[SIZE=medium][member="Kian Karr"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]I sat in the corner of the room where my Master was meditating or whatever, tossing a small pebble from hand to hand. The original plan had been for us to meditate together, but after five minutes I couldn’t stop fidgeting. So, instead, I gave up and let the Kel Dor sit there and do his own thing. Boring as it was. The view was pretty, though, if one was into that sort of thing. Which I was not.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]A couple days ago Karr had asked for me to accompany him for some crystal-hunting on this far-begotten planet, Praxeum. I immediately said yes, more out of a need to get out of the Temple than it was a desire to look for rocks, and packed my stuff up in record time. That then allowed me to administer a dose of AV which I hoped would suffice until we got back. But, if nothing else, I could always raid the medical stores. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]Despite my potential death by nonactivity, though, I kept my mouth shut and struggled to keep my thoughts as much to myself as possible. Was it out of respect for Karr? Maybe, but it was also to prevent the possibility of being reprimanded like a little kid. Or just reprimanded in general. I was still making up my mind about which it was when Karr stood up out of the blue. One glance out the window told me what had the man up and going, so with a grin of relief I leapt up and followed him to the hangar. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]Of course, the pace at which the Kel Dor walked meant we were way ahead of the shuttle that was, to my understanding, stuffed full of Jedi. Oh, joy. Of course, that though prompted a rather comedic image of a bunch of folks squeezed into the shuttle like sardines.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]Stifling a chuckle lest my master ask what I was thinking about, I stood beside Karr and mimicked his pose. Of course, that became dull after two seconds, so I instead crossed my arms, hunched my shoulders, and affixed a scowl to my face. To any outsiders, I would appear to be as PO’d as a rancor who’d been told he couldn’t be prom queen. That is, if rancors wanted to be prom queens. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]Still bored with waiting for the shuttle to get to the hangar, I let out a loud sigh. A heartbeat later, that was followed by a louder, more exaggerated one. Eventually I just broke the silence. “Double Kay, do you think the shuttle’s moving slow because the ship’s conserving fuel, or because there’s too many of those Jedi aboard?”[/SIZE]