Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sticky Politics: Nar Haaska ((PM if you aren't in the faction and want to join))

Krest rubbed his chin a bit before nodding to @[member="Sophia Walsh"], CC-935 Bluejay, and @[member="Oron"]. "Sophia of course. Bluejay and Oron both have the ability to cloak there presence. It'll be useful." One he picked, he moved up beside Calico, peering out at the city from under his rag mask. "We'll go for the shipping company, think you can handle his home?" @[member="Commander Calico CC-247"]
Oron had no quarrel with being drafted to Krest's team, although he didn't know much about Krest or the rest of the team, the infiltrator wouldn't argue. Krest saw fit to utilize Oron and Bluejay's invisibility, hopefully the tactics revolved around the usage of the two would prove to be rewarding. A nod of agreement resonated from Oron to Krest before he gave his arsenal a cursory glance. He seemed to have everything he needed on his waist.
She nodded at the plan. It seemed a solid idea that would work. It seemed that the new Grand Marshal did know what he was doing. She hadn't doubted him before however was just curious. As a strategist she wanted to see what he had up his sleeves was all and it seemed like he knew what he was doing which good. Sophia was along for the ride and be apart of it not lead it. It didn't surprise her when Kest chose her as she training with him after all. It only made sense as of the other two she didn't know them but she had no issues working with anybody.

@[member="CC-935 Bluejay"] @[member="Krest"] @[member="Oron"]
Well, not so much ability as fact, but close enough. Bluejay thought, keeping her mouth closed. She knew very little about either Krest or Oron - although she was fairly certain they were Force-users, therefore most likely Templars. Krest was probably Knight-level or he wouldn't have as much responsibility, therefore Oron was either an Apprentice or a Knight. Either option was entirely possible. Sophia she recognized from her own him in the Confederacy Military before the formation of the Dread Guard, so the other woman was the one Bluejay would probably put the most confidence in, operation-wise.

@[member="Oron"] @[member="Krest"] @[member="Sophia Walsh"]
"I've never been one to shy away from searching through a man's personal effects." Calico mumbled in reply to Krest. The Skiff set down in the middle of a trading square--accompanied by a motley crew of vehicles all arriving to trade, haggle, and steal before the day was done.

Calico strode down the landing ramp with a slight hunch: he was certainly one to get into character. The Commander spoke under his breath into a tiny comm unit imbedded between his teeth. "Everyone else is with me. Check your datapads for the prime locations...Krest, get in undetected. Pose as a Rebel, or whatever you like. All others, fall in."

Sanna was a bit surprised by Krest not choosing her. She assumed that, given what they went through the other day in the city, he'd want her by his side at all times. But then again this was a chance for her to show him she could handle herself. As such she had a more proud face as she walked up and took a spot in front of @[member="Commander Calico CC-247"]. She gave a little salute and said "Reporting in, sir." as more of a joke than anything else.
Well, that was one way to blow cover. Then again, this one looked younger, Calico would let it slide. No one was looking anyway; all the locals were too busy drinking, selling, and other things the writer couldn't put down in a public thread to notice. He shoved his hands into the pockets of the cloak, and raised an eyebrow.

"With me, Adi'ka? Alright, try not to eat anyone." He reached up to scratch at his beard, a slight smile on the Marshal's face. The remark was about her fur, and the tail, all the cat parts. Whether she took offense o not was her choice.

"This should be relatively simple. I'll shut down the security mainframe for around eight seconds before the firewalls push my system out. In that time, we storm the house, lock it down, jam their signal, and slot everyone inside." It was gruesome work, but that was how things had to be. "And no stealing furniture. It's happened before. Sofas do no fit well in a Larty."

@[member="Sanna Legra"] @EveryoneInMyGroup
Well, that was one way to blow cover. Then again, this one looked younger, Calico would let it slide. No one was looking anyway; all the locals were too busy drinking, selling, and other things the writer couldn't put down in a public thread to notice. He shoved his hands into the pockets of the cloak, and raised an eyebrow.

"With me, Adi'ka? Alright, try not to eat anyone." He reached up to scratch at his beard, a slight smile on the Marshal's face. The remark was about her fur, and the tail, all the cat parts. Whether she took offense o not was her choice.

"This should be relatively simple. I'll shut down the security mainframe for around eight seconds before the firewalls push my system out. In that time, we storm the house, lock it down, jam their signal, and slot everyone inside." It was gruesome work, but that was how things had to be. "And no stealing furniture. It's happened before. Sofas do no fit well in a Larty."

@[member="Sanna Legra"] @EveryoneInMyGroup
Okay, this sounds simple and clear. Calico takes down security, jam their signal and put everything in lock down mode and kill everyone. No sofa stealing? Hmm, never heard of that before but seems legit and stupid as well. I mean who would steal a sofa unless it had a value. Canal made sure his pistol was loaded and took off the safety of it, in discrete. Man this outfit made him look like a hobo. Ripped up jeans, dirty white shirt, and the jacket looked like a hand me down cause it did not fit him and it looked pretty worn out. "Let's over with this."

@[member="Commander Calico CC-247"] @[member="Sanna Legra"]
Krest motioned for the others to follow. A shipyard shouldn't pose that much of trouble, specially if he could get the guards to think of them as rebles. Perfect chance to test @[member="Sophia Walsh"]. @[member="Oron"] he didn't know much, but he figured he'd be able to help affect the minds. But it was the clone he was most interested in. He motioned to @CC-935 Bluejay, pointing ahead. "Take point for now. Out of the three of us I think you're better suited for it right now."
"Where would you like me," her gaze went to @[member="Krest"] whom was the leader of this little mission. She didn't want to step on his toes and take charge like she was very good at doing sometimes or rather all the time now. Sophia was sure that he had a plan of what he wished for the group to do and was was ready for whatever he wished her to do. Part of being a good leader was knowing when to follow such as now.

@[member="Krest"]@CC-935 Bluejay
Things were going as expected. The Monitor knew they would. They always did, and always would. Nothing was beyond its prediction, and nothing was beyond its influence. The spider droid chassis it now inhabited was more than fitting for the current task.

It knew that the CIS had deployed covert forces on Nar Haaska. It knew the targets those forces would push for, and it knew what needed to be done. The droid's green photoreceptors glistened in the golden glow of the planet's setting sun as it transmitted a very clear message to the rebel leaders.

" organics. Split teams. prime detonators at warehouse." A simple click in the back of the droid's barrel shaped chest indicated that its message had gone through. It leaned over the ledge of the massive building, staring down at the tiny specks that were sentient beings, going about their daily business.

The CIS force moving toward the warehouse would be dealt with personally...those moving toward the house would have a very different surprise indeed....

@[member="Sophia Walsh"] @[member="CC-935 Bluejay"] @[member="Sanna Legra"] @[member="Krest"] @[member="Zius Aurus"] @[member="CC-117 Canal"] @[member="Oron Verd"]
Bluejay nodded once and increased her pace so she walked in front of her group. Her head was down and she moved carefully - as if expecting someone to jump out at her at any minute - but her eyes moved constantly from side to side.

@Krest @Oron @[member="Sophia Walsh"]
Krest waves @[member="Sophia Walsh"] closer. "You're with me. We're a couple of beggars trying to get a handout from the warehouse. @[member="Oron Verd"], I want you to tale @[member="CC-935 Bluejay"]. Take care of anything that happens along her tail. Stick to the shadows with her, and when I give a signal, assist in dispatching any of the guards. Quietly." He continued to the warehouse, the gears in his mind grinding. He had a basic plan, but you never know what could go down.

The Warehouse came in sight. The building itself was like most everything else on the planet. Rundown, broken in places. But the two guards at the front stood out like diamonds. They were both suited up in high grade armor and handling some high grade weaponry, and they weren't friendly.

Two younger beggars walked up to the gate, the two holding up their hands. It was clear they were hungry, starving even due to how bony their limbs were. But it didn't stop the guards from kicking them away. Literally.

"Oi, take ah look at this'un. They got all 'em bones n' such." "Ah bet theys got 'em fleas. Fleas n'ticks!" "Fleas n'ticks!? Get outta hea' yeh gutta'rats." Guard one proceeds to kick one of the poor saps in the chest, sending the girl flying. Two roars out into laughter before hefting up his gun. "Ah say we kills'em. Put em out of da missery." One didn't need much more goading.

Krest patched into the coms quickly, a frown on his face. "Kark the plan. Take em out."
Bluejay kept walking right up to the point of pretending to trip, drawing the blaster pistol from her boot while she picked herself up, and wheeling around to squeeze off exactly two shots. One in Thug One's face, one in Thug Two's face.

@[member="Krest"] @[member="Sophia Walsh"] @[member="Oron Verd"]
The two go down, but the shots themselves weren't so quiet. A third guard who was taking a leak just around the corner called out. "Oi! Chu two doin' ova there? Boss said not ta be killin!" There's a rustle as the man hurries to get his armor back on and get around the corner, but from the sounds of it the armor wasn't his for very long. "Ansa me damnit!"

The two beggars took off right after the first shot hit. Luckily, they weren't about to make a scene when they knew that they were about to be killed. They snuck off into the distance, leaving the two dead guards, well dead. Krest rushed his way over to one of the downed guards before waving @[member="CC-935 Bluejay"] over. He whispered through the coms so as not to alert guard number three. "Someone deal with that third guard, then take their armor. We're going get ourselves some new outfits."

Plan B. Hopefully they won't need another.

@[member="Oron Verd"], @[member="Sophia Walsh"]
Bluejay nodded, making a mental note to bring a silencer on the next mission. Blaster shots were loud. For Thug Three, she used the knife instead, slipping behind the distracted guard and slitting his throat. Quickly stripping the mercenary/guard of his armor, she wrinkled her nose when she put it on. "I guess bathing isn't on their list of priorities." She muttered, gagging silently.

(Edited. Sorry Oron, didn't think it through.)

@[member="Krest"] @[member="Oron Verd"] @[member="Sophia Walsh"]
From a crouched position, Oron watched as Bluejay dispatched the guards. The first two met their end by way of blaster to the cranium while the third fell prey to an unsuspecting execution. Oron saluted her learning curve mentally as he moved to join in donning the clothes of the dead guards. Within moments, Oron was down to his armorweave bodysuit and thereafter began to fit his doner's clothing. A brief moment passed where Oron looked at the hole in the poor sap's face where Bluejay fired her handle, and after realizing he didn't actually feel anything he reached down to snatch the helmet off of his head and after a quick inspection placed it on his own. Hiding his lightsaber in his right pocket, he picked up the guard's rifle and proceeded to mimic a straight-backed military posture. The wolf moves among the sheep.


@Krest @Sophia Walsh @[member="CC-935 Bluejay"]
Calico simply strode on toward the house. It was rather standard, one in a long row of middle class homes. Green grass grew on the front lawn, and the building was a welcoming olive color. The Commander could make out two stories from where he stood. "Alright, keep this simple. Canal, on my left."

The trio continued approaching the house. Children were playing in and around the streets. All in all, it looked to be a simple, nice evening. The building--the target of the trio-- however, looked eerily quiet. The Commander pulled back his hood, revealing his short cut hair and the thin beard that helped identify him from the other soldiers. He walked right up to the door, and knocked. answer.

"Ma'am." He motioned toward the cat-woman. "See if you can climb into a window around back, maybe unlock the door? If not, Canal and I will have to breach it."

In the middle of a quiet little neighborhood like this, breaching subtly was simply not possible. People would hear.

@[member="Sanna Legra"] @[member="CC-117 Canal"]

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