Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Steel Meets Steel [Deborah vs. Vrag]


The Second Seal, broken.
Vrag watched with cold, flinty eyes as her opponent finally crumbled to the floor, thoroughly beaten this time. She let her hands fall limp, certain that she'd broken the woman for the time being. Her gaze flickered from [member="Deborah Waller"]'s bruised midriff to the bloody saliva that she spat on the dirty floor of the bar. The Sith looked up at the familiar sound of a safety coming off, and her face stretched into a derisive smile.

"And you call me a coward?" she asked without even looking at her attacker, her voice as sharp as a razor. Vrag let out a low, short chuckle at the criminal's words. "This is a fight club, boys. It's hardly fair if you run crying to your boss when you try to eat something you can't swallow, isn't it?" She finally glanced back at the woman lying on the floor and let out a quiet sigh. "Look, lady, if you can't handle a few punches, don't come here next time." It was the last piece of advice the Sith offered the mercenary before turning on her heel and disappearing back into the crowd.

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