The Fire in the Sky
Location: The Jedi Temple, Coruscant
A long time ago, in this very galaxy, the Jedi served the people in whatever ways they knew best. Mediators, investigators, peacekeepers. They became known far and wide, and in the minds of many, their iconic weapons became their symbol. The lightsaber.
Glowing, humming blades of energy. Starlight. With hearts of kyber, the blade was just as much a part of a Jedi as their own minds and bodies. An extension of the self. Many millennia later and the tradition remained, and the lightsaber retained its legendary status, wielded by the steadfast Jedi.
Lightsabers weren't the only tools at a Jedi's disposal though. Blasters, survival gear, starships, all manner of things, both technologically advanced or reliably simple. Not to mention their own bodies.
There was no more important tool in Ayhan's arsenal, if you asked him. And like every tool, it required honing. Maintenance. Hence the near endless sounds of the Firronthix's fists and feet striking a stone pillar in the training room. Ayhan had long since been banned from using the sparring droids since he typically left near irreparable dents in them. So, the stone pillar it was. Not nearly as good for training for a real fight, but ensured his fists and legs were toughened, and that his form was good, lests he be left with a broken hand or fractured tibia.
Aris Noble
A long time ago, in this very galaxy, the Jedi served the people in whatever ways they knew best. Mediators, investigators, peacekeepers. They became known far and wide, and in the minds of many, their iconic weapons became their symbol. The lightsaber.
Glowing, humming blades of energy. Starlight. With hearts of kyber, the blade was just as much a part of a Jedi as their own minds and bodies. An extension of the self. Many millennia later and the tradition remained, and the lightsaber retained its legendary status, wielded by the steadfast Jedi.
Lightsabers weren't the only tools at a Jedi's disposal though. Blasters, survival gear, starships, all manner of things, both technologically advanced or reliably simple. Not to mention their own bodies.
There was no more important tool in Ayhan's arsenal, if you asked him. And like every tool, it required honing. Maintenance. Hence the near endless sounds of the Firronthix's fists and feet striking a stone pillar in the training room. Ayhan had long since been banned from using the sparring droids since he typically left near irreparable dents in them. So, the stone pillar it was. Not nearly as good for training for a real fight, but ensured his fists and legs were toughened, and that his form was good, lests he be left with a broken hand or fractured tibia.