Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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stone robots

[member="Levy Willamina"]
"Ok Bulwark? oppen fire."
Kami chuckled as the droid oppeneed a salvo of blanks and depleted Laser rounds. slap off the rocks around the two.
" Looks good to me. can't aim for poodoo but it isn't suposed to."
[member="Kami Meran"]

They were both surprised as the droid was shooting around them with a lot of luck for her to be able to see. The droids aim was terrible but they could maybe fix that but she was uncertain about it, she was uncertain about mmore of what her sister would want to test with the droids but Levy was speaking when she took a long drag of the cig for a moment before letting the line out from her mouth. "That was terrible, we need to make sure it will at least hit things by accidents... we do have a reputation to uphold after all and should be able to ast least do that." Lyna prepared herself for some though when they were moving around to look at the droid in attack mode. "Still is impressive though. "

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