bars' were back online.

So he was trapped with the goon who knew his identity.

As he was getting up to at least attempt to do something, a swift kick to the ribs. At least it put a fire underneath him to actually get up and scramble. Judah hadn't had to fight with fists in awhile, last real firefight he was in was with Azula Tindara Azula Tindara and that had been a different beast entirely. At least with blasters he could duck and cover.

The pair grappled for a moment, trading jabs and barbs inside the cell. The goon got a good hit to the side of his temple, rattling him a little and causing a stumble. He wasn't knocked out, more his bell rung a little, headache blossoming in his head.

"Thessa, blaster!"

There had to be one nearby.
She ducked a punch. Then grunted as the drowning man rammed her, her back hitting the console that opened the cell doors to the girls. Auro got up first, dragging her sister with her. Thessa brought up a knee into his groin and he went down as the last bit of oxygen left his lungs. Turning, she took down the energy bars to Judah's cell and bent, unholstering the pirate's blaster.

"Judah move," she fired at the pirate's back who was grappling with Judah.

A second later, a dark-furry arm lifted her from the ground and threw her.

That pirate wookie.

The girls screamed as Thessa dropped the blaster as she hit the floor in a painful -oof.-

Auro lunged forward, kicking the blaster to Judah.
The blaster bolt came more than a little close to him, feeling the heat as the pirate he was tussling with finally hit the ground in a slump. Things were looking up ; until the Wookie arrived on the scene. That was the one that had given them some problems back on the ground, just due to the sheer physicality that was the wookie species.

Blaster slid across the durasteel plating and he bet to grab it, firing once and just grazing the wookie's arm and it moved towards him. He had to think quick on his feet, switching to 'stun' and hitting the wookie. It caused the other to stumble and become dazed, which is when he switched the blaster back and fired twice into the chest, the creature collapsing and blood immediately pooling on the decking.

"Alright then...."

He took a deep breath, trying to stop his lungs from burning at the effort, and went over to Thessa Kai Thessa Kai , offering a hand up.

" one else is on board? I don't think. Why don't you two go to the cockpit and turn this thing around back towards the school."
Auro nodded bravely while she tugged her younger sister along as they disappeared down the corridor.

"I'm getting too old for this," Thessa moaned as she stirred from the floor and took the hand that her ex-husband offered. She would probably need a bacta soak after this and looking to Judah - he would too.

"You okay?" Hands lifted to gently cup Judah's face as her fingers brushed over the bruises blossoming on his skin.
Judah pulled back, using his good arm to hoist her up. The ship was thankfully quiet now, the two girls were going down the corridor to turn them around. He was a little concerned about dragging pirates back to Thessa's school, but he also could easily hire extra security for a few months. Thessa Kai Thessa Kai would protest, but it didn't matter, the safety of the children was paramount.

"I'm fine. A little anti-inflammation stim, some ice, and some time on the couch is all I need. If it makes you feel better I won't leave the planet until I can move my arm a little better. I'll stay in a hotel near the headquarters."

Now that she was fully up and standing, Judah released her hand and started moving towards the cockpit with her. They had to oversee the girls after all. He was certain Thessa was a good teacher, but the kids just went through a traumatic event and seeing dead bodies on the floor of of the decking didn't help.

"How are you? I'll get some security to watch over the school for a few months."
She felt the ship move and shift beneath her feet as they walked to meet the girls in the cockpit. They were in good hands. The girls were already moving them back toward atmosphere. They'd learned well. It hadn't been their fault what happened. It could've happened to anyone.

She'd report it to Ceto Port Authority once they got back. And remind her students to steer clear of the triangle no matter what.

"A hotel? Judah Dashiell. I have three spare rooms in my townhouse. Just...stay with me?" Staying in a hotel just sounded ridiculous. Unless he still hated her that much? "I promise I'll leave you alone," she added on in case it was the latter.

"And I won't say no to the Security." It was a sound idea. And the safety of her students came first. She and Judah could probably bicker about payment of said services later. Or maybe not at all. Maybe it was something she could let go.

And just let him help.

As they made it to the cockpit, she could already see Ceto fill up the viewport. At least they hadn't jumped anywhere crazy. Ashley came over and threw her arms around Thessa as they entered, burying her face into the Galan's flightsuit

"Thanks for coming to get us Ms. Kai. Both of you." Shy eyes peeked at Judah as she pulled back, wiping tears away from her cheeks. "I didn't know you were dating anyone."
"Yeah, I can stay. Didn't want to interrupt if you had company over or cramp out style. I don't know if you have a boyfriend or something similar."

Judah offered a shrug. He wasn't trying to assume anything or impose on her. Who just say hey, let me stay over at your home? It was just odd if you asked him. Rude too, no matter if they had been married once before.

Ceto was in the viewport and he took in the sights of the world. They must have just went as far as getting out of the planet and into the system. Now it made him curious if there were more in the sector or if this had been a fluke.

"Anytime kids."

Judah wanted to venture maybe they shouldn't have been alone but Makai went off at that age. Wasn't too unusual.

"Date? Nah, she was married to me for awhile but she couldn't handle how great I was. Had to turn me loose back to the wilds of the galaxy."

A bit of a goofy answer, but these were two kids he knew nothing about.
The girl smiled as Thessa huffed a small smile on her face and a light roll of iced-azure eyes.

"He's not wrong," was all she offered in response as she slipped into the co-pilot's seat next to Auro. Auro was doing things just fine and was entering in docking coordinates into the nav computer - back to the Young Fliers Hangar. "Everyone strap in please," Thessa called out as they approached the landing zone.

Auro looked at her for a moment and Thessa nodded.

"You've got it. I'm right here in case something goes wrong." The girl turned her attention back to the controls, a sudden confidence set in her shoulders.
Judah sat in the back row of the vessel's cockpit, strapping in. He would have cracked a joke about a potential rough landing but these were two young kids trying to find their bearings. It was just be cruel at this point as he watched. It struck him Thessa Kai Thessa Kai was wasting her talent all these years in not teaching. Would he have been this patient with Makai if they had stayed together?

That was nothing but what-ifs and thoughts that lay down that path, one he chose wisely not to drift down.

He fished out his comm, sending a message to the Ceto Sector Authority to handle the pirates. It was just a governmental defense force, but Judah suspected if patrols were stepped up it might scare all but the most hardcore away. Once that was finished, getting one of his assistants in hiring armed security for the school, preferred ex-military.

"Security should kick in tomorrow. I asked for some ex-military so they have more of an idea of what to look for. Plus, steadier trigger finger. Don't need one of the kids getting shot accidentally. I'll work on getting the security system ordered and installed once we get back to your place."

With the threat of pirates neutralized for the moment and the girls safely returned to their families, Thessa found herself back at home with Judah. She had two spare rooms. One for Makai, and now Myrra as well, and a spare. She'd been in this beach bungalow for the past decade or so and it was adapted to her style with hammocks out front on the porch and odds and ends she and any house guests had gathered sprinkled throughout the house, like shells, seaglasss, and pieces of driftwood.


Winding her way into the house, she pointed the spare room to Judah. She didn't think he'd ever been over before so she gave him a quick tour. "Med supplies are in the cabinet there. Kitchen and anything else, help yourself. I'm going to change and dip into the water."

He would probably remember the water was healing to the Galan.

And she hoped it would address the more serious injuries.

"You're welcome to stay as long as you'd like." She disappeared into her room to get changed.

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